The Great Bandit in Kangxi Year

Chapter 121 The Death of Wu Yingxiong

Chapter 121 The Death of Wu Yingxiong

At this time, Wang Dashan heard the news of Jiang Dazhuang as soon as he arrived in Hangzhou with the ten school lieutenants riding tigers and leopards.

Jiang Dazhuang turned out to be the leader of the bandits, and has already assembled a team of more than a hundred people. Although the number is small, it is quite prestigious.

The defense in Hangzhou was not convinced, and led hundreds of troops to attack. Not only did they fail to catch anyone, but they lost troops and generals, and finally nothing happened.

Coupled with the fact that Wu Sangui and the others assembled a large army and were invincible all the way, everyone in Hangzhou also got the news, so they no longer had the mood to deal with this small group of bandits, and let them make trouble, as long as they were not too presumptuous .

Wang Dashan was furious when he heard this, this kid didn't want to serve the young master, but became the king of the mountain, and led his subordinates to find the cottage, he wanted to ask Jiang Dazhuang if he took the young master's words to heart.

Jiang Dazhuang was very surprised when he received the report from his subordinates, and hurried out of the village to greet him with a smile: "Brother Wang is here, younger brother is honored, how is the young master now?"

"Hmph, do you still remember the young master?" Wang Dashan said in an unfriendly manner with disgust on his face.

"Brother Wang, did something happen to the Young Master?" Jiang Dazhuang was startled, and blurted out.

"The one who betrays the young master will die!" Wang Dashan was suddenly enraged, and decisively took out eight throwing knives.

"Wait a minute, brother, let me understand!" Jiang Dazhuang only felt that Wang Dashan was a little unreasonable, but he didn't dare to do anything, and shouted loudly.

"Hmph, did you catch that man?" Seeing that his face was not ashamed, Wang Dashan didn't dare to hurt others casually, stared at Jiang Dazhuang without blinking, and sneered.

"I just caught it a few days ago, and it's in the stronghold. I'm about to send it to the young master. Brother Wang, how could my younger brother betray the young master?" Jiang Dazhuang argued helplessly. In order to capture this person, he lost eight masters. The firecrackers in this frail scholar's house are really not simple, but fortunately there are not many.

Wang Dashan smiled awkwardly, patted Jiang Dazhuang's strong shoulder heavily and said: "Brother wrongly blamed you kid, it's my fault, I'll make up for it next time, haha."

"Brother Wang, since you were wrong first, why did you beat me?" Jiang Dazhuang said with an innocent grin.

"Thinking of your brat domineering, I won't be offended. We and the young master are suffering unspeakably. There are constant battles, and I was seriously injured..." Wang Dashan was also a little embarrassed. If it wasn't for Jiang Dazhuang, he didn't dodge. He might have made a big mistake, and while walking, he briefly told Jiang Dazhuang about the situation of the Black Tiger Army.

Jiang Dazhuang was startled at every step, and he was stunned at the end: "Thousands of Tartar cavalry were burned to death, okay."

When the two came to the lobby, Wang Dashan said seriously: "Young master is looking forward to that person, brother, I won't delay, how is this person now?"

"Come on, hurry up and prepare the banquet. Brother Wang, you have to rest for a night before leaving. Our brothers finally got together. Oh, a total of six people were arrested. Among them, their parents, wives and children, and the old housekeeper. The scholar is very proud and doesn't know how to wink, but this person is extremely filial, and now he is still honest." Jiang Dazhuang affectionately grabbed Wang Dashan, but he had mixed feelings in his heart, the power of the young master became stronger and stronger, and he did everything he could. It was only then that more than a hundred people were recruited and recruited, which is really incomparable.

"Forget it, let's go, take my brother to have a look." Wang Dashan said solemnly, finally he was relieved, wondering what happened to the young master?
Jiang Dazhuang didn't say any more, and brought Wang Dashan to the inner room, and saw eight strong guards in a small place, all of them looked energetic.

Wang Dashan nodded appreciatively, walked in with a golden knife, and saw a person in the room pacing back and forth, didn't notice someone came in, muttering something, I don't know what he was talking about.

