The Great Bandit in Kangxi Year

Chapter 119 Specific Measures

Chapter 119 Specific Measures
When Jiang Tao's ax fell, it caused a thousand waves in Jinzhai County. Some people were panicked, and some were happy.

Everyone in Gaoshanzhai is restless, many people are imagining, but most of them have evil intentions but no courage. After all, they have worked for the Xu family for countless years, so can Heihu's words be trusted?
Xu Zhan was even more terrified and restless, he began to doubt everyone, even his own clansmen no longer trusted him, his temper became increasingly irritable, and because of some trivial matters, he killed three soldiers in one day.

This time Xu Zhan lost the hearts of the people, many people were ready to move, and the conspiracy was born out of desire.

Three days later, all the landlords in the county were disarmed. Fortunately, the Black Tiger Army did not kill people lightly, nor did they rob property and food. In the face of absolute power, most small forces chose to surrender.

Going along with life and going against death is definitely not empty talk.

In the Jinzhai County Government Office, Jiang Tao, Wei Donglai, Dai Jiao and others sat in it according to priority, and Dai Jiao was the magistrate Dai.

"Tell me, both of you, how should the land be divided?" Jiang Tao first raised the current problem, and now the people are waiting eagerly. If the land is not divided well, maybe a good thing will turn into a bad thing.

Wei Donglai chuckled and motioned Dai Jiao to speak first.

Dai Jiao didn't dare to be negligent, after all this person is a pivotal figure in the Black Tiger Army, after thinking for a while, he smiled respectfully and said: "Your subordinate has the courage, now all Jinzhai County has been pacified except for Gaoshan Village, how about this, a family Divide the land into three acres, and sell the extra land at a price slightly lower than the market price. In this way, the Black Tiger Army must have enough military resources, wouldn't everyone be happy?"

Jiang Tao is about to explode when he hears it, so how can he win the hearts of the people?It is equivalent to asking those landlords to pay some silver to redeem their fields. Where can the poor have money to buy fields?This guy is so shrewd in his calculations, he must still be thinking about his family's fields.

But Dai Jiao had just joined the Black Tiger Army after all, so he couldn't be too embarrassed, and the reform of Jinzhai County really couldn't do without him. Jiang Tao looked at Wei Donglai with a straight face.

Knowing Heihu's plan, Wei Donglai quickly took over the conversation and said, "I don't know if the county magistrate knows how much grain can be harvested per mu of land?"

Dai Jiao smiled and said, "What's the difficulty? About three hundred catties of millet!"

"Is nine hundred catties enough to feed a family of five? Can the tenants have money to buy land? Will the common people treat the Black Tiger Army differently? Will they gladly join the army and work for the Black Tiger General?"

Wei Donglai asked several rhetorical questions in succession, Dai Jiao blushed and was speechless.

Jiang Tao waved his hand and said with a light smile, "Let General Ben think about it, um..."

He pondered for a while, and then said lightly: "Some people may not be able to harvest [-] catties per mu of land. Let's count as [-] catties. If a family of five eats four catties of rice a day, at least five mu of land is needed Barely enough to eat, that's it, all the families in the county are divided into five acres of land, and if one strong man joins the Black Tiger Army, then this family can get another ten acres of land. Once it changes hands, it will never change. If found, it will be confiscated and punished.”

Dai Jiao suddenly showed a look of panic, he was not feeling well. If this happens, everyone will rush to join the Black Tiger Army. He knows those mud-legged people too well, and their desire for land is definitely more than that of landlords. Forget it, why should I worry about others, as long as the Black Tiger Army does not fall, the Dai family can still keep their wealth.

"Wonderful, but how to collect taxes?" Wei Donglai praised and pointed out the key point.

Jiang Tao almost blurted out that there would be no tax collection, but he finally sighed and said, "Let's pay according to the fifteen one, one day, alas."

"General, the land is of different quality, so how should we distribute it? How should we treat the farmers who died at the hands of our Black Tiger Army?" Wei Donglai wanted to say that the harvest was too little, but finally held back and asked again, After all, the general handed over the task of dividing the land to him and County Magistrate Dai.

