Chapter 189
In fact, on the night Jiang Wuji attacked Qinhuangdao, Kangxi received an expedited memorial for six hundred miles.

The bandit army would launch an attack from the sea, which Kangxi never expected, and the bandit army made an excellent move, either attacking Shanhaiguan, occupying the land of Longxing in the Qing Dynasty, or attacking the important area of ​​the capital. are intolerable.

Kangxi had no choice but to pull out this nail no matter how much he paid.

Combined with the report of Admiral Shi Lang of the Navy, Kangxi was sure that this strange army was aimed at him.

However, the navy narrowly won, and the bandit army landed on Qinhuangdao. In this way, the deterrent force was even stronger.

The troops and horses in Shandong are retreating steadily, and now there is danger around the capital.

At this moment of life and death, Kangxi suppressed the despair in his heart, and said calmly in front of the important ministers: "The decisive battle has begun, Prince An, just do whatever you want, and the survival of my Qing Dynasty will be entrusted to you."

Yue Le's face sank like water, and he kowtowed three times: "Your Majesty, if you lose again, Yue Le will definitely come to see you."

"No, no matter what, we must return safely. At the time when our ancestors thirteen sets of armor set up troops, they made great achievements. As long as my cavalry of the Qing Dynasty is still there, the world can still be ruled!" Kangxi saw Yue Le's expression of determination, Busy to comfort.

"Thank you Lord Long En, the slaves are gone. By the way, Your Majesty, you can let Admiral Shi Lang intercept the resupply of the bandit army. In this way, the bandit army will be water without a source!"

Yue Le walked out of the imperial study room without looking back.

With such a heavy burden on his shoulders, he couldn't breathe.

He took away 15 cavalry, and the remaining 15 cavalry were led by Prince Kang, and they arrived at the outskirts of Qinhuangdao in less than a day.

The Black Tiger Army was his old opponent, and Yue Le was well aware of the strengths and weaknesses of all parties, so he did not move, and neither did the Black Tiger Army.

He is waiting, he dare not use iron cavalry to attack the trenches of the bandits again, he knows that firearms are most afraid of rain, so he is waiting for rain.

After waiting for ten days in a row, it finally rained, and it was pouring rain.

Yue Le wept with joy, bathed in the heavy rain, and shouted loudly: "Kill, crush the bandits, leave no one behind!"

In an instant, the army was dispatched in the rain.

Hundreds of thousands of iron hoofs trampled on the muddy flat ground, splashing countless muddy water, and the whole ground shook. Between lightning and thunder, as if demons from hell, one by one brandished their waist knives and screamed wantonly.

15 cavalry spread all over the mountains and plains, spreading forward and backward for more than ten miles, and rushed directly to Jiang Wuji's position.

From the moment it rained, Jiang Wuji just bathed in the rain in a daze. Although he had made many preparations, he was really not sure of victory. He had an ominous premonition that the Qing army would never give up on this At the next opportunity, looking at the equally astonished soldiers, he woke up suddenly, and shouted: "People are in the trenches, bayonets are drawn, big men are arrogant, and they will never die!"

The surrounding soldiers were shocked when they heard the sound. They had no way out. Behind the artillery position was the sea, and surrender was death, so there was only a death battle. Jiang Tao knew that there would be such a day, and he would not slacken his assassination training, but hand-to-hand combat represented high casualties. Generally, sharpshooter guards are not allowed to engage in large-scale hand-to-hand combat.

But at this moment, Rong had no choice but to fight hand-to-hand.

At this moment, all the soldiers heard the trampling sound of galloping horses.

The cavalry of the Qing army was already a thousand meters away. Fortunately, Jiang Wuji added a shed for each artillery piece, and the soldiers of the Artillery Master admired it unceasingly.

In the past few days, every artillery in the artillery position has been tested and recorded various data. The 700 artillery in the artillery position fired first according to the determined data.

dong dong dong...

The roar of 15 artillery pieces was no less than the galloping sound of 14 iron cavalry, and [-] iron bullets weighing more than [-] kilograms smashed past with blue smoke. All the Manchurian cavalry were either killed or injured.

In just one salvo, more than 4000 people were killed or injured by Manchu iron cavalry.

Yue Le turned pale with shock, why did the other party still fire?God!why?

But the iron cavalry started to run, and it was raining heavily, so they couldn't stop at all. Such a large-scale cavalry battle, there is no retreat.

However, in 40 seconds, the Qing cavalry had already approached 50 meters in front of the trench, and when they got closer, there was a sudden booming sound under their feet.

Every explosion was accompanied by the splashing of more than a hundred iron balls, and the people were turned on their backs immediately, and the advancing formation was stagnant.

After a while of delay, the Artillery Master finally rang again.

This time it was shotgun.

A total of more than 35 iron beads shot out, and it seemed to rain iron beads in the area in front of the position for several miles. The screams, blood, rain, and thunder were mixed together, and finally fell down, merging with the muddy water. together.

Only this burst of shelling killed more than [-] Manchu iron cavalry, and directly cut the continuous formation of the Qing army into two sections. There were very few survivors of the cavalry in the middle, and the rest of the Manchurian iron cavalry were shocked. rush forward.

When all the mines were trampled, the iron cavalry finally rushed to the front of the trench. The three thousand infantrymen in the front row were all drowned with knives and guns, but they did not dare to close their eyes, but opened them wide.


"Kill!" Under the command of generals at all levels, all the soldiers stabbed out their knives and guns one after another, and the weapons in the hands of the Qing army cavalry couldn't reach the marines in the trenches, so they threw their knives and guns.

Both sides suffered heavy casualties, and in the blink of an eye, many cavalry rushed to the second trench, and even the third trench.

bang bang bang...

At this moment, the familiar musket sound of the soldiers rang out.

All the musketeers hid in the tents behind the trenches. Small holes were dug out of the tents, exposing more than a thousand muskets, and they started shooting in an orderly manner.

bang bang...

There were about five seconds between each round of firing, and the gunfire was very irregular.

However, there were too many Manchu iron cavalry swarming over, so there was no need to aim at all, and every single shot would be rewarded.

Although the firing speed was not as fast as before, the sound of bang bang bang never stopped.

With the support of this burst of firepower, the position was not captured, but the Qing cavalry still rushed to the third trench.

dong dong dong...

The Artillery Master reloaded the ammunition again, and this round of salvo was even more effective, killing at least 5000 people.

But there was nothing he could do about the cavalry rushing into the camp.

Seeing that the camp was about to fall, Jiang Wuji's eyes widened. He really tried his best. If he couldn't think of any other way, he would only die.

"No, even if you die, you can't leave the artillery and firearms to the Manchu Tartars." Jiang Wuji's heart suddenly turned cold, not because he was afraid of being killed, but because he thought of the task that King Huaxing entrusted to him, so he was disturbed by God like this No, he is not reconciled, watching the heroic soldiers fighting bloody battles, and feels guilty, no, the Black Tiger Army has not been defeated, and the Black Tiger Army still has more than ten thousand steel soldiers.

He regained his fighting spirit and encouraged the soldiers everywhere. The soldiers of the [-] logistics battalion were also assembled, ready to use their flesh and blood to stop the Qing army's cavalry at any time.

At this time, many Tartar cavalry had crashed into the Iron Juma outside the camp, and the situation was even more dangerous!

(End of this chapter)

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