Chapter 246 The sniper, she hits every shot (4)

Following her line of sight, Huo Yu's eyes slowly fixed on her chest, and then quickly looked away, falling elsewhere.

The corners of Shu Liang's lips twitched slightly, and when he looked away, he raised his hand and grabbed his collar without warning, tightened his five fingers and pulled him towards her.

He probably didn't expect her to do such a thing in such a tense situation. When Huo Yu realized it, he saw a pair of beautiful smiling eyes, and the distance between them was unimaginable.

His breathing was stagnant, his brows and eyes were subconsciously furrowed slightly, exuding a chilling aura all over his body.

"Jiuye," in her beautiful and cold pupils, the smile faded like the surface of a calm lake, and she suddenly became calm and indifferent. If you read correctly, the slightly raised eyebrows even carried a hint of sarcasm , with slightly parted lips, whispered softly: "Are you waiting for me to kiss you?"


Huo Yu woke up like a dream, his brows were deeply furrowed, and he took a few steps back.

The next moment, the muzzle of the gun moved slightly upwards, touching her shoulder, pushing her back.

After a while, Shu Liang was successfully "invited" out of Tinghe Garden by Huo Yu.

When the old butler brought people in, Shu Liang seemed to have not seen the dark complexion of the young marshal, and sighed regretfully, "Does Jiuye really not consider giving up the cook in the house? If three times is not enough , I am willing to pay a higher price!"

The old butler who didn't know why looked at Shu Liang, then at his young master's stinky face, and muttered in his heart.

... The young master has always had a temperament of not showing emotions, this girl is really capable, and I don't know what she did to make her angry.

In his usual perception, daring to be angry with him like this would have no good fruit in the end, but she was alive and well, and Master Jiu even ordered him to send her home.

...Could it be that they are arguing over a cook?
Rare, really rare.

No matter how curious he was, the old butler didn't have the guts to ask.

He respectfully led the man away, and as soon as he went out, out of Huo Yu's sight, the old housekeeper saw that the smiling girl had changed her face, looking cold and alienated.

But when he was being sent to the car, the girl put a smile on her pretty face and thanked him politely.

The old butler suddenly felt overwhelmed. After thinking about it, he said, "You're welcome, girl. You're drenched in the rain. You'd better drink a bowl of ginger soup to drive away the cold when you get home."

Shu Liang nodded in agreement, and thanked again.

After waving his hands and watching the car drive out of the gate of Tinghe Garden, the old housekeeper slowly put down his hands and shook his head thoughtfully.
In the car.

Shu Liang yawned, and the case that Huo Yu mentioned not long ago suddenly appeared in his mind.

This matter is not a secret in the concession. After all, three people died in one day, and they were the aunt and son of a real estate tycoon, with unusual identities.

Killing with one shot is clearly not something ordinary people can do.

The first thing most people think of is a professional killer.

This incident caused quite a stir, especially in the upper class circle. After all, in this world, if you want to gain a foothold, who would not offend someone?
Opinions vary as to their cause of death.

For a while, everyone was in danger, and the security of the mansion was strengthened a lot.

The person was indeed killed by Lin Qingye, and the reason, as Huo Yu said, was to collect money to do things.

It was Nama Xianji's wife who hired the murderer.

Like many people in the upper class, Ma Xianji is also a playboy. So far, there are seven concubines in the family and ten children. Among them, the third concubine is the most skillful and the most popular favorite.

It's not just a matter of a day or two that the third aunt is too favored. The eldest lady paid for the murder, and it's not just because of this reason.

The blame is that the third aunt stretched her hands too far, and was not satisfied with taking advantage of her two sons. She even blew pillow wind at Ma Xianji and sent the only daughter of the eldest lady to the 50-year-old spinning factory. Big boss marriage.

It's absurd no matter how you look at it.

But the third aunt was so eloquent that she really persuaded Ma Xianji, no matter how much the eldest lady persuaded and begged, it was useless.

Ma Xianji married his 22-year-old daughter to a 50-year-old spinning mill owner for the reason: "Anyway, you are stupid and can't read, and you can't find a job to make a living. The family has provided you with fine clothes and fine food for more than 20 years. Play some role to repay it? If you marry and become a rich wife, you can still live a good life."

