The Great Bandit in Kangxi Year

Chapter 128 Fierce fight, precarious

Chapter 128 Fierce fight, precarious

At this time, the navy of the Qing army was also caught in a bitter battle.

Right in front of the navy of the Qing army is the fleet of the bandit army. If the navy wants to fight with it, they have to pass through the water village. In this way, they will be bombarded by the water village of the Black Tiger Army. The rockets fired can almost cover most of the river.

Under the attack of dozens of cannons and countless archers, the ten large ships in the front row were covered with wounds, and some of the large ships near the water village had already ignited fierce fires. Baptized by countless rockets.

Under such a severe blow, the green battalion soldiers on the big warships have been severely reduced, and the imposing water bandits have taken control of these big warships in a short while.

The admiral of the navy was forced to be helpless, and ordered ferociously: "The warships of the rear team will follow up immediately, and quickly take back the warships."

The warships in the second column had just endured the full-scale blow of the water fortress, and they were about to approach their own warships, but suddenly there were dozens of explosions, and they watched the warships in front of them fall apart, and boundless smoke and fire rose up. Water vapor, sawdust flying across, earth-shattering.

The boundless water waves churned, and the warships in the second column were unconsciously pushed back tens of meters, and almost collided with the warships behind. Quite a few of them were demoralized and suicidal, and they all thought in their hearts: "What kind of battle is this fighting! How can this be a bandit!"

It turned out that Chen Dajiang saw that his subordinates had won the Qing army's large-scale warship, but he did not have enough sailors to drive him, so he simply did not stop doing anything, and directly installed a lot of gunpowder packs in the bottom warehouse of the warship. With the help of the fuse, he succeeded. Detonating those big ships had an unexpected effect. Hundreds of Green Battalion soldiers were thrown into the water by the blast or stabbed by sawdust.

The battleships in the second column had lost most of their combat power after these tosses, and they were about to be wiped out, but the Black Tiger Army also had problems.

Since the generals of the Black Tiger Army are all in other places, the main general in the water village at this time is Gan Zhi.

After the eighty cannons fired continuously for a long time, the barrels of the cannons had turned red at this time. Jiang Yan was afraid that the cannons would explode, so he had no choice but to order to suspend firing.

All of a sudden, the entire battlefield became much quieter.

Just at this time, the admiral of the Navy received Zhou Peigong's military order, and after the orderer left, he roared directly: "This bastard, it's really unreasonable, I don't take the lives of the brothers of the Navy seriously, damn it, Lao Tzu enough!"

"My lord, don't worry, listen, the thieves' cannons are no longer going off, we happened to seize the water village, the brothers died so badly, we must take revenge!" The lieutenant at the side said bitterly.

"Haha, God help me too, okay, order the second and third columns to come forward, make sure to take down the thief's warship, bring up our gunboat, blast his grandma, and tell the whole army that the thief cannot be taken down today." Army, all military punishments!"

The admiral of the navy was overjoyed when he heard that, at this time he also became cruel, and ordered decisively, but he sneered in his heart. When I killed the gangsters, I will definitely report to the court, saying that the imperial envoy is greedy for life and afraid of death, and has no understanding of war. Commanding indiscriminately, but under his own desperate killing of the enemy, this turned defeat into victory, hehe, wait, how dare you threaten this admiral.

When the gunboats of the imperial navy came up, the black tiger army on the water village immediately tasted the feeling of being passively beaten. Under the bombardment of more than a hundred cannons, they could not lift their heads up, and even the rockets became sparse. The Qing army navy became even more unscrupulous. .

Boom boom boom...

After a quarter of an hour of bombardment, the Black Tiger Army defended the water stronghold, causing more than [-] casualties. Gan Zhi was forced to report to Jiang Tao.

Jiang Tao was shocked when he heard the news, and hurriedly assembled the Black Tiger Guard, Sturdy Guard, Sharpshooter Guard and more than [-] archers to come.

When he arrived at the water village, his heart was like a turbulent wave. He saw hundreds of green battalion soldiers had boarded the water village, and five Qing army warships were docked beside the water village. Coming up, Gan Zhizheng strangled the rest of the soldiers and the Green Battalion soldiers together.

