The Great Bandit in Kangxi Year

Chapter 148 The Song of Gunpowder

Chapter 148 The Song of Gunpowder (2)

More than a thousand cavalrymen lost their voices in a very short period of time, and Mingzhu standing on the high ground couldn't help being moved, so they all fell down?I almost rushed up, I can't be soft-hearted, there is no one who is immortal in a war, and I still have [-] infantry, can it be that five of them can't win against one?
"Pass down the order, as long as one person beheaded, I will reward you with a tael of silver!"

150 meters away!

The Green Battalion soldiers were secretly delighted at the possible silver rewards, when they were shot again by sharpshooters.

This time it was even more exaggerated. Due to the tight formation of the Green Battalion soldiers, a round of salvo killed more than [-] people, and many bullets pierced through two people in a row. After all, most of the Green Battalion soldiers did not have armor, and most of them were recruits. They saw their companions fall down so needlessly, and they fell down in pieces, leaving horrible bullet holes on their bodies, bleeding continuously, and no longer cared about any military methods, they turned around and went to the back.

Not only the little soldiers, but even the generals and generals were all expressionless, controlling their subordinates and not moving forward, thinking in their hearts: Could it be that the bandit army is equipped with a large number of Lumi guns?
But the Lumi gun is not so powerful!This is completely to death!

Seeing this, Mingzhu's face turned cold, and she shouted: "Cut!"

In the cold place of beheading, hundreds of people at the back were immediately cut down by the supervising team, and the officers and soldiers at the back could only squeeze forward frantically, being squeezed by the officers and soldiers behind, and the rest of the green battalion soldiers were like resentful women Slowly approach the Black Tiger Army.

But the sharpshooters didn't care about this, they still reloaded and fired leisurely.

When they approached 80 meters from the Black Tiger Army, these sharpshooters had already fired five rounds of volley, and the Qing army had killed more than 1 people in just one minute.

The entire battlefield became bloody, and there were horrible dead bodies everywhere. There were screams, scolding, moans, and frantic begging mixed together, but there was no cry of killing.

The Green Battalion soldiers in the front row looked numbly at the covetous Black Tiger Army, boundless despair ignited in their hearts, and their expressions were even more complicated!
Jiang Tao couldn't stand it anymore. After all, these were his compatriots. No one could bear such a massacre. He hurriedly ordered the sharpshooter to stop shooting, and ordered all the soldiers to shout together: "Han people don't kill Han people, brothers present kill together!" Tartar!"

"As soon as the Black Tiger Army comes out, everyone has land, everyone has money, and every family is fed and clothed!"

"Kill the Tartars, fight against the Qing Dynasty and restore the Ming Dynasty. The Black Tiger Army has gods to help them, why bother to die?"

Hearing a series of roars, although the green battalion soldiers were very excited, but no one took the lead, and the green battalion soldiers behind were still pushing hard, and they were still slowly approaching the big formation, only 60 meters away.

Jiang Tao was really disappointed, and was about to order the sharpshooter guards to shoot one by one, but Wei Donglai said, "General, my subordinates see that these green battalion soldiers are not elites in all battles, why not use fire and thunder, ordinary people are very superstitious."

No matter what, you have to try, otherwise, if you get closer, the Black Tiger Army will be in disaster, and then the Black Tiger Army will...
Jiang Tao's black face became even darker, and he sighed in his heart, giving them one last chance!
bang bang bang...

Another round of volleys finally stopped the advance of the Green Battalion soldiers.

dong dong dong...

More than a hundred fire and thunder explosions were thrown more than 20 meters in front of the Black Tiger Army formation, but in an instant, there was a dizzying explosion, roaring like thunder, and even the whole earth was moved, and the shrapnel flew , The boundless gunpowder smoke whirled and rolled, raising smoke and dust ten feet high, covering the entire Black Tiger Army.

The Green Battalion soldiers who were only 50 meters away from the Black Tiger Army were stunned, and the generals were also frightened, and they dared not step forward again.

This burst of explosion sounded for several miles, shocking all the green battalion soldiers. Driven by the green battalion soldiers in the front row, they all backed away like panicked birds.

"Kill, kill, kill!"

At this time, there were three more shouts of killing, and the generals of the green battalion were even more frightened, and they tried their best to kill the colleagues who stood in the way, no longer caring about any adults or fellow villagers.

It's messed up, the whole thing is messed up, the camp is bombed, and even the supervising team can't stop it.

Mingzhu stared at the boss, this?Could it be that the Black Tiger Army cast a demon spell?He personally stepped forward and scolded all the soldiers, he didn't want a soldier to slash at him with a knife, but he didn't care about his status as an imperial envoy.

Fortunately, he had dozens of internal guards bestowed by the Holy Spirit by his side, so he was not injured.

Mingzhu was dumbfounded for a moment, and could only look up to the sky and sigh at the messy green battalion soldiers, and finally had to run away wildly with the help of Ouchi's guards.

