Quick wear: The full-level boss has torn up the cannon fodder script again

Chapter 229 Big Sister She Doesn't Want to Ascend

Chapter 229 Big Sister She Doesn't Want to Ascend (19)

In the silent night, his piercing voice was quite scary.

Everyone looked around vigilantly, worried that they would alarm the evil spirits lurking nearby.

And Qiao Shi yelled, but there was still no response. Seeing his father walking further and further away, he was anxious, so he didn't care about other things, and stepped forward to catch up, trying to stop his father from continuing to the unknown destination.

Murong Feng raised his hand, but he was a step too late and didn't stop him.


Seeing this, Wei Yun whispered: "Let's follow."
After running with the big team for an unknown amount of time, everyone seemed to have left the bustling Mushan Town, passed through a desolate field, and finally came to a large peach forest.

Shu Liang felt familiar immediately, and raised his eyebrows.

And Yan Liuyu has already blurted out the thoughts in his heart: "Could this be the peach forest that the shopkeeper mentioned?!"

Wei Yun nodded slightly, "It seems that our previous deduction is correct. The strange things that happened in the town are indeed inseparable from this peach forest."

They just think that this peach forest is not right, but in Shu Liang's eyes, where is the peach forest in front of them?It was obviously a large piece of black mist in the shape of a peach forest, which was wriggling, as if it would stretch out its claws at them at any moment.

The thick demonic aura immediately surrounded them.

The unpleasant stench just now became stronger.

"Ah, look at the sky!"

Hearing this, several people suddenly raised their heads.

At this moment, two crescent moons appeared in the originally pitch-black night sky, which was turning blood-red at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Shu Liang frowned, faintly feeling ominous.

When she withdrew her gaze, she felt dizzy for a moment before her eyes. She had the illusion that she was almost unable to stand and was about to fall. She even felt that the person beside her suddenly grabbed her hand and was dragged and forced to let go.

The eyes fell into darkness.

The eyelids seemed to be filled with lead, and they were so heavy that no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't open them.

At the same time, some memories seemed to be forcibly stuffed into her mind, and countless pictures flashed before her eyes.

When she finally opened her eyes, Shu Liang realized that she was in a peach forest, the peach petals were delicate and in full bloom, very similar to the peach forest they were in just now, except that the lingering blackness was missing. Fog and bad smell, the smell of peach blossoms in the nose.

Shu Liang held her breath and raised her eyes to look at the person in front of her.

Standing in front of him was a man dressed as a scholar, whose face was somewhat similar to Wei Yun's.

"Mu Qingxi," Shu Liang felt "myself" speak, and it was a completely unfamiliar voice, "I am a princess, but you are a commoner, and now you are out of the ranking, what are you going to marry me with?"

"Yaoqing, I..." The scholar hesitated to speak, as if he wanted to argue with her, but finally gave up under the aggressive gaze of the other party, gave up struggling, and sighed: "I am useless."

"It's good that you know," the princess whom he called Yao Qing snorted, her voice sounded full of inhuman indifference, and said to him, "You don't need to look for me again until you win the first prize."

After finishing speaking, Shu Liang felt that "Yao Qing" turned and left without looking back.

Although he didn't look back, Shu Liang could also imagine how lost and depressed the expression on the scholar's face behind him was.

Seeing the memory of "Princess Yaoqing" popping up in her mind, Shu Liang fell silent.

What's the situation?

She called 021 in her mind, but luckily she got a response soon.

021 said solemnly:
[Master Shu Liang, I guess this is an illusion. 】

Shu Liang twitched the corner of his mouth speechlessly, "I don't need you to tell me this."

One second they were still looking up at the two weird blood moons in the night sky, and the next second she became some kind of "Princess Yaoqing", and her companions disappeared.

What is it if it is not an illusion?
This illusion is not aimed at themselves, it seems to be woven by other people's memories, they are in it, but their consciousness is attached to the other person in the illusion, and they can't control this body, they can only listen, watch and feel Things that happened.

The extra memories in her mind probably belong to this "Princess Yaoqing".

And the scholar named "Mu Qingxi" just now is probably Wei Yun, but I don't know if Mu Qingxi's appearance is somewhat similar to Wei Yun's, or because Wei Yun's spiritual consciousness is attached to it and affects that person. Incarnate.

What is known so far is that Princess Yaoqing is the daughter of a certain lord of the Eastern Kingdom in history. She met Mu Qingxi, a scholar who came from a poor background, by chance during an outing, and was gradually attracted by his unrecognizable personality. He fell in love with him, and Mu Qingxi naturally fell in love with this beautiful and noble royal princess inevitably.

The two agreed that after Mu Qingxi won the first prize this year, he would ask the Holy Majesty for a marriage. At that time, the Holy Majesty would never refuse him on the grounds of his poor background.

However, Mu Qingxi failed the ranking.

Princess Yaoqing felt angry and disappointed, so she came to the peach forest where he often met to question him.

At this moment, 021's exclamation suddenly sounded in his mind.

【...Damn it!Host, turn back! 】

Shu Liang was taken aback by it's surprise, her ears buzzed, and she said speechlessly, "I can't turn back now."

This body was out of her control, Princess Yaoqing was furious, and she left as soon as she said it, and didn't want to look back at all.

However, this was the first time that 021 was so excited, Shu Liang asked, "What happened?"

021 said:
[There is a person exactly like Princess Yaoqing...ah no, it might be a ghost, who appeared in front of that Mu Qingxi. 】

Shu Liang: Oh well.


What the distraught scholar longed for most after failing the exam was the gentle comfort of his beloved, but instead of comforting him, Princess Yaoqing sternly reprimanded and put pressure on him, which gave others the opportunity to sneak in.

Shu Liang had a strong intuition in his heart, and guessed: "That counterfeit must be the Peach Blossom Demon, right?"

021 took a closer look and told her:
[Shouldn't be a monster, I didn't feel a monster in her body, and after she approached Mu Qingxi, she didn't hurt him. 】

If it's not a monster, then it's the Peach Blossom Essence.

There's no need for a spirit to pretend to hurt an unarmed mortal.

Shu Liang smiled and sighed: "It's really a familiar scene."

Scholars Mu Qingxi and Princess Yaoqing often come to this hidden peach forest for private meetings. They thought that no one would know about it, but the peach blossom essence who has cultivated into a spirit sees all of this.

Unfortunately, Peach Blossom Jing also fell in love with Mu Qingxi.

But what to do?The person Mu Qingxi likes is Princess Yaoqing.

Peach Blossom Essence waited and waited, and the opportunity came to him.

The two had a big quarrel, and Princess Yaoqing left angrily. After she left, Peach Blossom Essence turned into Princess Yaoqing, pretending that she hadn't left, and giving Mu Qingxi the gentle comfort she needed.

 Thank you [Qingqiu] for your reward, okay~

(End of this chapter)

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