Chapter 207

Shu Liang was about to speak, but 021's excited voice suddenly sounded in his mind:

【Host, I think...】

Shu Liang didn't give it a chance to continue talking, curled her lips, and refused: "No need, Gu was just joking."

Gu Cai doesn't care about you, an old fox.

Wen Cong didn't show any disappointment on his face, and said with a smile: "Since Your Majesty doesn't want to let a minister into your harem, why don't you marry me."

? ? ? ? ?

Shu Liang narrowed his eyes and sneered: "Why do you speak nonsense to Gu Da?"

Hearing this, Wen Congli gently pointed to his head.

He solemnly said: "If Your Majesty is willing to marry me, I will always be loyal to you and advise you. Nan'an and Wei will never go to war within a hundred years."

Want to trade power for heart?
But Shu Liang laughed out loud.

Wen Congli's face froze for a moment, "...what are you laughing at?"

It probably never occurred to him that he used his most proud intelligent mind as a bargaining chip, but all he got was a contemptuous smile.

It is undeniable that Wen Congli is indeed a rare talent, and his clever mind is enough to become the capital for him to negotiate terms with others.

But the Great Demon King is not among them.

Shu Liang raised her lips, "You are redundant."

Wen Congli's complexion suddenly became complicated, and he looked at her in silence until the woman in front of him finished her last sentence: "This court only needs a smart head."

When she spoke, her tone was calm, hiding a touch of arrogance that seemed to be born with her, making people subconsciously agree with what she said.

This time, Wen Congli didn't say anything to her again that "pride can kill people", nor did he get angry, but just smiled meaningfully and said in a gentle tone, "I hope Your Majesty will not regret today's decision."

Shu Liang raised her eyebrows, imitating his tone, and said with a light smile: "I hope you don't shoot yourself in the foot."

Wen Congli bowed his head and cupped his hands, said "Resignation, my minister", then turned around and left, so Shu Liang didn't see his expression.

Looking at the back of the young man going away tall and straight, Shu Liang thoughtfully played with the waist card in his hand that he planned to give to Li Yan.

【Host, there is sincerity in treating you with gentleness and courtesy, for...】

If it weren't for his sincerity, how could a proud and self-reliant person like him come to her after she slapped him in the face again and again?

Shu Liang frowned and interrupted: "So what?"

Sincerity mixed with hypocrisy, scheming, and mutual interests will deteriorate sooner or later, and she is not uncommon.
The Mansion of the Great General of the Town.

Shu Liang came here alone after changing into casual clothes. When she first entered, she ran into the old housekeeper who was in a hurry. Seeing that he was sweating in a hurry, he didn't even notice her, and almost passed her by. He stopped the person with his hand: "Uncle Zhong, what happened?"

"Will..." After seeing her face clearly, the old butler was taken aback for a moment, and subconsciously blurted out the word "general".


Shu Liang looked down at the paper in his hand, took a quick look, and recognized Li Yan's handwriting on it, raised his eyebrows: "What are you holding in your hand?"

Hearing this, the old butler came back to his senses, quickly handed her the paper, and said, "Li Yan is gone!"

When he passed by Li Yan's house in the early morning, he found it strange that the doors and windows were closed tightly without leaving any gaps.

Li Yan has never been the type to lie in bed and be greedy for sleep, so how come he hasn't woken up at this time?
But he didn't think much about it at the time, he just thought that Li Yan's injury was not healed, and he was not in a good mood, so he wanted to rest for a while.

It wasn't until noon, when Yinhuan knocked on the door for the third time, but no one responded, that they realized something was wrong.

After pushing the door open, it was quiet inside, the things were neatly arranged, the bedding on the bed was also cleaned up, except for the few clothes that Shu Liang gave him before, Li Yan took nothing away.

In the letter left by Li Yan, he didn't give too much information about his whereabouts, but only said that he was going to find a way, and the return date was uncertain, so that they didn't have to look for him.

Looking for a way?

which way?

Shu Liang squeezed the letter, not knowing whether to be angry or laugh.

...and ran away?
The old housekeeper was so worried that he didn't touch the ground in such a hurry, he kept spinning around in place, babbling: "Oh, how can this kid just walk away, this injury is not healed, so he ran around, and he didn't know what to do." Knowing to bring some extra money, he doesn’t know anyone else in Yandu, so where else can he go? Talk about finding a way, there are roads everywhere, what is there to find?”

