Quick wear: The full-level boss has torn up the cannon fodder script again

Chapter 214 Big Sister She Doesn't Want to Ascend

Chapter 214 Big Sister She Doesn't Want to Ascend (4)

Before leaving Wulingyuan, the rabbit in his arms spoke again: "My name is Pei Su, what's your name?"

"Feng Changyue," Shu Liang teased with a smile: "You dare to follow me even if you don't know who I am, aren't you afraid that I will cheat you?"

Hearing this, Pei Su snorted lightly, "You won't."

Shu Liang touched her face wonderingly, wondering: "Oh, do I look so good?"

"...Get out of here quickly."
After leaving Wulingyuan, the two of them entered the Shengshengmen, but after walking through a long tunnel, they still came to a fork in the road, and this time, they were faced with three choices.

Seeing the three identical roads, Shu Liang was a little bit troubled, he stood still and hesitated for a while, still unable to make up his mind.

Just when she decided to take a gamble and take the road on the left, Pei Su in her arms suddenly asked, "Why did you take this road?"

"Just blindfolded, there is no reason."

The little rabbit's paw pressed her hand.

Shu Liang stopped and looked down at him: "What?"

Pei Su's tone was firm: "Don't go this way, the exit is the one in the middle."

Shu Liang raised her eyebrows: "...Are you sure?"

"I'm familiar with this place."

His tone is natural.

Meaning, he already knew that the exit was the middle way?

Hearing this, Shu Liang was silent for a while, and said quietly: "...Then why didn't you say it earlier?"

The little rabbit in his arms moved his ears and said innocently: "You didn't ask me."

"..." Let's eat the rabbit, right now.

With Pei Su's guidance, they successfully found the teleportation formation, left the magic cave, and very fortunately came to the foot of the Tianjianzong mountain.

Although the spiritual power at the foot of the mountain is not as strong as that of the Heavenly Sword Sect, it is much better than that of the Devil's Cave. Therefore, after landing, Shu Liang did not rush up the mountain to return to the Heavenly Sword Sect, but practiced his kung fu on the spot and repaired his previous body. A wound that has not healed.

After two weeks of practicing the exercises in the spiritual sea, Shu Liang suddenly felt a lot more relaxed, and there was no more obvious pain in his body.

After opening her eyes, she felt something in her arms.

Looking down, it was a jade porcelain medicine bottle.

Shu Liang subconsciously looked at the rabbit who was quietly waiting for her to heal, "Did you put this here?"

Pei Su admitted frankly: "Well, this is very effective for your injury."

Shu Liang picked up the medicine bottle and smelled it, and then he knew that the medicine contained several kinds of priceless and precious medicinal materials, which were of high grade.

She smiled and rubbed the rabbit's head, "Thank you."

Shu Liang finally understood that this guy not only has a long reflex arc, but also has a different brain circuit from normal people. He clearly knows something, but he will never take the initiative to tell him unless others ask him.

In the same way, the injuries on her body have always existed, but Pei Su didn't realize that he had medicine to help her recover until she saw her healing.

Picking up the rabbit, Shu Liang performed exercises and recited the mantra. The Yuhan sword behind her was unsheathed in an instant, magnified dozens of times in front of her eyes, and was suspended in midair steadily.

Xu Shi was finally able to display his usefulness. After being unsheathed, the Yuhan Sword let out a burst of excited buzzing.

Shu Liang jumped up, standing tall and tall, as the jade cold sword continued to rise, the wind in the mountains was blowing, blowing her robes.

The scenery under the feet gradually shrunk, and when it reached a suitable height, Yu Hanjian jumped out impatiently with a "swish".

At this time, the little rabbit in her arms suddenly moved, and kept burrowing into her arms, whispering: "Hold me tight."


Shu Liang didn't know why.

Seeing that she was unmoved, Pei Su repeated, "It's so cold, hold me tight."

Although the tone is serious, it is probably because it is now in the form of a rabbit, so it sounds a little pitiful no matter what.

Shu Liang raised his lips, and casually set up a small barrier for him to shield him from the cold wind, jokingly: "Pei Su, a majestic black dragon, is afraid of the cold?"

The cold pool in Wulingyuan is much more bone-chilling than the cold wind, no matter how you look at it?
Could it be that he changed his form and weakened his ability?


Pei Su didn't say anything, and stayed motionless in the barrier.

After a while, he spoke quietly, but the emotion in his tone was not astonishing, but resentful: "You can actually set up a barrier?"

But Shu Liang was concentrating on controlling the sword, his ears were full of wind noises, he didn't listen carefully to the wrongness in his tone, he just smiled: "What's so difficult about this?"

