The Great Bandit in Kangxi Year

Chapter 174 Man Qing's Strategy

Chapter 174 Man Qing's Strategy

After receiving Tuhai's memorial, Kangxi was shocked and hurriedly summoned Yue Le, Suo'etu, Mingzhu and other important officials.

In the imperial study room, Kangxi asked blankly: "It's almost Chinese New Year, but the bandit army is mobilizing wantonly. What's their plan? Do they still want to take the initiative to find trouble?"

"My lord, I'm afraid the bandits can't wait any longer. They must increase their troops to Shandong, and order Prince Kang to speed up the offensive and wipe out Wang Fuchen as soon as possible. By then, the Qing Dynasty will have another 20 elite soldiers!" Yue Le thought for a moment with a worried look on his face. then replied.

Kangxi nodded, his face became more gloomy and cold, obviously dissatisfied with Jieshu, thinking of Yue Le's confrontation with the bandit army many times, familiar with the bandit army's tactics, so he softly shouted: "Prince An, Yue Le accepted the order, and since today In charge of the army on the front line of Shandong and Henan, give Shang Fang the sword, as if I were here in person, oh yes, how is the progress of the Military Division?"

"Prince An? Doesn't that restore your princely title?"

Hearing this, Yue Le was very grateful, and it took him a long time to calm down and said: "Thank you Lord Long En, Yue Le will die forever, but the Bing Zhan Division is still not satisfactory, and now the monthly production of Lumi guns is only 20 handles, and [-] red cannons. But the firecrackers I bought are not bad, although they are not as far away as the Lumi cannons, they have many advantages."

"Is it possible to imitate?" Kangxi knocked on the table and sighed.

"But, in a short period of time, it is impossible to produce a large number of muskets. The barbarians are thousands of miles away. I don't know when they will be able to use muskets. But don't worry, my lord. After thinking about it for a while, the bandits have occupied the territory several times. Only then did we defeat our Manchu iron cavalry, and once the bandit army enters Shandong, our Qing Dynasty has a large number of iron cavalry to attack from all directions, then the bandit army will lose sight of the other, and it will be another situation." Yue Le's face was terrified. , said with an affirmative tone.

"That's right, everyone said that we can't be beaten passively, we need to besiege the Black Tiger Army from all sides." Kangxi's confidence was greatly boosted when he heard this, and it is not an option to always stick to it.

Mingzhu has recently studied with his advisers in many ways, and has come up with a lot of ideas. At this time, he took over the conversation and said: "The master is wise, and the slave dares to speak out. The master can publicize the atrocities committed by the bandit army in Liangjiang and Anhui. You must know the black tiger The army is a bandit army, not only burning, killing and looting, but also occupying the land of the powerful landlords, which is their lifeblood, and they can make the local powerful build up militia groups, raise their own food and wages, and jointly kill the bandit army."

Kangxi was terrified when he heard this. He knew that the powerful landlords were deeply rooted. If they were allowed to have legal arms, would it be difficult to control them in the future?

He looked at Suo'etu and Yue Le worriedly, wanting to ask their opinions.

Yue Le nodded and sighed: "Your Majesty, although it's a bit risky, it's a good idea. The imperial court can send a Manchu army to supervise them, and stipulate the number of militia groups in various places. After the bandits are wiped out, they will be disbanded immediately. "

Suo'etu originally wanted to refute, but at this time he couldn't refute Prince An's face, he had an idea, and said sternly: "Your Majesty, the slaves also have a plan, and now the Black Tiger Army is at odds with Wu Sangui, Geng Jingzhong, Shang Zhixin and other bandits , and the Black Tiger Army claims to be 80, which makes people turn pale, and Wu Sangui and others are in a constant state of panic, we might as well send special envoys to allow Wu Sangui to establish a country, and form an alliance with Wu Sangui, and first wipe out the Black Tiger Army together!"