A clear voice like a silver bell came from not far away.


Shu Liang raised his eyes and saw Yinhuan running towards him, and after stopping in front of her, he realized belatedly that he called her by the wrong name just now, and changed his words: "Your Majesty."

She smiled, and couldn't help but raise her hand to touch her little furry head, "You don't have to change your mouth deliberately, just call it whatever you are used to."

Yinhuan nodded and looked at her with her head up: "General, Li Yan is leaving!"

The smile on Shu Liang's face restrained a little, "I know."

The little girl shook her head and sighed pretentiously, wrinkled her small face, and said, "Oh, I don't know where he went, I think it must be because you haven't come to see him, General, and listened to Prime Minister Wen yesterday." He talked nonsense, so he believed what he said and thought wildly."

Shu Liang was startled when he heard the first half of the sentence.

But before she could think about it, she heard a familiar name in the second half of the sentence.

Shu Liang frowned immediately: "Wen Congli has seen him?"

Yinhuan nodded, and said with righteous indignation: "Yes, yes, I thought it was the general who sent him to visit Li Yan on your behalf. Hmph, if I had known that he turned out to be such a duplicity, I would have You won't open the door to let him in!"

Originally, she was curious to know what General Tuo Wenxiang told Li Yan, thinking that if she eavesdropped a few words outside the door, she might be able to know what Li Yan had been refusing to tell her about what happened in Qibei. Something happened, who knew that he would hear Wen Xiang constantly sarcasm and anger Li Yan, and...

Li Yan's injury was actually caused by Wen Xiang! ! !
Yinhuan recalled, and described to Shu Liang what he overheard yesterday, and recounted Wen Congli's words pretty much.

After listening, Shu Liang fell into silence.

Yinhuan shook her sleeves and asked persistently: "General, why are you angry with Li Yan? Tell me, okay?"

"Angry?" Shu Liang looked at her suspiciously, "When did I get angry?"

Yinhuan opened her almond eyes wide, looked at her suspiciously, trying to find traces of lying on her face, "Is the general not angry? Then why didn't you come to see Li Yan? And didn't let him see you... ..."

The little girl poked her finger, "Li Yan is so sad, he looks so pitiful, he has lost a lot of weight because he doesn't think about food all day long."

Shu Liang was speechless.

Li Yan's reaction was so big?Sad to the point where you can't even eat? ? ?
Alas, sin.

She just wanted to give him a period of time to calm down, let him see his heart clearly, know that she is not the only one, and that she didn't want him to see her because she didn't want to affect his judgment. She never thought——

It would be counterproductive.

However, if Wen Congli didn't get in the way, with Li Yan's temperament, he definitely wouldn't just leave so decisively.

Shu Liang narrowed his eyes.
The next day, a rumor suddenly appeared in the market.

——Wen Congli, the prime minister of the current dynasty, was a spy planted by Nan'an State in Wei State!
Hearing this news, most people did not believe it.

After all, they all knew that Prime Minister Wen was born in the Marquis of Linyue's mansion, he was the son of the Marquis of Linyue, and he was in the blood of the Mu family. How could he betray the state of Wei and be a spy for the people of Nan'an?Absolutely nonsense!

When Wen Congli first heard the news, he just laughed it off.

But after a while, Shu Liang's half-smile and the seemingly careless reminder "Don't shoot yourself in the foot" suddenly flashed in his mind.

He has already learned that Li Yan left without saying goodbye from the residence of General Zhen Guo.

... It is impossible for Fu Jinglan not to know that he went to meet Li Yan.That little girl was hiding outside the door and eavesdropping. It wasn't that he didn't notice it, but he didn't care.

But looking back now, Wen Congli suddenly regretted it.

He was vaguely uneasy, but on second thought, Fu Jinglan wanted to expose his identity to everyone based on unfounded rumors. He is valued by the Marquis of Lin'an, but he is indeed his bastard.

Thinking of this, he felt a little relieved.

I thought these rumors should be ignored, let them spread for a few days, and if they are not confirmed, the common people will naturally divert their conversation after dinner and be attracted by other novelty things.

Contrary to what Wen Congli expected.

The rumors became more and more intense, and several versions of the story were spread in the market, and when they were pieced together, they were getting closer and closer to the truth.