When I was in my 50s and married a young girl in my 20s as my concubine, it was natural for me to marry my daughter in my 20s to a bad old man in his 50s.

From Shu Liang's point of view, this eldest lady is still too soft-hearted, and she still doesn't recognize who the real damn person is.

After decades of fighting with the same sex in Fangyuan House, she subconsciously ignored the real culprit——

her husband.

The daughter is the only thing that the eldest lady thinks about in her life, and being forced to marry the owner of the spinning mill has made her disheartened.

But not long after they got married, news came that their daughter committed suicide by jumping off a building.

It turned out that the owner of the spinning mill had mania, and the pampered girl couldn't stand his endless beatings and abuse, and was confined at home with no way to ask for help. After despair, she had to choose such a decisive way to end her life.

After hearing the news, Da Furen was completely hopeless and completely insane.

She found "Long Night" and used all her savings to buy these three lives.

According to Lin Qingye's information network, in fact, the life of the mother and son is not limited to this one?
The third aunt is too jealous and narrow-minded. Every time she sees a beautiful maid in the mansion, she suspects that she wants to seduce the master, shake her position, and has dealt with many people in private.

And her two sons also followed their mother, with bad conduct. Not only did they kill someone while drunk driving, they also robbed civilian girls and forced to death several poor female students.

Lin Qingye didn't like them a long time ago, so when he heard the news that Da Furen wanted to hire someone to kill them, he immediately took up the task with his own son.

Overnight, three people in different places were shot to death. After several investigations, the police did not find any clues, let alone the murder weapon. This became an unsolved case.

But I didn't expect that Huo Yu, a warlord commander, would personally intervene to investigate this matter, which is a bit troublesome.


The next day, Shu Liang just woke up when he heard the sound of neat footsteps outside the door.

Immediately afterwards, there was a hasty knock on the door.

She yawned and got up to open the door.

If the guess is correct, Huo Yu sent someone to her house to search for evidence.

After the door opened, he faced a pair of dark and deep eyes.

Shu Liang looked him up and down, and then casually glanced at the people behind him, couldn't hold back, and yawned again, physical tears welling from the corners of his eyes: "Master Jiu, good morning."

The leisurely and lazy posture seems to be greeting the friends who come to place it.

Huo Yu: "..."

Shu Liang came to open the door without changing her clothes. At this time, she was still wearing a comfortable and soft nightdress, revealing her slender neck, sexy collarbone and a small piece of fair skin.

The soldiers behind them stared straight at him.

Huo Yu immediately sullenly cast a sidelong glance at the people behind him.

"We are going to search the suspect's home, you go and change your clothes."

Shu Liang raised her eyebrows, "Oh."

In the next second, the door was slammed shut with a heavy sound.

Before letting the soldiers come in, Shu Liang reminded: "You can search, but you can't mess up my house."

Otherwise, it would be a hassle to clean it up.

After getting the consent, Shu Liang turned sideways to let people in.

While they were searching, Shu Liang lazily leaned on the soft sofa to eat, as if he wasn't worried about what they might find.

...In fact, they did not find anything.

Seeing that Huo Yu was leading the team to leave with an uneasy expression, Shu Liang waved his hand and smiled: "Let's go now? You are welcome to come again next time. Remember to bring some gifts next time. It would be best if it is food."

That night, golden years.

Xu Yansheng appeared again.

Shu Liang's eyes didn't stop because of him.

But he didn't give up, he still waited at the exit of the back door with the bouquet in his arms, stopped in front of her, and said with a smile: "Your singing voice is very beautiful, can you accept the flowers from me as a fan? I thought you would like Jasmine , but you didn't accept my flowers last night, since you don't like Jasmine, what about roses?"

This time, he sent a large bouquet of flaming roses.

Intense floral fragrance.

Like an idiot, Shu Liang moved a few steps to the side indifferently, away from him.

She opened her mouth with unhuman indifference in her voice: "I don't like jasmine, I don't like roses, and I won't accept your flowers, so there's no need to send them any more."

Send it again, Gu will blow your dog's head off.

She held her nose, thinking that she would have to wear a veil when she went out in the future.

Hearing her cold rejection, Xu Yansheng was a little frustrated, and said in a low voice, "But you didn't reject any of the flowers they sent backstage."

"..." That's because there's no way to reject it, hey!

Shu Liang didn't want to waste time with him, so she bypassed him and left.