This is just the most basic small enchantment.

"..." Pei Su stopped talking again.
A quarter of an hour later, they arrived at the entrance of the Heavenly Sword Sect.

Two people dressed as outer disciples saw someone approaching, and subconsciously stepped forward to block it, but one of them was the first to realize something was wrong, and was stunned, "Sister Liuyu?!"

The other person heard the words, took a closer look, and exclaimed: "Sister Liuyu, why are you hurt?!"

These days in the Devil's Cave, Shu Liang has no conditions for bathing and changing clothes, so he can only use a cleaning technique to get things done. The clothes he is wearing are naturally the robes that fell into the Devil's Cave after the battle with the demon cultivator, and there are several damaged scratches on it. , still with blood.

Hearing the exclamation of the two people one after another, people not far away gathered around one after another. Looking at the robes on their bodies, most of them were outer disciples.

At this moment, their faces are full of worry, but it is because they regard her as "liuyu sister".

Although Feng Changyue is a big sister in Tianjianzong, she is extremely talented, but because of her personality, she seldom gets in touch with unfamiliar people, leaving everyone with the impression of being "cold", "difficult to contact", and "high-lying". Flower", even inner disciples may not have seen her, let alone these outer disciples?

What's more, Yan Liuyu's appearance is [-]% similar to Feng Changyue. In their impression, Feng Changyue, the elder sister, has already died in the Devil's Nest, so it is not surprising that they will recognize her as Yan Liuyu.

But it's one thing to know, but it's uncontrollable to be called someone else.

Shu Liang narrowed his eyes, suppressed the displeasure in his heart, and raised his lips with a half-smile: "Open your eyes and see clearly, who am I?"

"Huh..." Someone noticed something was wrong, "Didn't Sister Liuyu never wear the robes of the Heavenly Sword Sect? She is carrying... this sword on her back, so familiar."

Someone recognized it: "Jade Cold Sword!"

In Tianjianzong, the disciples may not have seen Feng Changyue with their own eyes, but everyone knows that the elder sister's saber Yuhan was the year when she was 16 years old when she established her foundation. gift to her.

... Wuyan Xianzun, that is a legendary figure who ascended from the Heavenly Sword Sect to the upper realm 300 years ago!

Since him, no one in Tianjianzong has successfully ascended.

And the senior who had already ascended came down to give her a gift, which is enough to prove how much Wuyan Xianzun attaches great importance to the elder sister.

Yuhanjian recognizes its master, and no one in the world can drive it except Feng Changyue himself.

But just now, the two outer disciples saw her come up with the sword.

That is to say-

"Master is still alive!!!"

This news spread throughout the entire Heavenly Sword Sect in no time, and shocked many people.

When he heard the news, Wu Lingzi was playing chess with him, when the sunspot fell, the entire jade-faced chessboard was cracked.

The next second, he disappeared in place.

At the same time, senior brother Wei Yun was entangled by Yan Liuyu and was making her favorite dessert.

When he heard the passing disciples excitedly discussing the news, he froze and raised his head in disbelief.

The elder brother who always paid attention to self-cultivation suddenly rushed in front of them, grabbed their skirts tightly with flour-stained hands, and asked tremblingly, "What did you say? Who...who is back?"

"Eldest senior brother..." The disciple who was holding his clothes was terrified, "Let go first, cough cough cough."

Only then did Wei Yun realize his gaffe, let go of his hand suddenly, bowed his head and apologized: "Sorry, I was in a hurry just now."

Fortunately, they all knew that the elder brother had a deep-rooted affection for the elder sister, so they expressed their understanding, and told him: "Eldest sister has come back from the devil's den, and she probably has returned to her residence now, you should go see her quickly."

After thanking him, Wei Yun had no time to tidy himself up, so he wanted to go in the direction of Feng Changyue's residence.

It wasn't until the little rabbit demon's trembling and wronged voice came from behind that he suddenly remembered what he had forgotten.

Yan Liuyu bit her lip, stood on the spot with lonely eyes, her hands hang down stubbornly by her sides, and unconsciously clenched into fists, seeing his hurried back, she said: "Brother Wei Yun, are you going to leave me alone? ?”

Hearing her voice, Wei Yun suddenly stopped and turned around.

Seeing the undisguised injury in her eyes, Wei Yun hesitated in his heart, but thinking of the beautiful figure that was determined to save them at the beginning, he still said: "Changyue is back, I have to go and see her."

Long month, long month.

This name has been heard countless times since she came here.