When Wen Congli wanted to intervene, the news had spread throughout the court, and was even mentioned by the Minister of Rites in the early court.

The minister of the Ministry of Rites has a good relationship with Wen Congli in private, and he mentioned it this time, perhaps out of good intentions, he couldn't bear his friend to suffer such inexplicable injustice, and he wanted to justify his name.

But he just brought it up, and someone came out to question, "You said it lightly, how do you prove this groundless thing? Could it be that we go to Nan'an to arrest their monarch and force him to justify his name?"

Before he finished speaking, he himself thought it was funny.

The reason for launching a war and arresting the king of a country because of a rumor is definitely the most absurd reason since ancient times.

The minister of the Ministry of Rites choked on him, and retorted: "When did I say I want to do this? What the people are most curious about now is the most popular and most realistic-sounding story about Wen Xiang's life experience. We just need to If it proves that Prime Minister Wen is indeed the son of the Marquis of Lin'an and a native of Wei, then the other rumors will be self-defeating."

Wen Congli frowned imperceptibly, his hands in the sleeves tightened slightly, and he raised his eyes subconsciously, trying to see the expression of the woman on the high seat.

She was wearing a luxurious dragon robe and a crown, and she was sitting on the dragon chair, but she was not upright, with one arm resting on the armrest, propping her forehead, looking so bored that people couldn't see her face clearly.

If someone asks now: "Is Your Majesty asleep?"

I'm afraid you may not get a response from the other party.

As soon as this idea came up, Wen Congli saw that the father-in-law beside him seemed to have noticed his gaze. He first raised his eyes to look at him, then turned around, bent down, and said something to her respectfully. The people on the board finally moved.

...She raised her hand to cover her lips, and made a yawning motion.

Then he changed his posture, sat up a little more straight, cleared his throat, and asked, "Did the discussions come to a conclusion?"


After she opened her mouth, the originally noisy court suddenly fell silent.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and in the end, it was Wen Congli who came out to speak.

He had a calm attitude, as if what he said had nothing to do with him, and said: "They want to prove their innocence for the minister, but it's a pity that the people of the Marquis of Linyue have already..."

His tone dragged on and he didn't finish speaking.

Although it is not finished, everyone knows what it means.

The people in the Marquis of Linyue's Mansion had been wiped out as early as when Mu Xuanyi ascended the throne.

So this path obviously doesn't work.

There was a bit of regret in the expression of the Minister of Rites.

——Obviously this is the most direct and most beneficial method.


Shu Liang didn't seem to understand what he meant, and raised his eyebrows: "This is indeed a good idea, what's the pity?"

All the ministers: "..."

The father-in-law next to him: "..."

Your Majesty, are you afraid that you haven't woken up yet?
The servant of the Ministry of Rites was a little speechless. He glanced at Wen Congli and saw that his expression was indifferent. He couldn't help but said: "Your Majesty, the people in Linyuehou's Mansion are gone. This method will not work at all."

"Who said this method won't work?" Shu Liang chuckled, met Shang Wen Congli's gaze, glanced at everyone's surprised eyes, and said slowly: "And who said that the people in Linyue Hou's mansion are gone. ?”

The two words she said lightly made the whole court boil again.

The servant of the Ministry of Rites became inexplicably excited, and couldn't help asking: "Your Majesty, what do you mean by that?"

Shu Liang didn't answer his words, but raised his eyes to look outside the hall, and said loudly: "Come in."

As soon as the words were finished, a figure appeared outside the hall. He was dressed in common clothes, with gray hair at the temples, but his steps were steady. He walked up to the eyes of the crowd and saluted Shu Liang respectfully.

After seeing his face clearly, the acquaintance's eyes widened in shock, and he lost his voice: "Marquis Linyue?!"

...hasn't he already died?
Marquis Linyue, is he still alive? !
Everyone present couldn't believe it.

Someone questioned: "Isn't this just a coincidence?"

"No," the person familiar with Linyuehou retorted immediately, emotionally: "This is his voice, this is Linyuehou!"

Wen Congli's composure could hardly be maintained.

He has spent so many years with Linyue Hou day and night, and no one knows Linyue Hou better than him.

... This person, indeed, is him.

But this is wrong, how could he be alive?How could Mu Xuanyi keep him alive? !
Shu Liang looked at Wen Congli on the verge of collapse with satisfaction, a smile slowly curled up on his lips.

(End of this chapter)

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