Chapter 130
When the admiral of the Yellow River Navy learned that the warship was on fire, he was stunned for a moment. He felt short of breath for a while. Can the wooden raft compete with a large warship tens of meters long?Could it be that all the soldiers under his command are full of wine and food?Or is it that the bandit army knows magic?

He became unconscious for a moment, and sat on the commander's seat decadently, unable to raise his spirits any more.

The generals present were crying like eggplants beaten by Shuang. The battle was so miserable that the entire second column was wiped out, and the third column only fled back to four ships, leaving only about [-] people.

The Yellow River Navy with more than 3000 people can't even make up [-] people, and there are wolves in front, tigers in the back, and fire dragons on both sides. The Yellow River Navy is over.

Such feelings are brewing up and down, and they can no longer arouse the slightest desire to fight.

The admiral of the Yellow River Navy suddenly woke up. He had no other choice but to die in battle. He shouted coldly, "Isn't that reasonable? Daddy is dead? We still have more than [-] people. Send an order to continue attacking the bandits." Water village, this admiral personally leads the charge!"

"You! Think, how dare you..."

A lieutenant beside him pulled out a bloody waist knife from the admiral's chest, and the admiral fell directly to the ground, shaking a few times and then stopped moving.

The man waved the blood-dripping waist knife indiscriminately a few times, glanced at the generals coldly, and shouted: "Who else wants to die?"

At this moment, several people stood up at the same time and echoed: "Vice General Gong did a good job, the admiral really doesn't know what's good, we must all die, we all support the general, and work together to break out of the siege."

The rest of the generals, Zuo Jie, were stunned and froze on the spot, beheading Shangguan was a capital offense.

Deputy General Gong didn't dare to be careless, and hurriedly explained clearly: "Brothers, it's not that Gong is ruthless, there is really no way out. According to the current situation, even if we escape, the imperial court will definitely punish us. No one present will be spared!"

Relying on the strong to bully the weak, but defeated, will the little emperor and princes and ministers of the Manchu Qing let them go?
All the generals Zuo thought about it, and immediately broke out in a cold sweat, and hurriedly nodded in agreement!

"Furthermore, according to the current situation, can we defeat the bandit army?" Deputy General Gong sighed in disappointment.

Although the generals were silent, they were all clear in their hearts. The fighting power of the Black Tiger Army must not be equated with the bandits!Moreover, the army of thieves continued to flow, but our own side had no reinforcements.

"Why don't you think about it, going forward is death, retreating is also death, why don't we surrender, if the Black Tiger Army agrees to our conditions, we will surrender, if not, we will fight to the end!" Deputy General Gong saw that everyone understood Yes, he categorically shouted.


The navy of the Qing army is about to surrender!

Jiang Tao was very caught off guard when he heard this. For this reason, he didn't want to accept it, and probably the soldiers of the Black Tiger Army didn't want to accept it either, but his reason told him that if he wanted to get the remaining 3000 or so large ships in their entirety , and to receive thousands of soldiers, there must be an extraordinary capacity, not to mention that the Qing army still has nearly [-] people, and they are all Han Chinese, so there is no need to kill them all.

Dogs know how to jump over walls when they are cornered, not to mention people, if the two thousand and several hundred Qing troops knew they were going to die, they would definitely attack the water village with all their strength regardless of the rear, the outcome would be hard to say.

However, this time, both sides suffered heavy casualties, and the hatred involved was very great. He was not sure how to resolve it.

At this time, the envoy of the Qing army handed out the letter of surrender, and he fought at Jiang Tao's lower head. He had a mustache, two scars interlaced irregularly on his face, two canine teeth protruding slightly, and his face was full of evil spirits. , combined with the physique of a tiger's back and a wolf's waist, it is even more dare not be underestimated.

Jiang Tao quickly read the surrender letter, not wanting to embarrass him too much, so he said calmly: "Give me a seat, I don't know the name of the person who came?"

The requirements for the surrender of the Qing army were extremely harsh. First, the chief general of the Black Tiger Army swore in public that he would not murder the surrendering Qing soldiers for no reason, and he would not abuse them.

Second, the officers and soldiers who surrendered formed an army separately, with Gong Kaijun as the main general.

