Chapter 194

Feeling the cold temperature in his palm, Li Yan frowned lightly, raised his other hand, held her hand up with a precious attitude, and said in a hoarse voice: "Your hand is so cold."

Behind the high platform, the young man in black climbed over the railing, caught a glimpse of his companion's sneaky back, smiled slyly, walked behind him silently, and patted her on the shoulder inadvertently: "Twelve, what are you looking at?"

Before waiting for an answer, he subconsciously looked in the direction she was looking at, and saw the image of the young man holding Shu Liang's hand, he opened his eyes wide and subconsciously raised his finger: "Hey, this kid..."

Out of surprise, he raised his voice slightly.

Hearing this, Twelve suddenly turned around, opened his eyes wide, quickly covered his mouth with his eyes, stared at him with warning eyes, and lowered his voice: "Shh! Shut up!"


The other party's eyes were fierce, and within a moment after Shi Yi succumbed to her lust, she nodded obediently.

Of course, if Fu Jinglan knew that they were hiding here and listening to her, it would probably make them feel overwhelmed.

The two leaned against the wall, watching cautiously.

On the other side, from the corner of his eye, Li Yan glanced at the direction where the two were hiding, and then retracted calmly.

He stared at the ecstatic man in front of him, his eyes darkened, "I'll prescribe medicine for you."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Shu Liang's answer, Li Yan could not help but lead the person inside.

The boy's fingertips had thin calluses, and when they brushed against the back of her hand, the touch was clear.

Shu Liang blinked her eyes, and finally realized that this behavior was inappropriate. He didn't use too much force, so she easily withdrew her hand and hung it by her side.

Li Yan's footsteps paused for a moment, looked sideways, but seemed not to care about her behavior of avoiding suspicion, and said indifferently: "The general should take care of his body, otherwise I see you hurt, I..."

After a moment of hesitation, he changed his words: "We will all feel distressed."

Although the boy's tone was calm, the worry in his eyes was real.

Shu Liang could see it clearly, a feeling of warmth flowed through her heart, she smiled: "Okay, I know, it's just a minor injury."

Li Yan lowered her eyes and pursed her lips slightly.


After the two left, Eleven, who was hiding in the dark, finally couldn't hold back anymore, raised his hand tremblingly and pointed in the direction they left, and looked at Twelve, who had a strange smile on his brow, "That kid just now... ..."

To hold Fu Jinglan's hand? ! !Did he read it right? ? !

Seeing his frightened face, Twelve was a little dissatisfied: "What's the problem?"

What kind of look is this?Isn't this something to be happy about?

Seeing her disapproving look on Eleven, he was surprised and said, "Twelve, don't you think there's something wrong with the way that kid Li Yan looks at Fu Jinglan?"

Twelve couldn't hold back, and raised the corners of his mouth: "There's nothing wrong, Alan is injured, Li Yan checked her injury, what's wrong?"

Tsk, is there anything wrong?

Eleven scratched his head and struggled for a while: "But he..."

But he was a man after all, and he even held Fu Jinglan's hand.

Can men and women kiss each other? Hey!

Seeing her laughing, Eleven was stunned for a moment, realizing that he had been tricked again, and stared, "Twelve, is it so fun to trick me?!"

Eleven's angry appearance was so funny that Twelve couldn't help laughing out loud.


"It can't be my fault, who made you stupid, you believe everything you say."


The heart is very cold, and the most basic trust between people has been lost.

"So, I'm not mistaken, Li Yan has a different thought about Fu Jinglan..."

Twelve nodded, and said seriously, "I think so too."

Tsk tsk tsk, Li Yan is really good.

What do you think?

How dare she like Fu Jinglan.

The feeling of being pressed and rubbed by her on the ground during the training camp is still fresh in his memory, and occasionally he can't help but get goose bumps when he thinks about it.

Eleven shook his head, "Does Fu Jinglan know?"

Twelve stroked his chin thoughtfully, "According to my observation, she probably doesn't know yet."

Hearing this, Eleven involuntarily took a few steps back, wondering, "Tsk, when did you find out? You didn't remind her even though you knew this kid had bad intentions..."

Twelve raised his eyebrows, as if he didn't quite understand what he said.

She said: "This is the business of the two of them, why should we outsiders interfere?"


Seeing his eyeballs rolling back and forth, looking like he was trying to make a bad idea, Twelve squinted his eyes, suddenly grabbed the young man's skirt, and threatened in a vicious tone: "I won't say anything, and you can't say it either! "

? ? ? ? ?

Eleven looked dazed, and let her tug on her skirt without resisting, and asked incredulously, "Hey, what do you mean, Twelve, do you think Fu Jinglan would like that kid Li Yan? "

Seeing that he didn't fight back, Twelve felt a little bored, so he let go of his hand and asked, "Why don't you like it? What's wrong with Li Yan?"

In terms of appearance, Li Yan is the most handsome person she has ever met.

