Chapter 144
Just when the Luzhou Mansion War was about to break out, Yuezhou City was also roaring with artillery fire, flying arrows and blood dancing together, people fell down every moment, and life became a cheap consumable at this time.

Dingyuan Pingkou General Yue Le, who was in charge of conquering Wu Sangui, was at the base of the city at this moment. He waved his hand cruelly, and thousands of Qing soldiers continued to rush towards the top of the city, stepping on the corpses of their comrades like ants.

"Finally rushed up, good!"

Yue Le was overjoyed and ordered the Eight Banners soldiers who were behind the formation to press forward. Although these soldiers were well-equipped, they were all fearful and held back. On the battlefield, they hesitated, and after a while, they rushed to the top The Green Battalion soldiers suffered heavy casualties and were driven out again.

Seeing the Eight Banners soldiers retreating hastily, although Yue Le frowned, he was used to it in his heart. A few days ago, he had killed several Eight Banners assistant leaders who feared the enemy like a tiger, but the law does not blame everyone, and there are many of these Eight Banners soldiers The descendants of princes and noble stomachs, if I use them all in military law, I will definitely cause huge troubles. Besides, Long Live is already very dissatisfied with himself, and has issued many edicts to reprimand him.

"Where is Baturu, who is full of people?"

Yue Le sighed inwardly, with a stern face, he shouted in a deep voice: "Retreat, fight again tomorrow, and anyone who is afraid of the enemy will be beheaded to show the public, and the army will be ordered. The first Han warrior to attack the city can join the Eight Banners of the Han army." , and rewarded with a thousand taels of silver, promoted to three ranks!"


All the Manchu and Han generals responded weakly, but each had their own thoughts in their hearts.

Yue Le waved his hands indiscriminately to let everyone back down. He was already extremely disappointed. It seemed that if he wanted to calm down Wu Sangui, he had to use the Green Battalion soldiers. thief?

I can't beat Wu Sangui, but I can always beat a bunch of rioters. Staying here will only add to the chaos. It's better to transfer some of them away, out of sight and out of mind. This makes Yue Le feel better. Jie, it's time to deal with them. If the food and grass are not enough, the hundreds of thousands of troops will be defeated without defeat.

The next day, [-] embroidered white flags rushed to the rebellious army in Anhui, and [-] embroidered red flags rushed to the rebellious army in Hubei. Killed by the hateful black tiger thief army.

But Wang Dashan and others didn't know this. In the bloody battle yesterday, he personally led more than ten thousand troops to charge across the board. There were more than a thousand casualties, and at this time the troops were approaching Liu'an Prefecture.

He was overjoyed, but he knew himself. It was okay to charge by himself, but it was far from running the army and governing the government. Commander Zhao was right in this sentence. No matter how much the price was, he had to open the channel and let General Heihu himself If you come out to sit in town, you don't have to worry so much, and only a god-man like Shao Dian can be proficient in everything.

Looking at the seven-meter-high city wall, he felt a headache. Although his subordinates now have weapons, but the training time is not long, they can only swarm and kill under the leadership of the lieutenants. If they want to capture the city, There must be heavy losses, but at this time, I can't take care of so much.

On the one hand, he ordered his subordinates to fill in the moat and build the ladder, on the other hand, he ordered the spies to return to the base, and informed the situation here, so that the young master could prepare early.

He was not at ease guarding Zhao Gui in Hefei, so he ordered Li Gu, the younger brother of the family, to bring more than a thousand soldiers to Hefei to guard the city and monitor Zhao Gui. He also recruited [-] soldiers in the area under his jurisdiction.

When they first attacked Hefei County, Li Gu and his son led hundreds of Zhenwu Escorts to open the city gate, and Wang Dashan took the city easily. Now they both became the commanders of the Black Tiger Army, each leading thousands of troops .

Wang Han, who had been promoted to a personal guard, was smiling all over his face at this time, looking obsessively at the flying knife bag on Wang Dashan's body, but he asked loudly: "General, when shall we attack the city?"

Wang Dashan sighed, hoping Commander Zhao would not cause chaos at this time, and then replied: "Wait, wait until evening, your kid almost lost his life yesterday, why don't you go to practice martial arts?"

"Obey!" Wang Han nodded and left, thinking, he will ask the general to teach him the flying knife skill when he is free.

Wang Dashan has his own plan, and now he has captured more than a thousand green battalion soldiers, which is just in use. He is a bandit after all. Although he has become kinder under Jiang Tao's subtle influence, but in his subconscious, what he cares most about is It's the minions under his command, this is the cost of food, and it doesn't matter how many prisoners are killed or injured.

In the evening, he first beheaded several generals of the Green Camp in front of the Green Camp, and then ordered more than a dozen boxes of gold and silver to be brought out. Ten thousand deaths, but as long as you cooperate with this general to take Lu'an Prefecture, this general will spare your life, and all the gold and silver will be rewarded to you."

