Chapter 262 Dismantle Your Sewing Machine (7)

Oh, no plagiarism.

Then why didn't you dare to respond in the first place?
Why secretly edit the text according to the color palette?
Shu Liang finished listening with a half-smile, and asked quietly: "Is there really no plagiarism?"

Her straight gaze was like a sharp sword, piercing through the false barrier of self-deception in Wen Zilian's heart.

There is nowhere to hide.

Wen Zilian's heart tightened, and she blurted out the truth: "Even if I copy it, what can you do to me?!"

Shu Liang kept chopsticks, seeing her strange expression, smiled: "Relax, I'm looking for you today, I just want to eat and chat, you don't have to be so nervous."

Wen Zilian pursed her lips in disdain, and snorted coldly: "Hmph, do you think I will believe your nonsense? What are you pretending to do? Do you think that pretending to be pitiful will make me soften my heart and apologize to you? Naive! Not only will I not admit plagiarism , I won’t apologize to you, and I won’t give you any compensation! Frighten me? I’ll post a Weibo later accusing you of harassing me, trying to force me to admit plagiarism and blackmail me! ? Then I will let you know that the Internet = violent violence!"

...Oops, why did she accidentally speak the truth.

Wen Zilian covered her mouth in surprise.

The volume of her speech was getting louder and louder, causing many people to look sideways and look at her with strange eyes.

Shu Liang applauded soullessly: "Tsk tsk tsk, the most poisonous woman's heart."

After applauding, she raised her hand and called the waiter.

Wen Zilian, who had just said something wrong, suddenly became vigilant and stared at her intently.

Shu Liang was calm and composed, motioned to the waiter for the CDs on the table, and said, "These dishes can be collected, and the next round of dishes will be served?"


The waiter witnessed the spectacular process where Shu Liang easily wiped out the whole table of food by himself, and was amazed in his heart. When collecting the empty plate, his eyes couldn't help but wander around the girl's flat belly, wondering secretly.

...where did all these things go? !
Wen Zilian watched the waiter take away the empty plates one after another. It is conservatively estimated that there are twelve or three plates, and then put the freshly baked dishes on the table one by one, which looks similar to the number of plates just now.

Talking to her didn't delay the person in front of her from eating.

After realizing how much Shu Liang had eaten, Wen Zilian's eyes widened in disbelief: "You ate so much by yourself?"

Shu Liang picked up the noodles and put them in his mouth, raising his eyebrows: "Do you have any objections?"


Wen Zilian wanted to say that this has nothing to do with me, but after hearing what she said just now, she still had such a good appetite, and started the next round as if she hadn't heard it at all, her heart is really not ordinary.

Her gaze fell on Shu Liang's cheap clothes, which could be seen at a glance, and she felt an inexplicable sense of superiority. Her heart moved slightly, and she said what was in her heart: "This restaurant is very expensive, and you are dressed so poorly." , do you have the money to pay the bill? I’m afraid you want to stay here to wash the dishes and mop the floor for the boss to pay off the debt?”

As soon as the words fell, Wen Zilian's complexion turned pale before Shu Liang could react.

... What's wrong with her, why can't she control what's on her mind all the time?
Hearing her words, Shu Liang didn't react at all. He just raised his eyes and blinked at her with a meaningful meaning: "It's impossible to wash the dishes, and it's impossible to mop the floor."

Hearing this sentence suddenly, Wen Zilian didn't understand what it meant.

After finishing the second table of delicious food, she burped contentedly, stretched her waist, stood up and walked out, Wen Zilian felt that something was wrong.

... She obviously didn't eat anything, why did she sit here and watch her eat for a long time? !

Walking to the front desk, the cashier handed over the bill, with a typical smile on his face, and said, "You two ladies, you spent a total of 2498 yuan this time. Is it WeChat or Alipay?"

Shu Liang nodded, took the bill, turned to Wen Zilian next to her and said, "WeChat is still Alipay, pay now."

pay? !Why make her pay? !

Wen Zilian frowned unhappily, and wanted to open her mouth to refute, but the next moment, she suddenly found that she couldn't open her mouth.

As if stuck to something.

She wanted to leave, but she couldn't move as if she had been immobilized, and her whole body was stiff.

Under Shu Liang's implicitly oppressive gaze, Wen Zilian took out her mobile phone to pay in a daze, and when the two of them walked out of the restaurant, she suddenly felt the invisible restraints on her body disappear, and she woke up.

Wen Zilian intuitively felt that the strange things that happened to her were all caused by Shu Liang, and when she saw her walking in another direction, she suddenly stopped in front of her, "Wait!"

Shu Liang stopped and looked at her with a smile: "Why, you said you want to buy me milk tea?"

Wen Zilian's face was inexplicable: "When did I say that I would buy you milk tea?"

3 minute later.

Holding a big cup of milk tea in his hand, Shu Liang smiled and said to Wen Zilian who looked weird: "Thank you boss, you are so kind."

Wen Zilian, whose heart was bleeding to the point of explosion: "..."

Shu Liang took a sip of milk tea, "Do you have anything else to say?"

With the lessons learned from the past, Wen Zilian was afraid that she would encounter strange things again if she stayed with this person, so she quickly grabbed her wallet and fled.

Looking at her back, Shu Liang smiled and shook his head.
Wen Zilian thought that everything would be fine if she stayed away from Shu Liang, but in fact, she still couldn't help but want to tell the truth.

When her parents called to greet her, she said: "Do you think that I am as busy as you when I have nothing to do every day? Can you stop calling me?!"

When she received a call from her younger brother, she said, "You know, you came to ask me for money, you spend money like a big baby, and you are such a grown-up, and you drag others down like a giant baby, your parents shouldn't have given birth to such a waste like you! "

When she received the editor's concern, she said: "Reminder, reminder, you will know the reminder all day long. Anyway, you rely on me to get the performance. Even if I have nothing to do, I don't want to write. I like to delay the deadline and then submit the manuscript." , are you angry?"

And so on.

In just two days, she offended more people than in her entire life.

Wen Zilian suffered from headaches, so she went to the hospital for a physical examination, but when the results came out, the doctor told her that there was nothing wrong with her body except that her cervical spine was a little bad due to years of writing and her shoulders were prone to soreness.

I did two checkups in different hospitals in succession, but the results were the same.

Even when she heard the doctor say something similar to the previous examination for the second time, she blurted out: "There is clearly something wrong with my body, why do you say there is no? Could it be because you can't see what the disease is, so Are you deliberately not telling me?"

The doctor who was questioned about his professional ethics and professional standards was so angry that he turned black on the spot.

On the way home with the medical report, Wen Zilian recalled the editor's words in her mind.

 Two more in one
(End of this chapter)

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