The Great Bandit in Kangxi Year

Chapter 192 Unbelievable

Chapter 192 Unbelievable

The reinforcements finally arrived, and Jiang Wuji looked at the soldiers of the 1st and 2nd Divisions of the Sharpshooter that he was familiar with, and he felt confident.

However, many of them were seasick, Jiang Wuji knew it well, and hurriedly rearranged his defenses.

He was busy until midnight, before Jiang Wuji gathered all the generals. Due to lack of medicine and medicine, many seriously injured soldiers could not survive and died forever.

Some said that when the Black Dragon Fleet arrived, they should send the soldiers back to their hometown as soon as possible.

Jiang Wuji shook his head, these wounded soldiers couldn't stand such a toss, and the journey was far away, the daylilies would be cold when they were transported back.

These marines belong to the navy, and the navy general Chen Dajiang is the most anxious. Although he brought some medicinal materials and doctors this time, he didn't expect the problem to be so serious and it was not enough. After thinking about it for a long time, he said seriously: "General, I'll leave it to the Navy."

"All the captains of the Navy board the ship immediately, grandma, the long-distance water can't quench the near-thirst, we just happened to go to North Korea to ask the teacher's crimes, and get some medicinal materials by the way!"

"Wait a minute!" Hearing Chen Dajiang's angry shout, Jiang Wuji also understood, and hurriedly reminded: "General Chen, don't be careless, do you remember the turtle boat mentioned in the Yongle ceremony?"

Chen Dajiang was startled, the shadow of the turtle boat resembled a turtle, so it was called the turtle boat.

At the end of the 16th century, General Yi Sun-sin led soldiers and craftsmen to make it.The turtle boat is 35 meters long, 11.8 meters wide and 5.2 meters high.There are 10 sculls on the left and right sides of the ship, and the mast can be erected or lowered. There are more than 70 holes on the turtle ship, where guns, cannons or arrows can be fired. There are 26 cabins such as room cabins and warehouses. The iron armor has dense knives. and awl-shaped iron sticks.The bow of the ship is in the shape of a tortoise, and poisonous gases such as burning sulfur and flame nitrate are spewed out from the mouth to make the enemy panic.

Turtle boats are lightweight, simple yet sturdy, fast, and powerful, making them powerful warships.And its underlying structure is extremely similar to that of a houseboat.Technically speaking, a turtle boat is a hull built on top of a plank house boat, and a huge anchor is hung in front of the boat. There is a "face" painted on the anchor, which is used as a striking tool.

The dragon head erected on the ship can emit a mist of sulfurous gas, effectively disrupting the formation of the enemy fleet, and covering the ship itself when approaching and shuttling between enemy ships.At the same time, the dragon head is also large enough to hold a cannon.Like a standard houseboat, a turtle boat has two masts and a pair of sails.Another similarity is that turtle ships also use oars to increase speed.

The main purpose of the turtle ship armor plate is as a device to prevent ship climbing and boarding. It is covered with a layer of cladding and protruding with iron cones.Climbing hooks cannot get a firm support point on top.And jumping on a turtle boat usually means getting pierced.The iron hull enabled the turtle ship to survive artillery bombardment from above, while its slopes also deflected arquebus bullets and bows and arrows.

Turtle ships can be propelled by both oars and sails, and their rather limited armor keeps them relatively light.Yi sun-shin designed it to be fast and light, so as to meet the purpose of ramming enemy ships

Speed, firepower and armor, these are the three main performance parameters of a warship.Generally speaking.If two of them are satisfied, the third must be sacrificed, and it is difficult to satisfy all three at the same time.

Turtle ships, however, are quite a headache.

The outer layer of the turtle boat is covered with a layer of turtle shell.The protection ability is higher than that of the Black Dragon Fleet Seawolf class cruiser.In terms of firepower, the Turtle Ship has more than 30 cannons that are not less than the Seawolf-class cruiser.In terms of speed, the turtle ship is not as slow as a tortoise, but very fast. With the use of sails and oars to maneuver, it is much more flexible than a sail warship.

