Chapter 123
Days of bloody battles in the camp of the Qing army outside the first line of the sky made Zongbing Wu lose his temper. In less than ten days, more than 200 people were killed or injured, and more than [-] people were killed or injured almost every day.

Especially in the past few days, since the bandit army built several weird stone walls, their own casualties have increased day by day, which is really evil.

Often one's elite soldiers were killed as soon as they climbed the 20-meter stone wall. Even if they didn't die, they fell half to death.

Zongbing Wu also observed from a distance, the stone wall was only higher, and there was nothing strange about it, but the soldiers under his command couldn't break through it, he was a little bit annoyed, but there was nothing he could do.

In the past two days, all the generals and guards under his command have given him a lot of gold and silver, so that almost no one can send him. Wu Zongbing suddenly felt a little embarrassed. I still understand.

In desperation, Zongbing Wu had no choice but to make the crossbowman shoot at a distance. Now that the imperial envoy has nothing to say, he is attacking the bandit army with all his strength.

In fact, he knew that there was another way to break through the enemy's wall, which was the red-clothed cannon that weighed thousands of catties, but unfortunately the army didn't have it, and those small cannons in the army couldn't break through the stone wall at all, so it was useless to think about it, so he gave up.

"Never mind him, that white-faced imperial envoy has nothing to do with the bandit army, hmph, he doesn't seek merit but seeks no fault." Mr. Wu thought complacently, and hurriedly ordered his own soldiers to take over all the top cards of Chunfenglou. I have endured it for a long time.


Time passed, and in a blink of an eye it was noon on the 12th of the twelfth lunar month in the 29th year of Kangxi. Zhou Peigong finally waited for the navy of the court, and saw hundreds of large and small warships covering the sky and covering the sun, and their momentum was like a rainbow.

Zhou Peigong felt relieved, with such a large army, those water bandits were nothing to worry about, the Black Tiger Army was finished.

After a while, the admiral of the Yellow River Navy came ashore to pay a visit. After all, the key this time is the victory or defeat of the navy.

Zhou Peigong didn't dare to take it too seriously, and greeted him with a light smile: "Your Excellency, I'm sorry!"

"My lord, the imperial envoy, I hope that the admiral will forgive me for coming late!" The admiral of the navy said with a salute, without changing his expression.

Zhou Peigong nodded, and said with a light smile: "My lord came at the right time. It's the northwest wind. It's really the protection of the emperor. The navy just drove straight in and smashed into the den of thieves."

"What the imperial envoy said is very true. The admiral will set off now." Although the admiral of the navy was a little dissatisfied, he did not dare to make mistakes. After all, it was the imperial envoy. class.

"Okay, the imperial envoy will take care of it later, and I wish your lord success!" Zhou Peigong applauded loudly and hurried to prepare.

The Yellow River navy raised its sails and advanced at full speed.

In a short time, more than [-] strong green battalion soldiers had lined up and waited. Zhou Peigong knew the hardships of this battle, and he hurriedly encouraged his morale: "All the soldiers obey the order. The battle is approaching. This officer once again made it clear that those who do not obey the order will be killed and retreat before the battle." Those who disturb our army's morale will be executed."

The soldiers of the Green Battalion became nervous, and even the generals such as the garrison and the commander-in-chief were killed as soon as they said they would, not to mention those of us small soldiers, no one dared to question this person's determination.

Zhou Peigong glanced at everyone sternly, and then said gently: "Hehe, as long as everyone listens to my orders, some bandits are like chickens and dogs in my eyes. I heard that black tigers and bandits have amassed countless gold and silver treasures. How about giving it to everyone?"

Under the attack of the big sticks and carrots, the morale of the green battalion soldiers suddenly rose, and they all quickly boarded the boats, struggling to catch up with the speeding sailors, fearing that the sailors would steal all the treasure.

Zhou Peigong was also a little helpless, after all, this army did not train for a long time, otherwise they would not use treasures to lure the soldiers.

Now that many ministers are impeaching him, Zhou Peigong suppressed the troubles in his heart and strode aboard the ship. This time, he took the Black Tiger Army to strike at the San Francisco forces. His ambition is now.

................................. ..
The navy of the Qing army came, and there were more than a hundred ships in the big battle, and his side was still headed against the wind. Jiang Tao was stunned for a moment, and secretly cursed in his heart: "Damn it, I really treat the Black Tiger Army as a dish, so I have to fight , I hope to create a miracle again!"

He took a long breath, drew out his saber, and resumed his usual expression: "All officers and men obey the order. This general will live and die with you today. The only thing we can do today is fight to the death. I order all ships to prepare and be ready to fight at any time."

He added: "This general is just a soldier on the warship. From now on, Commander Chen will be responsible for the overall arrangement, even this general is no exception."

"General!" Seeing Jiang Tao's insistence, Chen Dajiang didn't say any more, his heart was moved, and he said without doubt: "General Heihu, please go ashore quickly, otherwise the soldiers will not be able to fight with peace of mind."

"Nonsense!" Jiang Tao shouted violently when he heard it, and after thinking about it, he was slightly moved, and sighed softly: "You just fight, don't talk to this general."

"General, please go ashore! Don't bleed dry, and die!" All the generals present shouted resolutely.

"General, now this commander is the main general, please also obey the military orders!" Chen Dajiang stared at Jiang Tao with burning eyes, and joined him in the army. There must be no trouble, otherwise the great cause of expelling the Tartars will be difficult.

I remember that year, the Manchu Manchus who were in Zhengbaiqi, surrounded their own land. At that time, I was only a teenager, my family’s finances were looted, and my parents died tragically at the hands of the Tartars. I wandered all the way, and finally became a The water bandits, however, have been depressed all the time, only lamented that they didn't meet the Black Tiger Army sooner, and only lamented that they didn't personally kill the Tartars to avenge their family, so they couldn't help but shed a few tears, now the only way to repay the Black Tiger is to die .

"This!" Jiang Tao was so angry that he glared at King Kong, and sighed fiercely: "Forget it, Commander Chen must take the overall situation into consideration. If he is really lost, try to save some elite sailors. The future will be long. After all, we still have more than ten thousand soldiers and horses. , not to that point yet!"

Chen Dajiang wiped away his tears, smiled lightly at Jiang Tao, "Don't worry, General, our two thousand water heroes are not vegetarians."

Seeing this, Jiang Tao couldn't help but shed tears, and said with great pain: "All officers and men, please take care, please be respected by Jiang!"

He originally thought that the Qing army would reach the peak with twenty warships, and the strategy set by the Black Tiger Army would definitely defeat the opponent.But the other side actually came with more than a hundred large ships and hundreds of small boats. In the face of absolute strength, all strategies lost their original effectiveness.

And God didn't help, the Qing army sailed with the wind, and the advantage of the Black Tiger Army was almost wiped out.

All the soldiers hurriedly knelt on the ground and shouted: "People are in the boat, people are dead and the boat is dead!"

Jiang Tao couldn't bear to be reprimanded, and couldn't bear to wait any longer, so he strode away.

Since the waterway is in danger, Wei Donglai and Cheng Zhang must be notified as soon as possible. Jiang Tao sighed in his heart, feeling sad, is his career as a bandit coming to an end?

Suddenly remembered a sentence: "The wind is rustling, the water is cold, and the strong man will never return!"

No, sailing against the current shows the true qualities of a hero. Jiang Tao's fighting spirit is ignited again. If he wants to fight, he will fight to the end. If the world is not turned upside down, I will call him a black tiger in vain!
(End of this chapter)

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