Third, the disabled Green Battalion soldiers and Black Tiger Army should be properly arranged.

The second item is subject to discussion, and Jiang Taodao can agree to the rest without thinking about it.

The man sat on the seat with a strong sword, stared at Jiang Tao for a long time, and then responded loudly: "The last general is Gong Kaijun. I wonder if the general has any opinion on the above request?"

Jiang Tao was very surprised, secretly said: "This person is so brave!"

At this moment, Gan Zhi, the deputy commander of the navy, drew out his waist knife, pointed at Gong Kaijun, and shouted in disbelief, "General, my brothers died too badly, we must not let these lackeys of the Manchu Tartars go!" !"

"Kill this man, kill all the running dogs of Manqing!" All the soldiers in the hall also shouted out of righteous indignation.

Gong Kaijun still sat there silently, just staring at Jiang Tao intently, his heart was already full of fear, whether he could leave alive depends on this big black man.

Jiang Tao secretly had a headache, while guarding against Gan Zhi and others' sudden ruthless attack, he winked at Cheng Zhang.

Cheng Zhang knew Jiang Tao's intentions, and waited for everyone to yell enough, then coughed and said: "Shut up, it's really unreasonable. Throughout the ages, there has never been a precedent of beheading an envoy. Don't be impatient, everyone, the general will make the decision!"

Only then did the soldiers calm down, and they all stared at Jiang Tao in a daze.

Jiang Tao cleared his mind, glanced at the audience, and then said calmly: "Major Cheng, what are the casualties of our army at this time?"

Cheng Zhang sighed with embarrassment on his face, "Our Black Tiger Army suffered more than [-] casualties today. The Qing army is still attacking the base. The general must not let them go."

"Well, I really don't know how to live or die, come here, and immediately send an order to Wei Junshi, ordering him to raise two thousand elite soldiers to block the way out of the green battalion soldiers, and not let a single person go."

Jiang Tao finished speaking with a solemn expression, and then said earnestly: "In the continuous days of fighting, our Black Tiger Army has suffered more than [-] bloody men, and the green battalion sailors have also suffered more than [-] casualties. Alas, they are all descendants of dragons, all of them The pure-blooded Han people killed each other so brutally, dyed the vast river red, and fed the fish and shrimp, what is the reason for this?"

"It's all the evil Tartars, and it's all the fault of the Qing emperor. This general is also furious, but there is a debt to blame, and now the only two thousand sailors left have come to their senses and turned to the light. We can't wait." Give your compatriots a chance?"

Jiang Tao stood up abruptly, speaking righteously. Seeing that Gan Zhi and the others were still about to speak, he continued, "Is it because we rebelled to kill our own people? Are we going to kill millions of green battalion soldiers across the country? Is it possible that from then on Do not accept surrendered green camp soldiers? In this way, can we defeat the domineering Tartars with the strength of the Black Tiger Army? Can we recover the broken rivers and mountains? Even if we can recover, how many people are left in this world? ?”

Jiang Tao couldn't speak any more, and sat down on the grand teacher's chair in a decadent manner, lost in thought. Once he succeeded, his thoughts were too simple.

All the soldiers were dumbfounded. Although they still couldn't fully understand, they were not in the mood to refute Jiang Tao's repeated rhetorical questions. Even the stubborn Gan Zhi didn't make a sound, but his face was very ugly, obviously he couldn't let go.

Gong Kaijun couldn't help but turn pale with shock, and couldn't sit still any longer. He knelt on the ground and said solemnly: "The general has a big heart and boldness. I am convinced. I don't want anything extravagant. From now on, I am willing to do my best for the general."

"Please hurry up, let's laugh away our grievances. From now on, we are our own people. Commander Gong's subordinates and Commander Chen's subordinates are both navy troops of the Black Tiger Army. This general treats everyone equally, and all private fights are prohibited within the Black Tiger Army. Everyone must obey the military order unconditionally, and must point their swords and guns at the enemy, what do the soldiers think?" Although Jiang Tao said with pride, he knew in his heart that the more than 2000 sailors must add fuel and jealousy, otherwise the soldiers will return. Rebellion is too easy.

(End of this chapter)

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