"Bold!" Kangxi yelled violently, and there was no more words in an instant, but his face became ugly, and he stared at Suo'etu fiercely.

Suo'etu was so frightened that he knelt on the ground, and kowtowed repeatedly: "Master, calm down, this is a strategy for making friends from afar and attacking closely. The millions of hungry people in the huge Hubei did not drag down the bandit army. The potential and financial resources of the bandit army can be seen. Black tiger thief The army has become a confidant of our Qing Dynasty, and we must get rid of it. Wu Sangui and others, according to reports from the spies, have stopped fighting for a while. .”

Kangxi let out a long sigh, thinking a lot, and then he calmed down and said: "Get up, but Wu Sangui, an old fox, is very likely to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight, that's all, send a special envoy immediately, just like that, as long as Wu Jun and Daqing attack the black tiger together Army, I will allow him to stand on his own at that time."

"The sage is wise!" Yue Le and others praised sincerely. This time the sage finally didn't use his righteousness to act. He is a man who can stretch and bend. Long Live Lord has really grown up.


In the first month of 1674, Jiang Tao sent away Wu Sangui's special envoy, Xia Xiangguo, and ordered him to tell Wu Sangui that the military movements of all parties were just military exercises, and there was no need to panic.

Xia Xiangguo had no choice but to go back. Seeing that the time was right, Jiang Tao ordered Jiang Wudao to lead an army of 150 in Anhui to guard against the Qing army in Henan, and ordered the cabinet ministers to supervise the country together. Riding into the front line of Xuzhou, two hundred new [-]mm cannons were deployed at the same time to continue to strengthen the strength of the artillery battalion.


The reason why the naval artillery was used was that Jiang Tao had no certainty of victory in his heart. According to reliable information, the Qing army in Shandong was more than 20, and there were [-] elite cavalry. It was good for the infantry, and he also wanted to test the strength of the Qing army in this battle. Besides, Wu Sangui was eyeing the Hunan area, and he was afraid that Wang Dashan would not be able to stop Wu Sangui, and his lair would be in danger.

In fact, he knows that the best strategy is to first pacify Wu Sangui and others, and then send a large army to the north in one fell swoop, gradually encroaching on the territory and troops of the Manchus. Another three years of recuperation, with nearly seven or eight years of buffer time, I really don't know what will happen.

The main reason is that he doesn't want the Manchus to be at ease for so long. As long as the Manchus are defeated, there will be at least a million soldiers. A group of dragons has no leader, let alone stop themselves.

If you want to break through the Forbidden City, you must occupy Shandong. Once you reach Shandong, the Forbidden City is within centimeters. The reason why you don’t send troops from Henan is because the border with Henan is extremely dangerous. It is farther from the Forbidden City.

The 150mm caliber Huaxing Type II shipborne artillery plus the special gun carriage weighs [-] kilograms, and can be pulled by two horses. Such a gun is equipped with five gunners, regardless of its caliber, range or power. , are stronger than the red cannon.

When Jiang Tao arrived in Xuzhou, he organized the firearms troops to practice formations. This battle did not seek to win in one battle, but to kill and injure the main force of the Qing army, and then erode it step by step. This is the strategy he thought of.

This strategy is a bit clumsy, but it has the advantage of being clumsy. First, because most of the Ming Dynasty is infantry and cannot catch up with the cavalry. Second, because the development of firearm technology has changed the mode of warfare, the Ming army has great logistics requirements. I went to Mei Wending, who knew astronomy and geography.

It is to forecast the weather. If it rains every day, the gun guards and artillery battalion will turn off all fires. Although the Mieqing muskets and Mielu guns can be fired in rainy days, the rain will wet the gunpowder when loading ammunition.

Unfortunately, just three days after Jiang Tao arrived in Xuzhou, it really started to rain. He had no choice but to wait for the rain to clear up. Besides, the infantry and artillery coordinated operations also needed to be adjusted. After all, the previous Black Tiger Army did not have artillery.

(End of this chapter)

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