The Great Bandit in Kangxi Year

Chapter 169 Recuperation

Chapter 169 Recuperation
In fact, Zheng Jing suffered few casualties in this battle. After being reminded by his subordinates, he knew that the Black Tiger Army must be equipped with firearms from underwater mines, and he finally settled down. The army negotiated peace and withdrew from Fujian, but now that the Black Tiger Army has a sharp weapon, it is another matter. Even if this battle is not frustrated, he would not dare to land and fight with the Black Tiger Army. After all, Geng Jingzhong only has tens of thousands of soldiers and horses, and the Black Tiger Army The army can easily mobilize hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses, which is quite different.

Zheng Jing frowned and thought for a long time. This battle lost more than a dozen gunboats with thousands of materials, and the bandits had underwater mines, which were hard to defend against. He couldn't help looking at his general Liu Guoxuan.

Although Liu Guoxuan was extremely angry, he didn't dare to say much. Just now his flagship was blown up. After all, the water was very deep, but Feng Xifan said: "Today's battle shows that the Black Tiger Army is unbearable in naval battles, but they have defenses. Sharp weapon, we might as well make peace with it, after all, our trade volume has dropped sharply recently, and Chaozhou and other places may be difficult to keep, and it is not an option if things go on like this.”

Zheng Jing nodded, and said with a straight face: "Alright, let's continue to blockade the coastal areas, who would like to go?"

Liu Guoxuan is the governor of the Navy, and he has a lot of connections, so he didn't want to, but Feng Xifan became active, and reluctantly said: "This subordinate is willing to serve the lord."

"Okay, go and come back quickly." Zheng Jing looked at Feng Xifan trustingly and applauded loudly.


At this time, Jiang Tao was on his way back to Nanjing. Although the local governments evacuated the people along the coast in time, hundreds of soldiers and civilians were still injured or injured. However, this battle easily sank more than ten large ships. The morale of the soldiers and civilians was boosted, and they were even more in awe of Jiang Tao.

But Jiang Tao sighed. Without warships, he can only be beaten passively. In fact, the generals of the navy have long called for battles, but he never fights uncertain battles. Naval battles are not as simple as land battles. Experienced captains are needed, these are what the Ming navy officers and men lack, and even decent warships have not been impeached for combat.

Now that the main battlefield is on land, Jiang Tao sometimes feels that he is too careful.

He was relieved that there were tens of thousands of elites along the coast, and he walked slowly along the official road with five hundred black tiger guards, but suddenly saw dozens of people approaching with swords, and when they saw Jiang Tao and others, they panicked and wanted to escape.

Jiang Tao was also surprised. Now it is the slack season. The government is organizing strong military training for 18 to 35-year-olds in the countryside. Each person will be subsidized with one penny a month. The physique, queue and assassination techniques, etc., and spread the latest policies and ideas, as well as some Chinese historical knowledge.

After compulsory literacy, these elites knew a lot of characters. Jiang Tao provided them with booklets, which they could read from the book.

Training for three months a year is specially selected during the slack season. It is reasonable to say that there is no free time for the strong and strong.

The thirty or so people present were all strong and strong, wearing tights of various colors, and wanted to flee when they saw the army. It seemed that they were not militiamen. Jiang Tao waved his hand and shouted: "Where are they, what do you want?"

All the black tiger guards were selected by Jiang Tao among 50 people. They are not only loyal and reliable, but also have extraordinary marksmanship. They are equipped with two horses. With a musket, the combat power is extraordinary, but within 3 minutes, dozens of people were surrounded.

Jiang Tao didn't expect that there were so many private armed forces in the territory, so he came up to him and asked, "Quickly tell me the history, or you will be killed if you don't."

They trembled for a while, and one of them tremblingly said: "Masters, please forgive me, as long as we let us go, I would like to offer a hundred taels of silver."

"Put down your weapons, or kill anyone who doesn't!" Jiang Tao didn't talk nonsense, seeing that he already knew that these people were not kind, so he didn't worry about it.

bang bang bang bang bang...

Several people tried to resist and were shot immediately.

Half a quarter of an hour later, after being tortured, it was discovered that these were bandits from the mountains who came out to do business. Jiang Tao couldn't help but smile, but his colleagues were enemies, and these bandits were all sent to the mine for reform through labor.

But this incident sounded a wake-up call to Jiang Tao. Daming's law and order was not as good as he had imagined. Although he confiscated bandits many times, according to the confessions of these bandits, there were still many bandits in various places.

