Chapter 178

Yandu is thousands of miles away from Qibei, and the common people don't know the news at all.

As soon as the soldier talisman changed hands, Weiguo suffered a defeat.

In order to prevent the turmoil of the people, Mu Xuanyi must send people to support and win this battle.

No wonder she was so determined.

Li Yan's eyes darkened slightly.

"You... are different from what I heard."

Shu Liang smiled, "What's the difference?"

He hesitated for a moment, and said: "I originally thought that the general would immediately ask for help when he heard that the people of Wei State were suffering."

Unexpectedly, she actually used this as a bargaining chip to regain military power.

Shu Liang raised her eyebrows: "The people of Wei are the people, so aren't the people of Lan Luo the people? As long as there is a war, there will always be sacrifices, and there will always be people suffering."

Li Yan could not refute.

"It has been like this since ancient times."

Shu Liang sighed: "Yes, it has always been like this."

"He who holds power in his hands is entitled to mercy."

Otherwise, it will become the fish on the next chopping board.
After noon, when Li Yan was reading in the house, he suddenly heard footsteps outside the door.

He stopped, and soon he heard a knock on the door, it was Yinhuan outside the house.

"Li Yan, are you in there?"

Opening the door, Li Yan glanced lightly at Yinhuan who was holding a bundle, and asked, "What's the matter?"

Yinhuan stuffed the bundle into his arms: "Here, here it is for you."

Li Yan was forced to catch the burden, looked down, and found several sets of new clothes made of high-quality fabrics inside.

He was startled.

"The general ordered someone to do it for you, remember to thank her!"

After finishing speaking, seeing that he was still standing in a daze, Yinhuan couldn't help frowning, and urged: "Go and try to see if it fits! Otherwise, how can I report to the general?"

Li Yan looked at her silently and closed the door.

After a while, the door opened.

What he changed into was a crescent-white robe with a black belt around his waist. He was tall and tall, and his temperament was different.

Yinhuan's eyes widened in surprise, and he circled around him as if he had discovered something novel, and sighed, "It's true that people rely on clothes and horses rely on saddles, Li Yan, you put on this clothes, it's even better than Prime Minister Wen." Even more handsome!"

Li Yan ignored her.

After Yinhuan finished feeling, he suddenly discovered a strange thing.

She wondered: "It's strange, I didn't hear that the general called a tailor to measure someone today. When did you go behind my back and ask the general to make you new clothes?"

Hearing her words, Li Yan's eyes suddenly appeared Shu Liang's scrutinizing eyes on him.

... He never had the general make his clothes, the general never had the tailor measure him.

Even he himself doesn't know the exact stature.

Then the general she...

How did he order people to make clothes that fit him?

Li Yan lowered his eyelashes, his ears became hot, and his heart beat faster for no reason.

Yinhuan was still nagging at his ear, asking questions unrelentingly, Li Yan didn't care to deal with it, so he simply pushed him out of the door, and said coldly: "Thank you for taking a trip, I will go to thank the general later."

As soon as the voice fell, the door closed.

Yinhuan: ? ? ? ? ?
That brat Li Yan is really rude!

She grinned at the closed door and made a beating motion. Before she left, she suddenly remembered Shu Liang's explanation. Regardless of whether the people inside heard or not, she yelled: "The general said that the red robe is the most beautiful." , she likes it the most, remember to put it on and have a look!"

After completing the task, Yinhuan retired, patted his buttocks and left with a bounce.

(End of this chapter)

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