The Black Dragon Fleet had just gone through a battle, and Chen Dajiang was not sure of victory, so he was speechless for a long time.

"Hehe, it's okay, this time there is no need to be tough, we are under the banner of Ming Dynasty, you first take the navy to threaten North Korea's Ganghwa Island area, and see the reaction of the North Korean king, try not to go to war with North Korea at this moment, now deal with the Tartars It's important!" Jiang Wuji rubbed his temples and said with a tired smile.

Ganghwa Island is located less than one kilometer from the coast of Gyeonggi-do, North Korea. It is an island in the Yellow Sea.Roughly rectangular.With many hills and fertile land, it produces agricultural products such as rice, and is also a major ginseng planting area.On it is the Royal Palace of Goryeo.It is the place where the king of Korea, his family members, and princes and ministers often take refuge.

"Of order!" Chen Dajiang nodded, after all, all the officers and soldiers of the navy must obey the orders of General Pingman this time.

Either way, give it a try.

Chen Dajiang gathered more than a hundred warships and set off overnight, and arrived ten miles outside Jianghua Island in the morning of the next day. He was ready to submit his credentials to the North Korean country and reply within four hours.

Li Hong, a general of the Korean Navy, did not dare to take his guard lightly. While gathering forty turtle boats and more than a hundred wooden boats to confront the Black Dragon Fleet, he rushed to Seoul.


Not long after Li Xuan, Suzong of Joseon, came to the throne, he was only 14 years old. He had seen some big scenes. Looking at the two groups of ministers who were arguing endlessly, he felt his head was like a fight.

At this moment, Li Xuan, the leader of the council, shouted sharply: "It's been two hours now, if we continue to quarrel, we will only offend the Great Tomorrow Dynasty, which has already been restored but has grown in momentum. Who wants to go to war?"

Only then did the ministers shut up, and Li Xuan continued: "Your Majesty, the Kingdom of Heaven has come to Xingshi to inquire about the crimes. In fact, it is easy to solve it. As long as Your Majesty becomes a vassal of Ming Dynasty again, hum, the Kingdom of Heaven has always treated our vassals kindly. , how greedy and brutal as a dog and a sheep Yidi!"

Suzong Li Xuan was about to clap his hands, but Zuo Yizheng Jin Huo snorted and said, "Master Leader Yizheng, the Ming Dynasty only came with navy troops, but the Manchu Manchus' iron cavalry may come at any time, so should we deal with it like this?"

"That is, when the time comes, the Manchu Qing Tartars will definitely bloodbath our Korean Kingdom again!"

"Shut up!" Li Xuan glanced at everyone, and said coldly: "Ministers, do you know about the war in the Central Plains?"

"Now that the Ming Empire has sent 30 troops to attack the Manchu Tartars, most of the Tartar cavalry were killed or injured. How can the Tartars have the mood to wait for me? Besides, you can ask Shangguo to send troops to protect our Korean Kingdom. This is a precedent."

"Okay, I'm sure." Suzong Li Wei shouted, he was taught from childhood that being a vassal state of Ming Dynasty has great benefits.

All the ministers saw that the king had agreed, so they didn't say more.

They regard the current Ming Empire as the former Celestial Kingdom, but they don't know that this decision has planted the seeds of the country's destruction.

When the Korean king and ministers came to welcome the envoys from the Celestial Dynasty, Chen Dajiang was dumbfounded. He didn't expect that things would become so simple. The doctors and medicinal materials were ready in just one day.

As for the request to garrison troops, Chen Dajiang nodded hastily. After all, the prince had already mentioned North Korea and said that he would send troops to occupy it. He didn't expect the other party to propose it on his own initiative. How could he refuse such a good thing.

More than a thousand spear guards and two thousand saber shields were left on the spot, and the rest had to be reported to the prince.

When Chen Dajiang returned to Qinhuangdao with a full load of food and medicinal materials, he only heard the artillery fire, shaking the world.

It must be that the Qing army came to seek death again.

(End of this chapter)

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