Suppressing the impatience and boredom in her heart, Yan Liuyu blinked, her clear eyes slowly stained with water, and said timidly: "But you clearly promised me first that you would make me cakes."

Wei Yun sighed: "Xiaoyu, you..."

But Yan Liuyu didn't give him a chance to finish his sentence, and interrupted: "I know brother Wei Yun is very happy, and sister Changyue can come back safely, and I am also happy for her, but since she has returned to Tianjianzong safely, What difference does it make if you go to see her sooner or later?"

Hearing this, Wei Yun froze for a moment.

Seeing this, she took a few steps forward, smiled, and said softly: "Brother Wei Yun, you have always been a person who keeps your promises, and you will definitely not violate the principle just because of this trivial matter?"

Wei Yun pursed his lips and remained silent.

Yan Liuyu walked up to him, stretched out her small hand to grab his sleeve, swayed it slightly, and said softly, "Help me make the pastry before leaving, okay?"

After a while, Wei Yun nodded lightly under the expectant eyes of the little rabbit demon, "...OK."

Yan Liuyu laughed.
When Wei Yun made the pastry, it was already time for lunch.

Due to the return of Feng Changyue, the entire Tianjianzong became more lively than ever, especially after hearing her say that she was hungry, the kitchen became even more lively. The junior brother Murong Feng occupied the position of the chef, yelling I want to cook good dishes for my senior sister.

When Murong Feng walked into the kitchen, he happened to bump into Yan Liuyu who was carrying a pastry.

The young man's smiling face brimming with joy froze immediately after touching the face that was [-]% similar to Feng Changyue, probably because he thought of the fact that they once regarded her as a substitute for the senior sister, and a sliver of guilt flashed in his heart, unnaturally He restrained his smile.

The little rabbit demon held the delicate and beautiful pastry, but didn't eat it. Seeing the boy's changing face, he pretended not to notice it, tilted his head, smiled sweetly, and asked, "Ah Feng, I heard you're going to cook yourself." ?”

"Hmm...it's... Liuyu," Murong Feng stammered, his eyes unconsciously dodging hers, "Don't call me Ah Feng from now on, I only let my senior sister call me this name, if she hears You'll be mad at me for calling me that."

Yan Liuyu's eyes flashed, showing a hurt expression, she lowered her head and said nothing.

Murong Feng didn't wait for the person in front of him to respond, he couldn't help but look at her face, and saw her drooping her head, as if she was very sad.

The guilt in his heart suddenly deepened, and he stretched out his hand subconsciously, and when he was about to touch her, he stopped again and took it back resentfully, "Liuyu, don't be sad, how about it, except in front of senior sister, You can still call me Ah Feng at other times, okay?"

Hearing this, the corners of Yan Liuyu's lips turned up slightly, but when Murong Feng lowered his head to look over, he quickly retracted it, and said in a muffled voice: "Well, okay, whatever Ah Feng says, Ah Feng is afraid that the senior sister will be unhappy, then I don't want to call it."

At this time, a senior brother raised his voice not far away and asked: "Little brother, senior sister asked you when you can have dinner, why are you standing there dawdling?!"

Murong Feng's eyelashes trembled, and he said to Yan Liuyu: "Liuyu, you go and find a place to sit down first, the meal will be served in a while, then we will introduce you to Senior Sister, Senior Sister is a very nice person, definitely I'll love you as much as we do, don't worry."

His tone was firm.

Yan Liuyu sneered in his heart, nodded calmly, obediently held the pastry in his hand, and left by mistake.
The dinner table.

Shu Liang looked at the delicious food on a large table in front of him, almost drooling.

... After enduring it for so long, Gu can finally eat hot and delicious food! ! !
Even if the Great Demon King didn't care about greetings, he didn't care about the different thoughts of everyone at the table, so he picked up his chopsticks and began to eat unceremoniously.

Wu Lingzi sat next to her and kept bringing her vegetables. He looked at her like an old father who lost his daughter and found it. On the face of a young man in his early twenties, such eyes were obviously not harmonious.

Wei Yun was the only one among the crowd who had only seen her now.

When he came, Shu Liang sat Wulingzi on the left, and a little white rabbit on the right. No one was allowed to touch it, and no one was allowed to drive it away. He even put a clean empty bowl in front of it. , While eating by myself, I was distracted to add food to it.

But that should have belonged to him.

Looking at Shu Liang who was eating happily, Wei Yun felt strange in his heart, endured it, but couldn't help it, and said: "Junior Sister, haven't you been bigu since the establishment of the foundation?"

(End of this chapter)

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