The Great Bandit in Kangxi Year

Chapter 108 Chapter 110

Chapter 108 Chapter 110

Looking at the brutal fight, Jin Ba always wanted to turn around and run away. Looking at the county magistrate whose face turned pale, he said tremblingly, "What should the county magistrate do now?"

Only then did the magistrate come to his senses, and he said eagerly: "Mr. Jin is going to command quickly, the bandits are about to enter the city, and the county will go and mobilize reinforcements."

"This?" Boss Jin threw away his waist knife at once, and sighed: "My lord, look, the soldiers on the top of the city have just been recruited. How can we fight against the ferocious bandits? Let's run quickly, why throw them away in vain?" killed?"

"You, it's in vain that the county appreciates you so much. I didn't expect you to be a cowardly person. Hmph, follow the county and drive the bandits out of the city." The county magistrate snorted dismissively, full of Said in disbelief, shook his sleeves, drew out his sword and rushed over.

The surrounding staff and soldiers looked at each other in blank dismay, seeing a large number of vicious bandits rushing up again, they dared not obey orders, but ran in the opposite direction instead.

"Pedantic! I'm not so stupid."

Jin Bazong laughed, turned around and ran away with more than ten soldiers, at this moment he was more sober than anyone else, there was no need to do his best for others, the most important thing was to save his life.

At this time, Yao Jun also climbed up the city wall, wielding a nine-ringed knife with great power, and those who stand in it will die, but Luo Feng's face is splattered with the blood of others, as terrifying as a ghost in hell, he kills it instantly , laughed loudly, suddenly remembered the rules of the Black Tiger Army, and hurriedly took the lead in shouting: "The surrender will not be killed!"

Most of the only hundred or so young and strong people left on the wall dropped their weapons without hesitation, and those who were unresponsive were immediately cut down by the red-eyed black tiger army.

Wei Donglai, who was at the bottom of the city, felt relieved, and hurriedly dispatched the rest of the soldiers to block the other three gates, so that no one could enter or enter.

He hurriedly sent guards to inform Luo Feng and Yao Jun to occupy the county government office and treasury as soon as possible, and warned the army not to violate the military order, and those who violated the order can be killed first and then acted later.

He also ordered Yebushou and Sharpshooter Guards, who stayed up all night, to be military judges to inspect the whole city. If there are black tiger troops who enter private houses, kill innocent people and loot property, they can be killed on the spot.

He secretly pondered in his heart, it seems that the Black Tiger Army still lacks military judges, and self-consciousness alone is not enough, there must be a special army dedicated to supervision and law enforcement.

Before leaving, Jiang Tao specially selected [-] elite black tiger guards to guard Zhou Quan. Wei Donglai was determined, and then entered the city surrounded by the black tiger guards.

Although there are many young and strong people who have gathered in a hurry in the city, the principals in the county either died or fled. The young and strong have no backbone, so how dare they fight to the death!

Tieqiangying and Biaohanwei criss-crossed the city, and took down important strongholds such as the county government in a short while. Most of the young and strong had no way to escape and had to surrender.

Amidst the shouts of "Idle people wait to return home quickly, anyone who dares to resist the Black Tiger Army, anyone who takes the opportunity to loot, and anyone who wields a knife in the street, will be killed without mercy!" Calm was restored.

The bright red blood stains turned black and red in a short while, and the whole city became gloomy.

Wei Donglai sighed, rushed to the county government office immediately, ordered the 300 Iron Spear Battalion to be divided into four teams, and patrolled around. Yao Jun was asked to draw [-] people to cooperate with the logistics battalion to defend the four gates. Only then did he realize that there was a shortage of troops. Jiang Wushang and others transported food and grass, but unfortunately the powerful armed forces in the county have not been disarmed, they are very likely to rob and kill the logistics battalion.

Although the soldiers in the logistics battalion are all young and strong, they are equipped with weapons. Unfortunately, the training time is not long, and they can deal with young and strong, but they are not sure of victory against other armed forces.

Now that the county town has not been completely controlled, and it is impossible to send troops to guard the grain transportation team, Wei Donglai was in a difficult situation for a while, and secretly said in his heart: "It seems that we have to wipe out the powerful people in the city as soon as possible. Bring it up."

Seeing that there were no bandits attacking the city from the other three gates, Jin Ba hurried back to the mansion with his own soldiers. After he packed up his important belongings, he found that the county had completely fallen, and the other three gates were also guarded by a large number of bandits. There is no escape.

