Chapter 167
The sun and the moon flew like a shuttle, and half a month passed in the blink of an eye. During this period, Jiang Tao was very busy, and successively expanded the scale of Ma'anshan Iron Mine, Tongcheng Copper Mine, Coal Mine, Sulfur Mine, Gold Mine and other minerals. Owned by Daming.

More than [-] captives of the Qing army were all taken to major mining areas and became free labor.

However, Jiang Tao still gave the prisoners a chance to reform: as long as all the prisoners worked honestly for five years, and did not make trouble during this period, and performed well, they would all be released without charge after five years, and each would get 30 taels of travel expenses.

And improve the treatment of captive miners, so that they can at least have enough food and clothing, and the soldiers who stand firm are not allowed to abuse at will, and they can only be killed when they escape.

And arrange them into a team of ten people, implement a continuous sitting system, one of them escapes, the whole team will be punished, and Jiang Tao worked out a scientific daily workload based on the workload of the original miners, that is, the workload of working hard for eight hours , as long as the team completes the task in advance, they can go back to their respective lodging points to rest. If a certain team exceeds this workload, they can also exchange for the corresponding money. If they have money, they can exchange for meat, clothes, etc.

In other words, as long as you work hard, you can still eat meat every now and then.

In fact, among these captives, the most vicious and rebellious Qing soldiers had already been beheaded, and the rest were lucky to hear that they didn't need to be beheaded. Seeing that the Black Tiger Army didn't torture them, they calmed down.

Five years later, many captive miners not only did not go home, but brought their family members, which laid a solid foundation for the industrial rise of the Dahua Empire.

As for the original [-] to [-] miners, they were not disbanded. They were separated from the Qing army captives and opened up other mining areas. They fully implemented the system of sharing more pay for more work, and a perfect pension system. As long as one person works with peace of mind, it is enough to support a family. five.

With sufficient mineral support, Jiang Tao further expanded the scale of the smelting plant and vigorously built small iron-making blast furnaces in the Ma'anshan area, striving to build large iron and steel plants with an annual output of [-] tons within three years.

Jiang Tao also reformed the Ordnance Institute to improve the enthusiasm and work efficiency of craftsmen and reward inventions and creations.

They also reclaimed salt fields along the coast, increased the production of salt, and lowered the price of salt. The price of salt was regulated within the Ming Empire, so that every household could afford to eat salt, leaving the remaining salt lords with no way out.

Now that the people under the Ming Empire have enough food and clothing, Jiang Tao has suddenly become the regent of the Ming Empire. Although the remaining landlords and powerful forces are still very dissatisfied with Jiang Tao, their fields have been confiscated, and their every move is under the supervision of the general public. So he put down his thoughts of resistance, but fortunately Jiang Tao didn't do anything wrong, as long as he handed over the fields and minerals, the family's property would not suffer much loss.

That is to say, they still have a lot of wealth in their hands. Since the law stipulates that they cannot buy and sell land privately, they look down on the dozens of acres of land at home, so they develop into industry and commerce. Various handicraft workshops have sprung up like mushrooms. Jiang Tao supported it.

But recently, Jiang Tao's restrictions on silk, porcelain, tea, etc. have hit the interests of all merchants. The big merchants in Jiangsu and Zhejiang have gathered together, hundreds of them, and asked to meet Jiang Tao outside the Huaxing Palace, and wrote a so-called Wanmin book.

At this time, Jiang Tao was visiting the Jiangning Ordnance Institute. Hearing Luo Qian's report, he decided not to interfere with it, but to ignore it. The main reason is that the current economic main body of the Black Tiger Army is a state-owned enterprise, and the strength of these capitalists cannot shake the people's livelihood at all.

The main reason is that China's self-sufficient economic model does not have a large demand for commodities, and the people save up money when they have spare money. Jiang Tao knows that this is not good for the development of industry and commerce, but now the anti-Qing and Huaxia is the first One element, the others can only be suspended.

I don't want Jiang Ning's guard Luo Qianli to misunderstand Jiang Tao's meaning and arrest hundreds of merchants.

Only then did Jiang Tao realize the seriousness of the problem. Although he does not reject centralized politics, he cannot arrest people at will. Although these businessmen are here to make trouble, as long as they do not break the law, they cannot be punished with speech. Only by acting in accordance with the law can the country maintain long-term stability .

The current law must be amended, Jiang Tao thought of this, ordered Luo Qian to release him, and returned to the palace to recall the laws of later generations.

Finally, there are five conclusions:
First, the legitimate private property of the common people is inviolable.

Second, all ethnic groups under the rule of the Ming Empire are equal. Discrimination and oppression against any ethnic group is prohibited, and behaviors that undermine ethnic unity and create ethnic divisions are prohibited.

Third, speech should not be used as a crime, except for rebellion, treason, etc.

Fourth, resisting aggression is the sacred duty of every common people.

Fifth, to protect the personal safety and personal freedom of the people, the government must not arbitrarily seize and punish the crimes, the government must govern the people according to the law, and the criminal law must not be imposed abusively.

Jiang Tao didn't dare to be too indulgent. After all, the Black Tiger Army is not dominant in the military now, and the people have not yet had this ideological awareness. They have long been accustomed to the supremacy of imperial power. Hundreds of disabled soldiers who will be discharged.

These soldiers are the elite who survived the bloody battle, and their injuries are not serious.

They will be sent down to the counties to form a police force to catch robbers, maintain the law and order in the village, and protect the lives and property of the people. This is the official separation of the military and the police. Among them, Jiang Feng is the inspector and is responsible for Jiang Tao. Jiang Feng has grown up now. Beard, ecstatic to be reused in vain, he saw Jiang Dazhuang, Jiang Shi and others become generals commanding tens of thousands of troops, how could he remain indifferent?
Jiang Tao encouraged him, and ordered other teachers to teach them laws and regulations. He initially planned to temporarily form a police force of 5 people. In this era, they were called policemen. He couldn't get out of his palm either, the police were originally an internal explosion-proof machine.

However, the police force has also made corrections. First, it no longer serves as thugs and money-making tools for officials; Reform through labor is carried out in mines and other places, and criminals who have committed the most heinous crimes can be executed on the spot, and reported to the imperial court, and a file is set up.Fourth, if the convicted criminal refuses to accept it, he can report it according to the law, or report it directly to the Jiangning Prince's Mansion. Jiang Tao will then send someone to specialize in the matter.

Jiang Tao specially set up a big drum outside the palace, in order to supervise the officials of the prefectures and counties from various aspects. It is in front of sugar-coated cannonballs.

Coupled with the unannounced visits to the civilian guards at any time, the chances of corruption and perverting the law in various states and counties are much less. This series of arrangements has won the praise of Huang Zongxi, Wang Fuzhi and other enlightened scholar-bureaucrats.

Jiang Tao was very flattered. After all, these were great thinkers and philosophers in the late Ming Dynasty, but he was secretly proud of it. In fact, there were more thorough ones. He was afraid that everyone would not be able to bear it, but he would not be so stupid. In fact, centralization of power It still plays a very important role, at least in troubled times. It can gather the power of all the people. Even in later generations, it is just a fake democracy in the cloak of democracy. No matter what time it is, it is a world of power and money.

As long as he wins the world, the generals of the Black Tiger Army will become a considerable force, which no one can stop. Jiang Tao wondered whether he would lead this force outside the country, he couldn't help laughing, it's too early At this moment, the guards came to report and the sea merchants asked to see him.

Jiang Tao snorted coldly and finally came.

(End of this chapter)

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