Chapter 260 Dismantle Your Sewing Machine (5)

Shu Liang raised her eyebrows, and dialed back.

The person on the other end of the phone probably saw that the number was local, and when they called back, the call was connected.

"Hey, who are you?"

The voice on the phone sounded like a young woman.

Shu Liang opened his mouth and called out her name accurately. When he spoke, there was a hint of familiar complaint in his tone: "Wen Zilian, why did you hang up on me just now?"

There was silence on the other end of the phone.

After a while, she hesitated and asked, "Excuse me, who are you?"

Shu Liang raised her lips and smiled silently, "You don't even know me anymore? Thanks to me, I heard that you live in W City now, and I was the first to contact you as soon as I got off the plane. I didn't expect it, alas, after all, the relationship has faded."

"Ah You……"

The person at the other end seemed a little stunned, thought for a while, and asked hesitantly, "Are you Chen Wenyan?"

Hearing that she consciously found an identity for her, Shu Liang couldn't hold back, and chuckled lightly, without directly admitting it, it was meaningful: "What do you think?"

However, her cryptic tone made the person on the other end of the phone believe in her conjecture.

"It turned out to be Wen Yan, why didn't you tell me when you came back suddenly so that I could pick you up and treat you to a meal..."

As if she breathed a sigh of relief, she skillfully changed into a familiar tone and talked and laughed with her.

Shu Liang answered the words graciously: "It's ok, I'll just wait for you."

Later, she reported the address of an expensive restaurant near Wen Zilian's home.

This restaurant is very close to the community where Wen Zilian's home is located, and it is the kind that can be reached within a 10-minute walk.

After hearing this address, Wen Zilian's vigilance relaxed a lot, and she agreed without much hesitation.
Shu Liang walked into the restaurant before Wen Zilian.

Probably because of the high price, there are not many people dining in the restaurant.

After sitting down in the vacant seat, the waiter handed over the menu and asked with a smile, "What would you like to eat, miss?"

She was dressed in ordinary clothes, but her demeanor made the waiter subconsciously dare not neglect her.

Shu Liang flipped through the menu thoughtfully, but didn't answer the waiter's words.

Seeing her flipping through the menu aimlessly, her eyes never stopping at any dish, as if she didn't know what to choose, the waiter smiled and asked: "What kind of flavor does Miss Sister usually like to eat, I can recommend it for you Oh."

As soon as the words finished, Shu Liang closed the menu.

She looked calm: "No need."

The waiter was stunned.

...Could it be that she was mistaken, this little girl couldn't afford it at all, she wasn't thinking about what to order, but was scared by the price on the menu and retreated?
This idea just turned around in her mind, and the next moment, Shu Liang said in an uncompromising tone: "Please serve all the dishes on the menu, thank you."

Ordering food is the most troublesome thing. She is very hungry now and has no time to choose.

Simply put them all in one copy.

... Anyway, she doesn't have to pay, hee hee.

The waiter took the menu in a daze, but didn't move, staring at her blankly.

Seeing this, Shu Liang raised her eyebrows: "What's the matter, can't you order like this?"

The waiter came back to his senses, quickly waved his hands and said, "Ah... no, no, it's ok, it's just so much at once, I'm worried that you may not be able to finish it."

Shu Liang's face remained unchanged: "It's okay, I'm not alone."

Hearing what she said, the waiter suddenly remembered that at the door just now, she seemed to mean two people.

...Could it be that her friend who didn't come is especially good at eating?
 Thanks to [] (I can't see this friend's id, it seems to be a space?) for the reward, what~
(End of this chapter)

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