Quick wear: The full-level boss has torn up the cannon fodder script again

Chapter 216 Big Sister She Doesn't Want to Ascend

Chapter 216 Big Sister She Doesn't Want to Ascend (6)

The wind is long and the moon is quiet, and the residence is relatively remote.

She managed to escape from the devil's den with great difficulty, but just after she came back, she had a bad time at lunch. As a master, Wu Lingzi certainly didn't want to see any disharmony in the master's school, so he sent a voice transmission He summoned Shu Liang, Wei Yun and Murong Feng to his residence.

Naturally, Shu Liang couldn't hold a little rabbit and talk about life with them, so he simply let Pei Su stay in the residence to rest.

Not long after she left the residence, Yan Liuyu appeared here on the back.

Different from the disciples of the Heavenly Sword Sect, the girl was dressed in a goose yellow dress, delicate and smart, with two golden bells tied around her ankles, which made crisp sounds when she walked and ran.

It was precisely because of the ringing of the bell that interrupted Pei Su's lunch break and woke him up.

Seeing this unexpected visitor, he immediately became irritable.

Yan Liuyu pushed open the unlocked door and walked in as naturally as if entering her own home, her eyes fixed on the little rabbit.

With four eyes facing each other, the little rabbit demon had a bright smile on his lips, walked briskly in front of him, squatted down, looked at him with clear eyes, and said in a crisp voice: "Hello, my name is Yan Liuyu, I am a A rabbit, same as you, what's your name?"

Pei Su: "..."

Who is like you?
He didn't bother to talk to her.

Although she didn't get the expected response, Yan Liuyu didn't give up easily.

She is different from those sword cultivators. She is a monster, a beast, and her perception is sharper than that of humans.

The moment she saw this rabbit, Yan Liuyu had a strong intuition that he was not an ordinary rabbit. The absolute suppression from blood and strength made her yearn for it, but couldn't help but surrender.

If you can tame him, it will be of great use to you.

After Yan Liuyu made up her mind, she came here while Shu Liang was called away by Wu Lingzi to talk.

In her hand emerged a carrot, fresh in color and smelling of earth, an irresistible temptation for the rabbit.

Yan Liuyu looked at the carrot, licked his lips, then put it in front of Pei Su, and said: "This is a delicious carrot. Ah Feng planted it himself. Every day, he went to the North Peak to fetch fresh mountain spring water for watering. It’s so sweet and so crunchy that I can’t bear to eat it myself.”

Pei Su: "..."

If it wasn't for the shape that restricted him, he would definitely show a disgusted expression at this moment.

"Eat quickly, don't be embarrassed, I saw that you didn't eat much at noon, so I prepared it specially for you," Yan Liuyu urged, and then said: "Sister Changyue doesn't know how to take care of rabbits, how can I hold a rabbit for you?" Meat, what good is there in those things? You must be starving, poor thing."

Seeing it was motionless, with only those red eyes open, looking a little dazed, Yan Liuyu's heart moved, and he raised his hand, wanting to hug it.

In the next second, a huge impact hit.

Under the strong sense of oppression, she couldn't produce the slightest counterattack force, and was suddenly knocked away by this force a foot away.

Her cultivation base was not high, this blow shook her internal organs, her blood was surging, and a smear of blood overflowed from the corner of her mouth.

Yan Liuyu looked at the seemingly harmless rabbit in disbelief, her pupils trembling.

Since entering Tianjianzong, this is the first time that someone has treated her so mercilessly.

And this is actually her clan? !

Yan Liuyu's delicate face gradually became distorted. At this moment, the two people in the room heard footsteps.

When she heard Murong Feng's voice, her complexion changed immediately, the originally brewing emotions were suppressed in her heart, and she changed into a weak and wronged appearance, and coughed loudly on purpose.

Pei Su looked at her coldly, regretting that she hadn't hit harder just now and killed her directly.

... so bad luck.

Outside the house, Murong Feng planned to accompany Shu Liang for a walk, and left after saying a few words, but before he finished speaking, he heard Yan Liuyu coughing from inside.

At the same time, he also noticed a smell of blood.

... Not good, could it be that Liuyu was injured? !
Murong Feng was halfway through speaking, he immediately thought of this possibility, he didn't care about Shu Liang, and rushed into the house.

Shu Liang looked at his back silently: "..."

Oh, what a rude child.

Shaking his head, Shu Liang followed behind into the house in a leisurely manner.