Thinking of the exceptionally brave Black Tiger Army, Mr. Jin almost couldn't stand still, and all thoughts were lost immediately, he was really reluctant to part with such a huge family property.

The old butler at the side wiped his eyes, comforted him and said, "Master, why don't we give some gifts to the bandit leader. Seeing the news, the bandits didn't rob casually. Let's try."

"Old butler, you are so confused. The Black Tiger Army never robs the poor, but only preys on the rich. People serve as knives, and I serve as fish, so what?" Mr. Jin shook his head and sighed. Shangcheng County is not far from here. How could it be hidden from the eyes and ears of the Jin family?

"This? What should I do?" the old butler said with a mournful face.

"For the sake of the whole family's life, I have no choice but to try it, sir." Mr. Jin hurriedly ordered the housekeeper to prepare the gift list, treating him like a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

He didn't want to, as soon as he left the gate, he saw a large number of black tiger troops approaching his mansion, and he immediately understood, as if he was facing an abyss, he panicked and said: "Don't do anything, the Jin family is willing to serve the black tiger army."

Wei Donglai was among the army at this time, he just felt funny in his heart, the number one tycoon in Jinzhai County was so vulnerable, it was beyond his expectation.

"Okay, let's take it into custody first, and if there is any bad behavior, we will deal with it according to the law." Wei Donglai said indifferently, the Jin family owns one-third of the fields and most of the forests in Jinzhai County. These are the capital used by the Black Tiger Army to buy people's hearts. Never be soft-hearted.

If others take the initiative to contribute, it is too late to welcome, but the surrender of this person must not be accepted.

"You guys! You..." Boss Jin was furious and worried about his own safety, so he passed out directly.

.................................... ..
Jiang Tao was at the base, but his heart was ahead. He was afraid of mistakes, so he ordered Jiang Shi to bring more than [-] recruits from the new army battalion to help Wei Donglai. As for the training of the new army battalion, other people would do it for him.

"Why hasn't there been any good news yet?" Jiang Tao was fidgeting for a moment, muttering in his mouth.

At this time, there was only Cheng Zhang in the Black Tiger Hall, he said with a light smile, "Don't worry about being in charge, the troops were only dispatched yesterday, and the sun is still high now, how could it be so fast!

"It's true, hehe, the authorities are fascinated." Jiang Tao sighed and comforted himself: "Mount Tai collapsed in front of his eyes without changing his face, where is his general demeanor?"

"Report, Wei Junshi has a good news!" At this moment, a black tiger guard yelled loudly.

"Oh!" Jiang Tao quickly snatched the letter, laughed loudly and said, "Haha, good, so worry-free!"

When he saw the battle situation in Yixiantian, his face immediately changed, and he said seriously: "Brother, it's true, even if you don't obey the military order, and show off your bravery, even if you kill the enemy cavalry leader, you will be guilty of no merit!"

Cheng Zhang read the victory report again, and said with a smile: "You are the master, you don't have to be serious. After all, Commander Niu still has meritorious service. You don't need to reward or punish him."

"No, the Black Tiger Army is growing stronger and stronger. You can't blindly rely on human feelings to govern the army. If the order continues, Commander Niu Mang and Commander Xue Yan violated the military order and refused to obey the command of the commander. They were demoted to the rank of deputy commander and fined for half a year. , to see the aftermath!"

Jiang Tao finished speaking with a stern face, and then continued: "Jiang Wushang is the chief general, he doesn't care about the life and death of the army behind him and the Black Tiger Army, he doesn't see the overall situation, and he will be fined for three months. .”

He added: "Immediately communicate this punishment order to the three armed forces. Before the military law, everyone is equal."

"Here, is the punishment a little heavier? Commander Niu is a person who loves face very much." Cheng Zhang didn't expect Hei Hu to be serious, and said with some astonishment.

"Hmph, if it wasn't for the three of them, according to the military law, those who don't listen to orders can be beheaded directly. Hey, it seems that all the commanders and lieutenants have to go to the military academy for further training!" Jiang Tao snorted and said with an unhappy face.

"Alright, we are not bandits after all, we should restrain their wildness!" Cheng Zhang thought about it, nodded and said.

"The base will be handed over to Uncle San. I'll go to Jinzhai County to have a look." Jiang Tao sighed a little worried.

(End of this chapter)

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