In terms of character, although he is cold-tempered and taciturn, he is very reliable in his work, isn't he much better than those men who can only talk?

Most importantly, he is very loyal to Alan.

In terms of ability, although he is now a little soldier with no merit or fame, she believes that in time, this person will become a great weapon.

Just look at the cowardly behavior of the soldiers under him.

Eleven explained: "I'm not saying that Li Yan is not good, but you and I both know that Fu Jinglan's feelings for His Majesty..."

How long has it been since training camp, over the years?

Who is Fu Jinglan working so hard for all these years?

They are all watching.

Following his words, Twelve obviously remembered the past, and after a while, she sighed quietly: "Your Majesty is not a good man."

After so many years, no matter how much she wishes her friend to be happy, she still understands it.

Sire, he loves only himself.

Hearing what she said, Eleven obviously wanted to go with her, and fell silent.

However, he didn't like such a silent and sad atmosphere, so he quickly changed the subject: "Actually, I didn't think much about it when I didn't find out before, but now that I think about it, Fu Jinglan treats Li Yan quite differently, right? ?”

"...Who said it wasn't?"

Twelve knew that he was deliberately changing the subject.

But what he said is indeed an indisputable fact.

If Li Yan was nothing special, why didn't Du Du resist his approach and touch?

inside the house.

The young man carefully picked out the debris from the wound, his movements were slow and his expression focused.

The slender and thick eyelashes moved like butterfly wings from time to time, very slowly, casting a small shadow in the eye socket, and the dark pupils were always fixed on her thumb-sized wound like a fixed frame.

Seeing his attitude, those who don't know may mistakenly think that she didn't suffer a little superficial injury, but lost half of her arm.

Shu Liang wanted to laugh inexplicably, the corners of his mouth raised silently.

Unexpectedly, the young man in front of him obviously didn't look up, but he noticed her smile, and suddenly said: "Why is the general laughing?"

Shu Liang thought for a while, and told the truth what came to his mind just now.

Li Yan frowned slightly, as if he didn't quite agree: "General, don't curse yourself like that, I don't want you to get hurt."

Shu Liang didn't care much about these things, and said casually, "Swords have no eyes on the battlefield. If it is possible, who would want to be injured?"

But no one can guarantee that they will not get hurt, can they?
The young man was silent, not knowing what he was thinking about. After a while, he slowly opened his mouth:
"Li Banyan will do everything in its power to protect you."

His tone is solemn.

Doesn't sound like a joke.

Shu Liang nodded, and her expression became serious involuntarily: "I believe in you, but before protecting me, you must protect yourself first."


He suddenly fell silent.

Shu Liang didn't wait for his answer for a while, raised her eyebrows suspiciously, stretched out her index finger and poked his forehead lightly, "Huh? Why didn't you speak?"

The boy's eyelashes trembled, and the movements of his hands stopped suddenly.

He lowered his head even more, his eyes swept across the debris stained with her blood, and whispered: "...No."


Shu Liang didn't hear clearly.


Li Yan lowered his eyebrows slowly, raised his head, picked up the wound medicine, and said to her: "General, I will apply the medicine for you now, it may hurt a little, bear with it."

...Let me put my own life before yours, sorry I can't.

If he couldn't do it, he would never break his promise to her.

If someone hurts your arm, I will make him pay with his life.
At first, Shu Liang was a little worried that the Lanluo people would go back on their word, and in order to get rid of their threat, they would abandon these royal nobles and their monarch, in an attempt to regain this hard-won victory.

But the local people told her that Lanluo is a country that attaches great importance to blood inheritance, and the system of superiority and class division has been deeply rooted in their bones thousands of years ago, so they will never easily betray the royal family, because rebellion means Betrayal of one's inborn beliefs.

From the booklet Li Sang gave her, Shu Liang also found similar records.

But just in case, she still left an army to stay there again to observe the enemy's situation at any time, and if there was something wrong with Lan Luo, she would immediately send a message.

At the same time, she also left a few of Lan Luo's royal nobles as hostages, and told her subordinates to guard them strictly, but they were not allowed to treat them harshly, just treat them like ordinary people. People pulled out to test whether Lan Luo would continue to attack.

After all, no matter how small the probability is, it cannot be said to be equal to zero.

It would be good if Lan Luo retreated because of this, but if Lan Luo ignored the hostages, it meant that this battle was inevitable.

Shu Liang took Lan Luo's monarch and other royal nobles back to Yandu.

Before leaving, she received a third letter from Wen Congli——

After receiving her second letter, Shu Liang wrote down her doubts in the letter, hoping that Wen Congli would give her an answer.

Wen Congli sent this letter and explained that after his investigation, he was [-]% sure that the murderer was Qi Song. Why?Because they found the missing child of the Luo family in Qingying Villa.

 Thank you [Da Qiao is not here tonight] for the reward, okay~
  I don’t know why there is no prompt in the background, I almost missed it hhh
(End of this chapter)

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