I saw him in his twenties, with a white scholar's shirt, a jade belt hanging from his waist, medium height, full forehead, clear water chestnut face, fair complexion, and wisdom shining in his eyes, but now his brows are tightly locked, as if he met something different. decision.

Wang Dashan didn't bother him, but secretly wondered in his heart, this person must have been born in an official's family, and he didn't want to escape after entering the den of thieves, but he talked about things that others couldn't understand, what a strange person.

After a while, the man woke up suddenly, glanced at Wang Dashan, and said annoyedly: "If there is nothing wrong, please leave here quickly."

Wang Dashan and Jiang Dazhuang looked at each other with a smile, and said calmly: "You scholar, your whole family fell into the hands of thieves, and you dare to be arrogant, how unwise?"

The man straightened his sleeves, and said with a smile: "You arrest my family, you won't kill them, you don't threaten them, and you have no worries about food and clothing, you must have something in mind, so why should you be afraid, I think you are just young people."

"Exactly, you will know when you go. If you cooperate along the way, bring your family with you, otherwise it will be hard to say." Wang Dashan said expressionlessly.

"Seeing that you have a military atmosphere, could it be Wu Sangui's minions?" The man still mocked.

Jiang Dazhuang couldn't bear it anymore and just wanted to have a fit.

"Hey, you'll know when you go, Wu Sangui is a traitor, and I don't even bother to be with him." Wang Dashan waved his hand and said with a sneer.

"You don't even have a name for a chicken-crowding dog thief?" The man sat on the bed, staring at Wang Dashan intently.

Wang Dashan had already received Jiang Tao's instructions, and instead of being angry, he said with a smile: "Go or not, just a word, go, treat each other with courtesy, don't go, hehe."

The man really wanted to say the word "not going", but when he thought of his elderly parents, wife and children, he finally sighed and said, "Don't worry about it, when will we go?"

"Tomorrow morning!" Wang Dashan suppressed his anger.

The man just closed his eyes and said nothing, Wang Dashan glanced at Jiang Dazhuang and said: "Bring his wife and children, don't neglect, let's go."

Jiang Dazhuang was very curious. He knew Wang Dashan's temper. At the beginning, the young master repeatedly ordered him to be arrested, but he didn't say the reason. He whispered: "Brother Wang, what's the use of this weak scholar?"

The man pricked up his ears to listen, Wang Dashan chuckled and said: "It's extremely useful, go out and talk."

Jiang Dazhuang didn't ask any more questions, and when he came to the lobby, he asked seriously: "By the way, do you have any instructions from the Young Master?"

"What are you talking about? Oh, recruit more soldiers, train diligently, accumulate food widely, avoid strong enemies, eat weak enemies, not lose people's hearts, wait for the opportunity!" Wang Dashan thought for a while, and then recited paragraphs.

"It's not easy." Jiang Dazhuang sighed, and then said: "Brother, today is the Spring Festival, let's have a drink."

"Hehe, the Black Tiger Army now has a prohibition order, that's all, it will be troublesome to attract my brother's alcohol addiction." Wang Dashan licked his lips and said enviously.


The next day, when Wang Dashan set off, Kangxi sat on the dragon chair as if hit by a bolt from the blue. Several people escaped."

After finishing speaking, he also took out Wu Sangui's Call to Qing Dynasty and the memorial written by Zhe Erken, Gan Wen and others in advance. Although Kangxi had long believed that Wu Sangui would definitely oppose him, once he saw the evidence, he still couldn't help being angry. Breast filling.

Kangxi coldly glanced at the ministers with different expressions and said, "Hurry up and arrest Wu Yingxiong. Okay, at noon today, I will parade at the Meridian Gate. I ordered the imperial guards in the capital, the Ministry of War, the Patrol Yamen and the Shanpu Battalion to prepare quickly."

Xiong Cilu bowed and replied: "The Holy Majesty's move is very appropriate. The Emperor will come to the Meridian Gate to parade in person. It will surely arouse Chen Jun's prestige and inspire the people. It will also express the determination of the imperial court and San Francisco to be incompatible."

At noon, Kangxi was about to change clothes and start driving, but saw Zhang Wanqiang running in.He didn't have time to salute, so he said loudly: "Long live, Lafayette called the servants to pass the message, if Long live can get out of his body, please go to the back and have a look!"

