Chapter 175

The moment Shu Liang saw these eyes, he thought of the wolf in the jungle and the eagle in the night sky.

With unruly wildness.

That's why she picked him at first glance.

Although he deliberately concealed it, he couldn't escape her eyes, including his small movements of quietly exposing himself to the light to attract her attention.

So she was actually a little surprised to see him behave so obediently.

"Li Yan." Shu Liang spoke slowly, calling his name.

When these two words came out of her mouth, it always felt very nice.

Li Yan has not yet fully adapted to the new name, after hearing her voice, he was silent for two seconds before realizing that she was calling him.

He was a little dazed: "Huh?"

Shu Liang smiled and reminded: "You have something to say just now."

"I..." Li Yan stared at the unrestrained smile on her face, and his mind went blank for a moment, as if he didn't hear what she was saying clearly.

The silver ring next to it is really hard to see.

She always felt that Li Yan was dawdling, hesitating, and deliberately dragging on for a long time before finishing a sentence, just to attract the general's attention!
Hmph, so scheming!

She glared at him angrily, "The general is asking you something, why are you in a daze?"

There are no rules at all! ! !

Li Yan came back to his senses, blinked very slowly, his trembling eyelashes were like butterfly feathers about to fly, casting a small shadow, when he spoke, he unconsciously lowered his head slightly, the corners of his lips drooping, his pale complexion revealed A little pitiful, said in a low voice: "I think, I don't deserve this name."

Yinhuan was stunned.

Ai?Why do you suddenly feel that he is so pitiful?

Could it be that her tone just now was too aggressive?Why did Li Yan look like he was about to cry?

Yinhuan grabbed the hem of his clothes and twisted his fingers a little uneasily, turning his eyes cautiously to observe Shu Liang's complexion.

Shu Liang was a little surprised.

It's just a name, it means auspiciousness, and it sounds nice, isn't it enough?How can there be such a thing as being worthy or not?

What has this child experienced before to be so inferior?Even changing the name to a slightly better-sounding point is so disturbing.

Li Yan also didn't know why, so easily blurted out the true thoughts in his heart to this first time meeting person.

He thought, this name is too heavy.

It bears thousands of miles of territory and the future that countless people are looking forward to, and how can a person like him, who is born with sins and is not expected by anyone, deserve such a name?

This is defilement.

If such a beautiful wish cannot be realized because of this, how can he bear such a crime?
But for him to give up this heavy "burden", Li Yan felt inexplicably reluctant and unwilling.

After all, it was her name for him.

He said the hesitation in his heart, which is equivalent to handing over the choice to Shu Liang.

After all, she knew his life experience.

Thinking of this, Li Yan couldn't help feeling uneasy.

He didn't hear anything for a long time, and he couldn't help raising his eyes quietly, but saw her smiling slowly.

Li Yan didn't know why she smiled, but at that moment, his heart beat very fast.

Shu Liang said: "Whether you deserve it or not is up to me."

The wind and rain suddenly picked up outside the car, and the wind blew up the curtains of the car, sweeping the rain and blowing in.

In an instant, the sound of howling winds filled my ears, as well as Yinhuan's uncontrollable exclamation.

 There is another update tomorrow, good night~

(End of this chapter)

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