Everything is in chaos, arrows are flying, blood is dancing with knives and guns!
"Hurry up and ask for reinforcements, kill, victory or defeat depends on one action!" Jiang Tao shouted violently, and rushed forward with a big knife, all the way to the edge of the fort. The soldiers of the Green Battalion saved the next person, Jiang Yan, the leader of the Artillery Battalion.

Jiang Yan said with embarrassment: "General, hey, this subordinate is incompetent!"

"You go back first, and I'll leave this to the general!" Jiang Tao said quickly, and rushed forward. He didn't care about the weapons he was hacking, and he went straight to the boat. .

With the reinforcements of the Black Tiger Guards and Biaohan Guards, the Green Battalion soldiers could no longer show off their power. After a while, all the soldiers of the Black Tiger Army fought on the gunboats of the Qing army.

The deck of the warship was filled with hot blood in no time. Jiang Tao was full of arrows, and he was as mad as a demon god. He slashed and killed with the big knife in his hand. Even the Black Tiger Guard did not dare to approach him.

In fact, Jiang Tao was wearing a gold silk armor, and his injuries were not serious, but the green battalion soldiers didn't know it. Many green battalion soldiers jumped into the river in fright when they saw him!

At the other end, the black tiger army and the second and third columns of the Qing army also fought fiercely. The two collided together, either you die or I live, and the second column was wiped out in a short while.

Even Chen Dajiang, the chief general of the water army, went into battle with a steel fork.

The admiral of the navy was speechless from behind, is this really a bandit?The bandit army in Taiwan is nothing more than that.

The soldiers under him kept coming forward and falling down again and again. He really wanted to give up. Even if he captured the bandits' water fortress, the huge Yellow River navy would become an empty shell.

An hour later, reinforcements from the Black Tiger Army arrived again, but Jiang Tao's heart was bleeding. The battle was so miserable that the Black Tiger Army had at least 500 casualties. There was a big boat beside them, but the green battalion soldiers still jumped on the boat like crazy.

All focus is on these six great ships.

Jiang Tao claims to be strong and strong, but after continuous fighting, his whole body is sore, not to mention the ordinary soldiers. He has come to his senses at this time. He is just fighting blindly, but ignores the overall situation. He thought anxiously in his heart: "At this time, our side has firmly occupied the enemy's six gunboats, and is unable to capture the remaining enemy ships. However, the Green Battalion is in a hurry to attack and obviously wants to take back these warships. However, the Black Tiger Army has stood still. The Green Battalion soldiers are already at a disadvantage, but even if they win this battle, the Black Tiger Army will definitely be injured, by the way, why did I forget the cannon?"

............... ..
On the other side, Zhou Peigong was leading his subordinates to attack the fortress of the base. When he learned of the situation of the navy, he made a decisive decision and ordered his subordinates to bury the soldiers who died in battle. Brother revenge, we will die here today, or go home with gold, silver and jewels in our arms, you were afraid just now, and you are all incompetent generals, but if you don’t do it again, if there are any cowards, you will be killed immediately!"

All the soldiers of the green battalion were frightened and frightened, how could they dare to be afraid at this moment, they could only bite the bullet and rushed towards the fortress in batches on the ladder.

Yao Jun is guarding the fort at this time. Although he can withstand it for the time being, the base has no reinforcements and the situation is precarious. Worried, Cheng Zhang armed the young army and the elderly. He invited Jiang Zhong who was developing firearms .

Knowing the current situation, Jiang Zhong was at a loss. After thinking about it for a long time, he said seriously: "At this time, there is only foreign aid, otherwise the base is in danger. The main reason is that the navy of the bandit army is too strong, otherwise it would not be the case. It's urgent, so as long as the Qing army's navy is here, the base will definitely not be able to hold it, by the way, why doesn't Jinzhai County on the other side come to reinforce it?"

Cheng Zhang sighed, and said with a stern face: "The black tiger is fighting at the front of the water village now, and we can't contact Wei Junshi at all, but logically speaking, we have overturned the sky here, shouldn't Wei Junshi not know?"

(End of this chapter)

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