The gunpowder smoke blocked the view of the shooters of the Black Tiger Army, and Jiang Tao spent a minute in fear, until the gunpowder smoke cleared, and he finally settled down. He saw the generals of the green battalion killing each other, and hurriedly ordered his subordinates to shout: : "Those who surrender will not be killed, and those who abandon the sword will be rewarded with five taels of silver."

Seeing that no one responded, Jiang Tao was furious, and was about to order his subordinates to charge across the board, but Wei Donglai persuaded him, "General, the Green Battalion soldiers will flee in a short time. If we continue to chase and kill them, we will definitely win a big victory!"

Jiang Tao readily agreed, after all, this would reduce the casualties of the Black Tiger Army.

Sure enough, within 2 minutes, the green battalion soldiers saw that the imperial envoys had all run away, and they stopped killing each other, and all fled in a hurry.

The Black Tiger Army took advantage of the momentum to follow and kill!

The Black Tiger Army had gone through a ten-kilometer cross-country run training, and was waiting for work at leisure. Where could the Green Battalion soldiers run away? They simply surrendered along the way, with very few casualties.

Jiang Tao ordered 3000 people to guard the prisoners, and he led more than [-] people to chase them all the way to the city of Lu'an. Wang Dashan, who was guarding the city, saw this and mobilized more than [-] soldiers in the city to attack the green battalion soldiers outside the city with Jiang Tao.

Mingzhu was shocked when she saw this. To be honest, not long after he arrived at the camp, before he could catch his breath, the Black Tiger Army followed, and they were far away. With a sigh, he galloped away on his steed. The officers and soldiers of the green battalion saw that Mingzhu had run away, and ran away one by one.

When Mingzhu returned to Huoqiu County, there were only a hundred riders left beside him, he was distraught, tens of thousands of soldiers and horses collapsed in an instant, and the plan to block the Black Tiger Army also failed, will the Holy One let him go?

Now there are no soldiers in Anhui, and the untrained recruits are useless at all. The situation in Jiangsu and Zhejiang is even worse. Maybe the bandit army will attack soon, and the thousands of soldiers in Huoqiu County can't fight the bandit army at all. contend.

Under the threat of death, Mingzhu felt that her body regained strength, so she resolutely gave up Huoqiu County and chose a general to guard Yeji Town, the main road from Anhui to Henan.

He was not reconciled, he wanted to fight again with the whole army in Hubei, and he didn't dare to tell Kangxi what happened, thinking: "This is the only way to do it now, as long as there is enough time, I will definitely defeat the black tiger thief army."


That night, all the generals gathered in Lu'an Prefecture, Wang Dashan looked ashamed and blamed himself: "This subordinate is incompetent, please punish the general!"

"Get up, Commander Wang's achievements are obvious to all. Now he has been promoted to lieutenant general. Immediately lead three thousand troops to rescue Shucheng. Be sure to defend it!"

Jiang Tao was already very satisfied with Wang Dashan's performance and praised him.

At this time, he had received the news that Zhao Gui had absconded with hundreds of thousands of gold and silver, he was very surprised, this person didn't care about the life and death of his family members, and he was even more angry, this kind of scum must die.

After thinking about it, wars are raging everywhere, and this person is carrying a large amount of gold and silver, so he must not be able to go far.

But now he can't take care of him, Shucheng is in danger, Huoqiu and Huoshan's Qing army camps have not been eliminated, and now the Black Tiger Army only firmly occupies two places in Lu'an Prefecture and Luzhou Prefecture, and the situation in the remaining provinces is unknown He thought about it, and knew that the Black Tiger Army would only be able to free up troops to deal with the Qing army outside Shucheng City after solving their worries. As for Zhao Gui, even if he went to the ends of the world, as long as he got news of him, he would not let him go .

Regarding the lack of fighting spirit of the soldiers under Wang Dashan, Jiang Tao personally asked the officers at the grassroots level, and only then learned that the soldiers who died in battle were not compensated in time. Jiang Tao hurriedly ordered the county magistrates to handle the matter properly. See you later.

In fact, these county magistrates were all the documents that followed the Black Tiger Army back then, and were forced to put ducks on the shelves by Wang Dashan. Now they are all the parents who govern one side. Jiang Tao's words are equivalent to imperial decrees.

However, today's battle yielded a lot of rewards. There were 2 prisoners alone, hundreds of horses, [-] stones of grain and grass, countless weapons of all kinds, and hundreds of thousands of gold and silver. In a hurry, I didn't have time to take it away, but it was cheaper for the Black Tiger Army.

Jiang Tao sighed, it seemed that he had good luck, if the opponent was replaced by elite green battalion soldiers, the black tiger army would definitely be defeated, and the most important thing for the military and the country should not be merciful.

It seems that the four provinces must be connected as soon as possible to end the war in the province, otherwise the Qing army will be able to continuously recruit new soldiers, which is annoying. Alas, there are too many traitor troops in China, how should I deal with them?
(End of this chapter)

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