Quick wear: The full-level boss has torn up the cannon fodder script again

Chapter 221 Big Sister She Doesn't Want to Ascend

Chapter 221 Big Sister She Doesn't Want to Ascend (11)

Hearing the little bunny humming, Shu Liang wanted to roll her eyes.

How hypocritical.

Wei Yun took a deep look at Shu Liang, picked up Yan Liuyu, and flew off the ring.

Murong Feng avoided Shu Liang's gaze, glared at Pei Su, and then left.

Soon, Wu Lingzi announced in public that he would accept Yan Liuyu as his apprentice.

Shu Liang felt it was very ironic, and couldn't help complaining: "This kind of illogical script, ordinary people really can't write it."

Feng Changyue sacrificed herself to save the master's family from danger, she fell into the devil's den, and escaped from death. It stands to reason that the master, senior brother, and junior junior who have been with her for many years should not be the ones who feel guilty?

With a face similar to hers, Yan Liuyu enjoyed everything that should belong to Feng Changyue, so why should they feel guilty about her?
She was the one who walked into the ring by herself, and she was injured because she was inferior to others, but everyone turned around and blamed Feng Changyue?

The junior brother scolded her in public, and the "sweetheart" hugged the little rabbit demon and abandoned her.

The master who raised and taught her to be an adult even went so far as to slap her in the face in public to save Yan Liuyu's face.

it is ridiculous.

Shu Liang shook his head and sighed.

I don't understand, I don't understand.

Seeing her silently looking in the direction of their departure, Pei Su pursed her lips, raised her hand, and gently pulled off the corner of her clothes. Just as she was about to speak, she suddenly thought of him. current status.

Shu Liang heard a sentence behind him: "...Master."


She couldn't help it, and laughed.

Turning around, I saw the boy handing over a handkerchief, the style is simple, there is no embroidery pattern on it, it looks clean.

Shu Liang raised her eyebrows, "I didn't cry."

"I didn't ask you to wipe your tears." Pei Su couldn't help laughing, the corners of his lips raised, "Wipe the sword, it's dirty."

Shu Liang looked at the sword in his hand, paused, "...Oh."

She took the handkerchief and wiped the blood on the sword without haste. After wiping it clean, she held the dirty handkerchief with both hands, with obvious disgust in her eyes.

Seeing this, Pei Su naturally stretched out her hand and spread out her palm: "Give it to me."

Shu Liang put it in his hand and jokingly said, "Do you want to keep it?"

In the next second, the handkerchief was burned to ashes by the flames ignited in his palm, and disappeared in the wind without leaving a trace.

Pei Su fixedly looked at her, as if he didn't understand what she said just now, and asked, "Huh? What did you say?"

Shu Liang withdrew his gaze: "...it's nothing."
The martial arts tournament is over, and this year's leader is still Tianjianzong's Feng Changyue.

Even though the matter about Yan Liuyu caused people from other sects to murmur, no one dared to chew their tongues in front of Shu Liang. She was about to return to the Heavenly Sword Sect with Yujian, but Pei Su grabbed the corner of her clothes and said softly: : "Give me a ride."

Shu Liang raised her eyebrows, "Why? Don't tell me you don't know how to control a sword, I don't believe it."

"Give me a ride," Pei Su said as before, with an innocent expression on her face, she moved her lips when she met her questioning gaze, "Master."


It is obviously a serious tone, a serious address, how come out of his mouth, it seems so serious?

Shu Liang twitched the corner of her mouth, "Come on."

The young man slowly smiled, stood behind her, put his hands on her shoulders, and said, "Thank you, Master."

"To shut up."

Shu Liang shrugged his shoulders, and said angrily, "Don't put your hands on my shoulders, it's itchy."

"Oh," Pei Su put down her hand obediently, and asked solemnly, "Then where should I put it?"

 Great Demon King: Heh, the establishment of the flag is for falling. It is so troublesome to recruit disciples, so I don't want to find a little ancestor for myself.

  Pei Su: Master, give me a ride.

  hhhhhh ask for tickets~
(End of this chapter)

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