Those thousands of green battalion soldiers didn't dare to answer, they knew that they would die if they agreed, and they would die if they didn't agree, so they didn't say much.

Wang Dashan chuckled, and then said: "Is there someone who doesn't want to?"

"If that's the case, kill them all!" Wang Dashan said every single word, and the surrounding soldiers all pushed towards the unarmed captive.

"Slow down! You can't let the brothers beat the Tartars empty-handed!" At this moment, a man in his forties stood up, showing a pair of buck teeth, with a look of hatred on his face, and shouted loudly.

"Who are you?" Wang Dashan waved his hands and looked at him playfully.

"The villain is the commander-in-chief of the army!"

"Okay, as long as you capture this city, the first brother who climbs to the top of the city will be promoted to three ranks, and will be rewarded with a thousand taels of silver and a hundred acres of fertile land, and the rest will be rewarded with a hundred taels of silver and twenty acres of farmland. Feel free to stay." Wang Dashan said righteously.

All the soldiers of the Green Battalion looked at each other, unable to make up their minds, and many of them greedily looked at the white silver ingots. Lei Zhen's heart darkened, knowing that he had nowhere to go, and he shouted: "You son of a bastard, it's a man. Follow me. It's better than dying in vain!"

"Listen to Master Lei."

All the green battalion soldiers also knew the consequences of not agreeing, and they all gritted their teeth and followed Lei Zhen. The soldiers of the Black Tiger Army immediately opened a passage, leading directly to the south gate of Lu'an Prefecture.

When they came to 500 meters from the south gate, there was already a row of weapons on the ground, most of which were long spears. Behind them were five hundred archers and Wang Dashan's personal guards. They were all the elite left over from the bloody battle, and they were all extremely brave. Wang Dashan followed closely behind the green battalion soldiers, and shouted in a deep voice: "The one who advances lives, and the one who retreats dies. Kill!"

At the same time, two thousand black tiger troops were attacking the city at the east gate and west gate respectively, and the shouts of killing were loud, while behind Wang Dashan was the veteran Li Zhenwu.

Pushed by the Black Tiger soldiers, all the soldiers of the Green Battalion had no choice but to bite the bullet and rush towards the city head with the ladder. As soon as they reached a hundred meters, countless arrows flew over, and dozens of people fell down immediately. Immediately flinching, Wang Dashan snorted and shouted: "Send the order ahead, this general will shoot and kill the last 20 people."

As soon as the words fell, the dozens of prisoners running at the back had been shot and killed. All the prisoners wanted to cry without tears, shouted frantically for a while, and continued to rush towards the top of the city.

In less than a quarter of an hour, most of the captives had been killed or injured, and the afterglow of the setting sun was so bright red that it made everyone red, and it was hard to tell whether it was human blood or sunlight, and finally someone rushed to the top of the wall.

Wang Dashan was overjoyed, ordered the archers to come close to cover him, and personally brought his personal guards forward to support him. He was holding a round shield in one hand, two throwing knives in the other, and the Qi family knife stuck in his back. His sharp eyes were fixed on him. In front of him, his movements were unusually vigorous, and he arrived under the city in a short while. Just as someone was leaning out to smash a stone, he was hit by a flying knife before he could let go, and the person and the stone fell down together.

Wang Dashan dodged, threw away his shield, and quickly crawled towards the top of the city. The green battalion soldiers on the city were terrified and wanted to shoot the arrows in their hands, but they were still not as fast as flying knives.

Wang Dashan climbed to the top of the city without any danger, and dozens of green battalion soldiers surrounded him with grinning faces. Suddenly, he felt a blur in front of his eyes, and dozens of flying knives came galloping like celestial maidens scattered flowers. It was too late to escape. the...

All the soldiers of the Black Tiger Army saw that the main general personally attacked the city, and their morale increased greatly. With Wang Dashan's restraint, they successively attacked the city of Lu'an.

The killing was still going on, but the defeat of the green battalion was decided. Half an hour later, more than [-] green battalion soldiers either died in battle, surrendered, or fled...

Mingzhu, a scholar in Huoqiu County, saw that only a few hundred of the [-] green battalion soldiers had fled back, and she was shocked. The new green battalion soldiers hadn't started training yet, and now there were only [-] soldiers and horses around her, who could stop them like wolves. Tiger's black tiger army?

If it can't be stopped, and the black tiger army in the mountain is released, wouldn't it be even more powerful when the two sides meet?

Mingzhu thought of the furious Long Live Lord, and felt anxious, God, I am just a civil servant who doesn't know how to fight, how can I fight!
PS: It's a bit late, let's see if I can write another chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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