The Great Bandit in Kangxi Year

Chapter 182 No Room for Others to Negotiate Conditions

Chapter 182 No Room for Others to Negotiate Conditions
The battle in Jiangxi City is still in full swing, especially the walls of Jiujiang City have collapsed in many places, but Wang Dashan still guards Jiujiang City.

The terrain of Jiujiang is extremely dangerous, with the Yangtze River on one side and Poyang Lake on the other, Jiujiang and Anqing Mansion are across the river.

Originally, Wu Sangui could rely on the strength of the navy to attack Jiujiang City from three sides, but Wang Dashan and others had already placed countless new mines on the Yangtze River and other waterways.

So if you want to break through Jiujiang City, you can only attack from the front.

The Black Tiger Army dug many trenches and moats 50 meters outside Jiujiang City. They were full of elite soldiers, throwing fire and thunder, or defending themselves. The bandit army has a strong will to fight and will not retreat in a deadly battle.

Wu Sangui had a wrinkled old face, and couldn't help trembling in his heart. In the past half a month, he had lost a hundred thousand troops.

Most of the more than [-] cannons raised with great difficulty have now been lost. The more the battle is fought, the more boring it is.

Wu Sangui felt endless sadness in his heart: "Could it be that King Huaxing is his nemesis?"

At this moment, spies came to report that King Huaxing defeated the Manchus and killed more than 20 elites of the Manchus. The Black Tiger Army had stopped attacking the Manchus.

Wu Sangui's heart skipped a beat, and he thought to himself: "It's over, the Black Tiger Army will definitely come to take revenge, well, we can't withdraw all the troops, but we can keep [-] troops each to block the attack of the bandit army. Is it possible that you are the only Black Tiger Army who can dig trenches? Huh?!"

When he returned to Hengzhou, he summoned craftsmen to manufacture a large number of firearms such as the three-eyed blunderbuss and the Thunderbolt blunderbuss.

After several consecutive defeats, there have been a lot of complaints and complaints in the army. They are all complaining about Wu Sangui. Why do you have to raise the flag to rebel?Why did they still attack Daming after rebellion, and dared not establish a country and proclaim themselves emperor, causing the brothers to abandon their wives and children, and get no benefit other than working their lives.

As usual, Wu Sangui would never let go of this kind of discussion in the army, ranging from eighty army sticks to beheading.But right now, he can't do that. The complaints of the soldiers are all true.

Taking advantage of the fact that Ma Bao defeated Sun Yanling in Guangxi, and only Shang Zhixin was left in the south, Wu Sangui no longer worried about other things, and planned to establish a country in Hengzhou and proclaim himself emperor in a month. Opportunity inspires the soldiers, revives the military power, and draws the river to rule with the Manchu and Ming Dynasties.

As for Shang Zhixin, he is not being polite. He is going to put him under house arrest when this son comes to congratulate him. Who told him to deliberately preserve his strength and not attack Fujian.

When the news spread, not only the Han people who had surrendered to the Qing Dynasty scolded him.Even the elders and children of the former Ming Dynasty pointed their noses at him and scolded him.

Jiang Tao was shocked when he heard the news. He remembered that in history, Wu Sangui proclaimed himself emperor in the 17th year of Kangxi, and now he is only in April of the 14th year of Kangxi. It is really strange. It seems that he really disrupted the process of history.

Jiang Tao's confidence was greatly increased, and he ordered Huang Zongxi to prepare a sharp call to arms, which was announced to the whole country, denounced Wu Sangui, and demanded that Wu Sangui be the first to be sent in after the Temple of Traitors was completed.

In fact, Jiang Tao was unable to attack Wu Sangui for the time being, and he just sent hundreds of capable guerrillas to Hunan and other provinces to lay the foundation for future wars.

In the first battle in Jiangxi, although Wang Dashan guarded the gate of Anhui, he suffered more than [-] casualties under his command, which cost countless military funds. However, the more than [-] troops under his command have passed the test of actual combat and trained a group of excellent musketeers and soldiers. artillerymen.

Jiang Tao supported Wang Dashan with 5 pistols and ordered him to form the 300th division of sharp guns. The division had 100 Dutch-style rifles, 100 three-eye guns, 150 pistols, 20 tiger squat guns, and [-] [-]mm infantry guns. , [-] [-]mm infantry guns, several other firearms, and thousands of swordsmen and logistics battalions, with a total strength of [-].

Jiang Tao also transported more than 6 Dutch-style rifles and more than [-] Lumi guns seized by the Qing army to Fujian, ordering Jiang Dazhuang to form the [-]th Division of Sharpshooters, and the rest of the artillery and pistols will be shipped one after another.

For several days in a row, Jiang Tao was very busy. He was about to go back to accompany the princess, but he didn't want Chengzhang to report. Shang Zhixin's special envoy came to discuss matters of surrender.

Jiang Tao was puzzled, how could Shang Zhixin think of taking the initiative to surrender?Could it be a fraud?


After a while, a man came in, I saw that he was handsome, good-looking, with every gesture, gentle and refined, with a beautiful appearance and self-pity, as a man he looked like a virgin, and he said with a self-possessed air: "This Let Wang Shirong meet King Huaxing, the prince will be a thousand years old!"

Jiang Tao sternly shouted, "Why don't you kneel down when you see me!"

But he cursed secretly in his heart: "Fuck, at first glance, I thought it was a woman."

"Hehe!" Wang Shirong smiled, and said seriously: "I am a famous scholar in Shaanxi, but I dare not disobey the prince's rules."

Jiang Tao's embarrassment was relieved with a smile, and he talked and laughed happily without fear. He was also considered a character. Jiang Tao hummed, frowned and said, "That's good. If you have something to say in front of this king, just say it, don't dawdle. Otherwise, they will be beaten out with sticks."

Wang Shirong felt powerless in his heart. King Huaxing refused to be soft and hard, and was also domineering. The prince accepts it."

"Oh?" Jiang Tao was very surprised to see this person calling Shang Zhixin's name directly. Isn't this person Shang Zhixin's confidant?

"Be specific!"

Wang Shirong sighed in his heart, he was really aggrieved as a special envoy, but now King Huaxing is so powerful that he has the potential to win the Kyushu, and he has won consecutive victories over the Man Qing and Wu Sangui for more than a month, beheading hundreds of thousands of people, causing the Man Qing to retreat hundreds of troops In the story, Wu Sangui was forced to proclaim himself emperor hastily, and Wu Sangui already had the heart to annex Guangdong. As Shang Zhixin's number one adviser, of course he had to think about his own future. Thinking of this, he asked, "I don't know what the prince means?"

"It's very simple. You must surrender unconditionally. This king can keep Shang Zhixin's honor and wealth, but he is not allowed to participate in politics, military affairs, or violate the law in the future. Otherwise, it will be hard to say!" Jiang Tao said succinctly .

"This!" Wang Shirong was startled. Facing Jiang Tao's sharp gaze, he could only say helplessly, "My lord, this! Since this is the case, I can't make the decision. I will trouble you next time."

"see a visitor out!"

Hearing Huaxing Wang's confident voice, Wang Shirong felt that all his schemes were useless, and ran to Guangdong in frustration.

"My lord, why didn't you accept Shang Zhixin's surrender?"

Hearing Cheng Zhang's inquiry, Jiang Tao sneered and said: "These people can't be used to them, they will only harm the common people. According to my personality, I want to crack down on these traitors. Today, my king has given them a chance. No wonder if they don't fight for it." other people."

Everyone nodded, understanding what the prince was thinking, it was nothing more than that the land that had been laid down was more secure for reform.

(End of this chapter)

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