Stepping in, Shu Liang saw Yan Liuyu lying in Murong Feng's arms, spitting blood from the mouth. The girl's face was as white as paper, tears of grievance shone in her eyes, and the blood at the corner of her mouth was like a faucet that she had forgotten to turn off. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't stop it. Live, it looks very pitiful.

Sure enough, seeing Yan Liuyu like this, Murong Feng's eyes turned red immediately, he quickly checked her injuries, and then asked with an ugly face: "Who hurt you so badly?"

The tears that were about to fall in Yan Liuyu's eyes finally fell under Murong Feng's question.

Her lips trembled, her eyes fell on the motionless little rabbit, and blood overflowed from the corner of her mouth, and she said in a weak voice: "...he."

Murong Feng was stunned, followed her gaze, and then looked at the little rabbit in disbelief: "This rabbit?"

How is this possible?This is a rabbit that doesn't even seem to be intelligent?How could it be possible to hurt her?

Besides, they belong to the same family, for no reason, why did the little rabbit attack her?
Murong Feng was about to speak, but was interrupted by Shu Liang——

"Little girl, don't talk nonsense." Shu Liang walked straight past the two, walked towards the little rabbit, then picked him up, looked down at the two of them, and looked at them with a half-smile: "The rabbit is so cute, So innocent, how could he have bad intentions? Moreover, he is such a petite rabbit, unlike you, who has cultivated for a hundred years to become a human, how can he have the ability to hurt you?"

Her tone was cold and sounded without any ups and downs.

However, Yan Liuyu felt that she was pointing fingers at Sang and scolding Huai no matter what she heard, her already seriously injured body suddenly surged with energy and blood, making her even more uncomfortable.


Yan Liuyu wanted to get angry, but considering Murong Feng was present, she restrained herself and only looked at him with an aggrieved expression.


Hearing her call this name, Murong Feng's complexion changed subconsciously, and he raised his head to look at Shu Liang with a guilty conscience.

However, the other party just looked down at the rabbit in his arms, as if he didn't hear it, and didn't even move his brows.

Liuyu's voice is low...maybe the senior sister didn't hear it...

While Murong Feng heaved a sigh of relief, he was also inexplicably disappointed.

Yan Liuyu had a panoramic view of the changes in his expression.

She gritted her teeth, raised her hand and pulled the boy's robe, emphasizing: "He really hurt me, I didn't lie."

Murong Feng looked at the girl's clear and stubborn eyes, and suddenly lost his mind.

...Could it be that he really wants to accuse the senior sister's rabbit?
Before he could make up his mind, Shu Liang was the first to ask a question. She imitated Feng Changyue's cold and steady tone, which sounded very serious. I'm really curious, why did Miss Yan show up at my residence and even come into my house?"

After a pause, Shu Liang said in a calm manner: "This place is quiet, other disciples of the Heavenly Sword Sect don't live here, and even the residences of the senior and junior brothers are far away from here. People don't know that I don't like people coming uninvited, so don't tell me that you are wandering around and going the wrong way."

A few understated words blocked Yan Liuyu's pre-prepared rhetoric tightly.

...She had indeed planned that if someone found out before she left, she would use this excuse to pretend to be stupid. Anyway, everyone in the Heavenly Sword Sect was very tolerant and doting to her, and would not care about these things with her.

——Except for this, it should not have appeared, Feng Changyue.

Her words reminded Murong Feng.

He looked suspiciously at the girl who had fallen into silence in his arms, and asked, "Yes, Liuyu, didn't I tell you that Senior Sister doesn't like being disturbed? Why did you appear here?"

Yan Liuyu's expression changed slightly, "I..."

She opened her mouth as if to explain her behavior, but just as soon as she uttered a word, a mouthful of blood gushed out, instantly dyeing her goose-yellow clothes red.

The next second, the girl fainted.

Murong Feng was so frightened that he broke out in a cold sweat, his mind went blank, and he couldn't care less, immediately picked him up, and hurriedly said: "Senior Sister, I will come to apologize to you sometime later."

After speaking, he rushed out with the unconscious Yan Liuyu in his arms.

Looking at their backs, Shu Liang shook his head.

apologize?Obviously impossible.

With the degree of Murong Feng's trust in Yan Liuyu, he will eventually believe that her rabbit hurt Yan Liuyu, but how could a seemingly harmless rabbit hurt someone?Of course it was inspired by someone behind the scenes.