However, after Xu Yansheng was rejected so bluntly by her, he still chased after her and asked expectantly: "Miss Jasmine, I heard that you have never been interviewed before, so do I have the honor to interview you?"

Shu Liang really didn't understand why he, a newspaper reporter, was obsessed with interviewing a singer.

Hmph, it must be that the drunkard doesn't care about drinking.

Shu Liang said seriously: "I don't accept interviews."

After speaking, she turned to leave.

Xu Yansheng wanted to follow behind her, but just as he took a step, he found that he couldn't move.

The feet seemed to be entwined by invisible vines. Xu Yansheng tried for a long time but failed to move forward. He could only watch the slender figure in front of him melt into the night.


Xu Yansheng came to visit Golden Age for several days in a row, and still gave flowers in different styles, but it was probably because of her straightforward refusal that played a role, so he no longer chose to give her flowers in person, but delivered them to her like other flower senders. Backstage.

this day.

Before Shu Liang came to the stage, she suddenly received a secret message from someone, telling her that an enemy spy had infiltrated the auditorium and locked the target.

How dare you take advantage of Gu's territory to hide?
Have you paid the protection fee? !

Shu Liang squinted his eyes, and wrote down his characteristics.

After taking the stage, Xu Yansheng still came and sat in a familiar position.

Shu Liang didn't intend to go to see him at first, but the secret agent hiding here was actually beside him.

Her eyes swept over as if inadvertently, and she stopped when she saw a familiar figure.

Huo Yu?

The young young marshal did not wear the majestic uniform. He wore a black overcoat very low-key, a gentleman's hat on his head, and a pair of silver-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose. The other hand rests on the armrest leisurely, looking like a refined scholar elite.

Shu Liang was stunned for a moment, then withdrew his gaze.

Unexpectedly, his news is quite well-informed.

She wanted to do it herself, but now that Huo Yu appeared, there was no need for her to take any action, otherwise his suspicion would be deepened.

While thinking about it, the accompaniment sounded.

She still sang "When Will You Come Again" today.

But just as she was about to speak, someone from the audience suddenly shouted, interrupting her voice.

"Why is it this song again?! I come every day, and I have listened to "When Will You Come Again" for seven nights!"

As soon as the words fell, there was the sound of a wine glass breaking.

It caused a little panic at the scene.

Shu Liang: "..."

This is not to save trouble.

Although his tone was not very good, she felt that it was understandable. After all, listening to the same song every day was really boring, and Shu Liang herself got tired of singing it.

She said lightly: "Then I will change one."

I thought this small disturbance would just subside, but I didn't expect that the clamoring person was not so easy to talk to, as if seeing her compromising, he said with a smile: "Of course it's fine to change another song, but Jasmine I'm not happy, should I toast me a glass of wine and apologize?"

The man was probably a little drunk, and his smile was a bit wretched, and his eyes had already betrayed his plan.

Shu Liang narrowed his eyes.

The manager looked at her, then at the man, with a troubled expression on his face.

This man is not tall, looking at his flamboyant appearance and attire, he probably belongs to some gang, not to mention that he is still drunk, if he goes up to reason with him, he will be beaten with his toes .

Shu Liang twitched the corner of her mouth, but she deserved it simply, "Okay."

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help showing surprised expressions.

... actually agreed?

The manager thought that the situation would be stalemate for a long time, but he didn't expect that she would agree so easily. He immediately breathed a sigh of relief and gave her a grateful look.

Shu Liang came down the steps with her skirt in her hand, and when she walked to the man's place, she passed by Xu Yansheng and Huo Yu.

Xu Yansheng looked worried.

Huo Yu met her gaze, and raised the corner of his lower lip in an unclear manner.

... From Shu Liang's point of view, he was gloating, waiting to see her laugh.


When he walked up to him, the man had already filled a glass of wine.

The cup is not big, even if it is full, it can be drunk in one gulp.

Enduring the unpleasant smell of alcohol on his body, Shu Liang picked up the glass, touched him very quickly, and then drank with her head up.

Seeing this, the man looked at her from head to toe with greedy eyes, and said with a smug smile: "Hahahahaha, it's refreshing, let's have another glass."

As he spoke, he picked up the jug again, filled the glass, and handed it to her graciously.

(End of this chapter)

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