These issues are very difficult. Jiang Tao thought for a long time before making a decision: "It must be fair, just, and open. The two of you will handle the details. Fortunately, there is not much bloodshed this time. The best way to resolve hatred is time. As long as you break the law, you must be arrested." Punish them, but you can't treat them specially just because they have personal enmity with the Black Tiger Army, if some families are really in trouble, the county government can provide appropriate relief, and it will be presented at that time!"

"In addition, each village can choose a village head, who can enjoy the salary of the Black Tiger Army, be in charge of the civil affairs of a village, and the power of supervision, but must not have private soldiers, must not abuse suspects, must not oppress the people, and must not abuse Private rights, we must ensure the stability of the countryside, if the village chief commits a crime, the crime will be aggravated, and the two of you must closely supervise the actions of your subordinates."

It was only when Jiang Tao said this that he realized that things were getting more and more complicated. It is so troublesome to manage a small county, so what should we do in the future?
Dai Jiao couldn't believe it when he heard that now, it was too much, and he sighed a little: "The general is really a bodhisattva, and his subordinates must deal with it properly."

"Very well, the military adviser and the county magistrate have heavy burdens, but as long as we pass this level, it will be easy to talk about in the future. The Japanese general will return to the base tomorrow. As for the recruits, Jiang Wushang will send some elites to train. We must do it as soon as possible. To form a fighting force, Xueyan will be the main general in the first line of the sky."

In fact, Jiang Tao has been worrying about the crisis in Shihe's direction recently, which is related to the survival of the Black Tiger Army, so he must go to the town in person.

Dai Jiao looked at Wei Donglai puzzled, Wei Donglai knew it well, smiled and said: "Don't worry, general, the subordinates must do well, when the time comes, the new barracks will be set up here."

The place he was talking about was on the other side of the base, and Jiang Tao was about to applaud loudly, when the guard outside the door suddenly reported: "General Qi, General Jiang Shi has an urgent report."


Jiang Tao and the others looked at each other, could it be that Jiang Shi has already taken Gaoshanzhai?

"General, someone from the Xu family came down the mountain and asked to see the general in person. Commander Jiang couldn't make the decision, so he ordered his subordinates to bring this person here." A school lieutenant in the army finished speaking clearly, and then looked at Jiang Tao reverently. .

"People from the Xu family!"

Dai Jiao grumbled inwardly, and quickly interjected: "General, you must not let the members of the Xu family go. My Dai family and the Xu family are inseparable, and they must not be allowed to surrender."

"Hehe, I'll see you later, bring this person up!" Jiang Tao chuckled, but felt a little unhappy in his heart. This person had the intention of threatening him, hum, this is the disadvantage of compromise, but he had to compromise.

"This!" Dai Jiao sighed, not talking, obviously sulking.

"Magistrate Dai, how can personal grievances be compared with the great cause of the Black Tiger Army? Besides, you have to trust the general's plan, and you will never wrong your own people." Wei Dong couldn't stand it anymore, and reprimanded him tactfully.

At this time, the man had already strode into the hall. He was in his twenties, short in stature, extremely stout, wearing iron armor, with a stern face. He opened a wooden box and said neither humble nor overbearing: "Xu Jia, a member of the Xu family, By order of the elders, I came here to meet the general, this is the head of Xu Zhan."

"Okay, come here, you will be rewarded with ten thousand taels of silver and a hundred acres of fertile land. This general will always do what he says, and he will never break his promise." Jiang Tao applauded loudly, but the Xu family's killing each other was beyond his expectation.

"Haha, it's really cheap, you bastard." Dai Jiao suddenly laughed wildly, but he didn't expect the general's scheming to work.

"Wait a minute, I'm not here to receive a reward." Xu Jia gritted his teeth and shouted.

Jiang Tao looked at him puzzled and asked, "Then what are you doing?"

(End of this chapter)

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