Chapter 257 Dismantle Your Sewing Machine (2)

New messages are constantly popping up at the bottom right of the computer screen.

At the same time, the screen of the mobile phone next to the computer is displaying the interface of private messages from people who have not followed Weibo.

It was a girl named [Orange Flavored Milk Qiqi] who sent her a private message.

At the very beginning of the conversation, it was the girl who came to her on her own initiative and asked her to show evidence of their plagiarism, and then "she" sent over the palette that she had made overnight.

Orange Flavored Milk Kiki: Oh

Orange-flavored Milk Kiki: I thought it was plagiarism
Orange-flavoured Milk Qiqi: It turns out to be just some sentences
Deer Road: This is equivalent to copy and paste

Lu Lu: These sentences are original in my book, but she used my sentences in paragraphs, which can already be judged as plagiarism.

Orange flavored milk Kiki: No way

Orange-flavored milk Qiqi: These sentences are very popular on the Internet, they are everywhere, and many people have used them. Who knows where they came from?Lianlian didn't say that it was her original work, and when you wrote something, didn't the teacher ask you to extract some good words and sentences from the book and use it when writing an essay?
Orange-flavored milk Qiqi: Is this considered plagiarism?
Orange-flavored milk Qiqi: I seem to remember that this is called excerpt, right? !

Lu Lu: Do you know what plagiarism is?She moved my sentence into her own novel, and did not indicate that it was a quotation, and used it for commercial use. If this is not called plagiarism, what is it called?
Orange-flavored milk Qiqi: Then when you write your composition, don’t you let people read it?
Orange-flavored Milk Qiqi: Could it be that you write it by yourself and read it alone?
Lu Lu: Writing a composition is different from using it for business.
Orange-flavored Milk Qiqi: Isn’t writing for people to read?Isn’t writing novels for people to read?
Orange-flavored milk Qiqi: Then let me ask you, are there sentences like "baby, I love you" everywhere on the Internet?

Deer Road: ...

Lu Lu: Do people charge for reading your composition?do you make moneyShe plagiarizes the fruits of my labor to make money without my consent, can it be the same as your writing?

Lu Lu: Do you have common sense of law?

Orange flavored milk Kiki: I'm legally blind
Orange-flavored milk Qiqi: Picture.jpg (Screenshot from an encyclopedia)

Orange-flavored milk Qiqi: I even searched the Internet, what is plagiarism?
Orange-flavored milk Qiqi: Plagiarism is using other people's thinking methods in your own works. Can the sentences and plots be the same?

Orange-flavored Milk Qiqi: According to what you say, every author is a plagiarist!

Deer Road: ...

Orange-flavored milk Qiqi: We, Lianlianqing, are self-clearing, and we don’t want to talk to you at all. I suggest you go to the hospital to see your brain. If you have time, talk to me here.

At this point, the original owner did not reply, probably giving up communicating with her.

Shu Liang sneered, "What kind of orange-flavored milk Qiqi is this? If the intelligence level exceeds, I can write my name upside down."


The original owner is Xia Lu, a senior female college student majoring in urban and rural planning at xx University of Science and Technology. It is summer vacation. In order to prepare for the postgraduate entrance examination, she did not go home, but rented a small house with someone near the school to study. .

In addition, she is also an author of online articles, and will spend a few hours writing novels online to make some money after reviewing, but in fact, she regards these few hours as relaxation time, using words to describe The stories in her heart can resonate with readers, which is very satisfying for her.

The website Xia Lu is on is just an ordinary small website. She may be relatively well-known on this website, but if it is placed in the entire Internet literature world, it is like a drop in the ocean, unremarkable.

Until one day, a young reader who had followed the article for a long time came to tell her that she had discovered that a new book by a great internet writer had plagiarized the novel she finished last year. own text.

Xia Lu was very surprised, she didn't believe it at first.

After all, the great god in the mouth of this little reader can be said to be one of the top figures in the pyramid of the romance network literary world. Although she has not read her novels, she knows that there is a huge gap between herself and the other party.

But when Xia Lu read the new article by the great author, the familiarity of the whole article made her unable to deceive herself.

Xia Lu was shocked, but even more angry.

She didn't understand why the other party, a master who had nothing to do with her, wanted to copy a little-known author like her?
Do you think she has few readers, and no one will find out if she copied it, so she can be unscrupulous?

Although she is an inconspicuous little writer, Xia Lu poured her heart and soul into the words she wrote and every character she created.

They were all alive in her mind.

This kind of irresponsible behavior towards his work makes Xia Lu feel sad.

She couldn't bear it, so she made a color palette overnight to compare the other party's new essay with her completed old essay. Because the project was too large, she chose to mark the sentences copied directly from her essay by the other party first, and then find the other party's Weibo, sent to her.

The reason why it wasn't posted directly on the Internet was because Xia Lu didn't want to make things big.

After all, the other party is a big-name author, and the reader base far exceeds her.

If she publishes it hastily, not only will she not be able to get the results she wants, but it may also lead to a backlash from the other party's readers, resulting in unnecessary influence.

What Xia Lu wanted was a sincere apology.

However, the news she sent fell silent.

She waited for several days, waiting for the other party to post Weibo to interact with readers, but still did not get a reply.

But the message clearly shows that it has been read.

Xia Lu didn't give up, and sent several messages over, with a humble and cautious attitude.

A few days later, the other party posted an advertisement for the pre-sale of physical books.

And the messages she sent in the past are still unreadable.

It wasn't until Xia Lu told her that if she didn't reply to the message, she would directly publish the color palette on the Internet, and finally waited for the reply of [It's Lianlian, not Lianlian].

It's Lianlian, not Lianlian:?

It's Lianlian, not Lianlian: I'm sorry, I was busy before, so I didn't pay attention to read the private message.

It's Lianlian, not Lianlian: Is this the whole palette?do you have anything else?

The other party's attitude was different from Xia Lu's imagination.

So she held back her anger and couldn't find an outlet.

Seeing her asking about the color palette, Xia Lu didn't think much about it, and sent all the remaining color palettes that he had made in the days of waiting for her reply to the message.

Lu Lu: Hello, you did plagiarize my novel, right?I hope you can publicly apologize and admit your mistakes.

Her message was once again unreadable by the other party.

This time, the messages that Xia Lu sent later turned into red dots.

——The other party blocked her.

 Thank you [Zhong Xiaoke] for your reward, okay~

(End of this chapter)

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