Who is behind this, the answer is self-evident.

As for why Yan Liuyu appeared in her residence?

This makes it easier to confuse her. Anyway, she is just a rabbit with a low cultivation base. Whether she was controlled by someone to walk in, or she saw a suspicious person chasing her and lost her, it would all make sense.

Shu Liang smiled, stroked the rabbit's furry head, and put him down: "Good job, good rabbit."

After a moment of silence, Pei Su said: "...I'm not a rabbit."

Shu Liang grabbed the rabbit that moved to the side, rubbed his ears, raised his lips, and smiled viciously in his eyes: "Oh? I thought you liked being a rabbit, after all, rabbits are so cute."

Shu Liang meaningfully emphasized the word "cute", which sounded a bit sinister.


It sounds like she doesn't like rabbits.

Pei Su understood.

So when he asked her what animal she liked, she said she liked rabbits, which was probably an irony.

...These days when she looked at his rabbit form, couldn't she be itching with hatred?
Pei Su felt faintly remorseful.

Shu Liang ravaged the pair of soft rabbit ears, tied them into a simple knot, let go and returned to the original shape, and didn't see this guy say it hurts, he didn't dodge or dodge, he looked obediently letting her bully him.

... Tsk, bullying the poor rabbit really makes people feel guilty.

Shu Liang thought so, but his movements didn't stop, and he never tired of bullying the rabbit.

There was doubt in Pei Su's tone, as if it was a matter of course, he asked casually: "If you hate her so much, why don't you just kill her?"

They knew who this "she" was referring to.

Listening to him discussing the murder case with her in a serious manner, it was as natural as discussing what to have for breakfast and lunch today, Shu Liang couldn't help curling her lips, with a smile, and sighed jokingly: "Oh , I would like to, but haven't you noticed that it is a rabbit with tenacious vitality?"

Although it looks fragile and can be killed at will, it is actually a rabbit with a strong halo, like Xiaoqiang.

Hearing this, Pei Su fell into silence, and after a while, couldn't help agreeing: "...Indeed."

With his strength, he can naturally see through Yan Liuyu's cultivation level at a glance.

Just now at the moment Yan Liuyu intended to touch him, Pei Su's counterattack was murderous, and there was no so-called sympathy.

He originally thought that this rabbit monster, who was as fragile as an ant to him, would die. Even if he was lucky, he would at least be beaten back to his original form and lose his hundred years of cultivation.

But no, she just suffered some internal injuries, and she vomited more blood, which seemed more serious.

But if it is treated with a good panacea, it will be cured within seven days.

This is indeed unreasonable.

There was a sigh in Shu Liang's voice: "So, it's not that I don't want to kill her, it's just..."

She dragged her tone, but she didn't finish her speech. She paused, as if she was considering her words and fell into deep thought.

Pei Su took advantage of the situation and asked, "It's just that you can't kill her?"

"No," Shu Liang wiped the Yuhan Sword slowly. The sword body looks thin but sharp, with faint blue light flowing, reflecting in her dark pupils, with a faint smile: "It's just that the time has not yet come." .”

Hearing her chilling words, instead of being frightened, Pei Su laughed and asked, "Do you need me to help you?"

Shu Liang also laughed, stretched out her index finger and poked his face, jokingly: "The little rabbit is so cute, how can he help the evildoer?"

"..." This is the first time she has emphasized the cuteness of the little rabbit today? -
Three days passed in a blink of an eye, and soon it was the day of the martial arts tournament of the major sects.

According to 021, the fact that Yan Liuyu provoked Pei Su and ended up getting injured was not in the script's arrangement, but fortunately she was injured, so she didn't have the time to hang out under her nose, which was annoying.

As the senior sister of Tianjianzong, Shu Liang had to lead by example, get up early, cover her mouth and yawn quietly when no one noticed.

Although the leader of each martial arts competition is taken away by Tianjianzong, this does not affect the enthusiasm of other sects to compete for the second and third places.

Standing at the front of the line, Shu Liang watched these people come up to fight boredly, and then joined the sect of his favorite sect. Among them, there were many talented sword cultivators who wanted to join her master, Wu Lingzi, but he tactfully He refused on the grounds that he had no intention of accepting disciples, so he could only regretfully worship under the other elders.

And Shu Liang, who had already known the script arrangement, could only sneer: Heh, the Li flag is for pouring.

 Fewer people seem to be watching

  Sad (つд)
(End of this chapter)

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