"Well, what's the matter?"

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty, she has a difficult delivery..."

"Ah!" Kangxi fell down on the dragon chair all of a sudden, feeling tired and soft all of a sudden.

Xiong Cilu and Mingzhu were also shocked.It’s really hard for the emperor, just as he was about to step forward to comfort him, he saw Kangxi yelling with a gloomy face: “Zhang Wanqiang, what are you doing kneeling? Why don’t you go to the Taitu Academy’s doctor? — Ask Suo’etu to prepare to go in and visit !"

As he spoke, he stood up and was about to follow Zhang Wanqiang back to bed.At this moment, another person ran in: "Long live Qi Zuo, noon is approaching, all the troops are gathering under the Meridian Gate, please drive the emperor—"

Kangxi was stunned there.He pondered for a long time before suppressing the grief and anxiety in his heart, and ordered loudly:

"Decree: Prince Kang Jieshu, Prince Jian Labu, Prince An Yuedong, lead all the kings in Beijing, Baylor, Earl and above relatives, and six ministers, nine ministers, ministers and above officials are waiting for the order beside the Meridian Gate. Set off Wufenglou!"

95 dragon flags were raised on the Meridian Gate at the same time, and Kangxi calmly climbed up the stairs.Zhang Wanqiang, who came again from Chuxiu Palace, had something to report. Seeing the courtiers kneeling in a large area, dancing and worshiping, shouting long live, he opened his mouth and swallowed it back.Kangxi knew from his face that the empress was in danger, but he didn't ask any questions, he just gritted his teeth and came to the battlements.

How could the [-] selected Iron Armored Imperial Forest Army below know the emperor's state of mind at the moment, when they saw Kangxi poking his body out from the gate tower in a majestic manner, they shouted like a tsunami: "Long live, long live!"

Then the war drums burst, the horns blared, the strong wind rolled up the yellow dust, and the dragon flag fluttered in the wind, making a sound of hunting.The infantry and cavalry moved forward and retreated according to the direction of the red flag in the hands of the leading general.

Looking at this neat, unified, majestic and majestic team, the melancholy and gloom in Kangxi's chest were swept away.Under the winter sun, his face swelled crimson, and he said to the ministers behind him: "Qin Shihuang uses the Great Wall as a shield, and I use the world's subjects as a shield. The Great Wall of bricks and stones is now in ruins, but thousands of people are still the same. Pearl, Go down and ask Wu Yingxiong, what else can you say about today's execution?"

"Tie!" Mingzhu agreed, lifted up her robe and walked down the gate, ordering to suspend the performance.Seeing that Wu Yingxiong was tied to a wooden stake in the northeast corner of the school yard, he stepped forward and asked, "Wu Yingxiong, what do you have to say about today's execution?"

Wu Yingxiong knew very well in his heart that in today's situation, he would undoubtedly die, and it was useless to beg and cry, so he lowered his head and said, "It's human nature to suffer on behalf of the father, and I have no regrets. But please tell Master Ming Your Majesty, if you kill me today, my father will have nothing to worry about and can concentrate on using the army. Besides, not all the civil and military officials in the court are loyal to the Qing Dynasty, so it is better for him to be cautious."

Mingzhu returned to the Wufeng Building and played Wu Yingxiong's words. Kangxi smiled disdainfully: "Hmph! It's nice to say that you are filial to your father. In fact, you don't want me to pardon him. Go, take those papers and letters, and carry them away." Before Wu Yingxiong, burn them all!"

A lot of boxes and cages were set on fire, and what was inside were all the correspondence between court officials and Wu Yingxiong.

Those who sent secret messages, those who flirted with others, and those who sold themselves to seek refuge, are all burned now. That is to say, Kangxi will not pursue anyone other than Wu Yingxiong.

Among the hundreds of officials at the Meridian Gate, some were grateful but did not dare to speak out; some were convinced and secretly praised.Tens of thousands of pairs of eyes with different emotions looked up at Emperor Kangxi on the tower.But he waved his hand back and said: "Pass the decree, kill this rebellious minister Wu Yingxiong!"

(End of this chapter)

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