In order to strengthen the martial spirit among the people, Jiang Tao did not control swords. Nowadays, there are not a few people carrying weapons on the streets and official roads, but the incidents of fighting are gradually increasing.

Jiang Tao sighed, governing the country is really not an easy task. On the one hand, he ordered Yao Jun, Luo Feng and other generals to command [-] soldiers to kill bandits in various places.

On the one hand, the local governments are ordered to strictly investigate local hooligans and crack down on gang groups.

Jiang Tao is not afraid of common people's advocacy of martial arts. As long as they don't implement tyranny and improve the basic necessities of life of the common people, they will not rebel at all. On the contrary, these gang groups are the pioneers of oppressing the common people. .

This is not allowed by Jiang Tao, because the common people are suffering too much. Shenzhou has been in turmoil for decades and needs to recuperate most. After thinking for a long time, he issued a series of decrees: First, fabricate household registration and screen floating population to prevent spies.

First, collect beggars, send those who have families back to their hometowns, and those who are out of provinces or homeless will be given land and a certain living allowance by the government, and sent to the countryside for farming. Those who are really helpless and unable to work will all be sent to nursing homes .

Unexpectedly, many spies were found, and many spies were mixed among the beggars, which made Jiang Tao speechless.

Second, you cannot carry weapons when entering or walking inside the city, and people will be rewarded for reporting spies, fugitives, and robbers.

Third, order the Ministry of Households to preside over the renovation of irrigation canals, reservoirs, roads, bridges, etc. in various places. The local government cooperates and does not deduct labor wages. Now that the farming is slack, men over the age of 35 just come in handy.

Fourth, merchants need to register with local governments and join the Jiangnan Chamber of Commerce founded by Jiang Tao to supervise merchants to prevent spies from posing as merchants. Only goods that have been taxed can be circulated. Other officials are not allowed to collect again, and legitimate merchants must be protected.

Fifth, the tax department shall not collect taxes for small teahouses, noodle shops, stalls, etc.

Sixth, families with victims of national wars are exempted from tax for three years. Orphans can be sent to orphanages in various places. Those who are unable to raise children can be sent to the government to prevent human trafficking.

Jiang Tao ordered Jiang Hu to select more than a thousand orphans for secret training, and Jiang Tao planned to train them into special forces capable of both civil and military skills.

Seventh, gambling halls and brothels charge heavy taxes, and they are not allowed to be forced into prostitution and usury, and those who report are rewarded.

This coherent decree will consume millions of taels of silver, but it will further improve the living environment of the people and store wealth in the people.

Jiang Tao knows that no matter how good the policy is, someone must strictly implement it, otherwise it means there is no policy. After returning to Jiangning, he appointed Gu Yanwu, Minister of the Ministry of Punishments, as the imperial envoy, and led two hundred black tiger guards to patrol around. If you break the law, you can cut it first and then play it!
Gu Yanwu has traveled all over the country for many years, and he is well aware of the sufferings of the people, so he gladly took orders to go there.

Gu Yanwu and others are all rare geniuses in the world, who can shout "the rise and fall of the world, everyone is responsible!" The master of the slogan, Jiang Tao can definitely trust, but he does not trust their students and other scribes, now local officials except Jiang Tao from the army Some of the people who were promoted were some anti-Qing literati and students of Wang Fuzhi from the Fuxing Society, Jishe, and Yingshe.

It can be said that the place is still very complicated, but Jiang Tao has firmly grasped the military power, so that he is not afraid of someone's rebellion, but he will not allow it to harm the common people. Although some laws and regulations conflict with local concepts, he knows that as long as the interests of the majority of people are preserved, the current Daming will not be chaotic, and this time the spearheads are all directed at the forces in the dark.

Thinking of Zheng's navy strength, Jiang Tao couldn't help but sighed, and secretly said: "Go to the Longjiang Shipyard first, the navy must develop as soon as possible, well, the production of artillery can't be ignored, next spring, warships will be It can be built well, but 30 Hailang-class cruisers need more than 1200 shipboard artillery, and the scale of the artillery battalion simply cannot produce that many, and the Ordnance Institute has to inspect it."

At this moment, his subordinates came to report, and Zheng Jing's special envoy asked to see him.

Jiang Tao was taken aback, what does Zheng Jing mean by this?
(End of this chapter)

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