The Great Bandit in Kangxi Year

Chapter 200 God of War

Chapter 200 God of War
When Dai Zi arrived, Jiang Tao explained the benefits of the breech-loading rifle, and Dai Zi said calmly, "My lord, I will definitely do my best."

"Take your time!" Seeing that Dai Zi was not under pressure, Jiang Tao said the breech-loading artillery again: "With a perfect breech block, it is easier and faster to load the shells. There is a belt, the belt is inserted into the rifling of the barrel when fired, giving the projectile a rotational motion, which prevents the release of gunpowder gas, and has better ballistic performance, how about this?"

"Oh, it's somewhat similar to the Buddha Wolf machine, and it sounds good." Dai Zi's spirit was shocked, obviously, the manufacture of firearms attracted him the most.

Fran cannon is actually a kind of breech-mounted smoothbore cannon, some of which have a rather thick belly, and generally there is a rudder stock for steering at the rear of the gun, and there are front sights and rear sights on the barrel.The structure of the Franc machine cannon can be summarized into two points: 1. Rear loading gun 2. Fixed ammunition.

The Franc machine cannon has three major advantages, fast rate of fire, fixed capacity of the sub-cannon, and increased life span of the cannon belly.However, limited to the technical level at that time, the Frang machine cannon also had an insurmountable shortcoming, that is, the large gap tolerance between the sub-cannon and the cannon belly caused the leakage of gunpowder gas, so it did not have the long range of the Hongyi cannon.

Jiang Tao nodded, shook his head again, and said sternly: "The new artillery proposed today must have rifling, and the second is that the shells should be elongated. The most important thing is the breech block. The breech block must be able to withstand The huge impact brought by the explosion of gunpowder in the barrel. Once the breech block is not strong enough, the gunner behind the cannon will be in danger."

It used to be fired with a front-mounted gun, and behind it was a huge gun butt, which was heavy enough to stabilize the gun.However, when the breech breech is used, due to the precise design of the breech breech, it cannot be ignored when firing and recoiling as before, and the breech of the breech will not be damaged.But today's breech breech cannot be subjected to such a recoil impact, so this problem must be solved.

Jiang Tao thought of the anti-recoil device, through which the gun body is connected to the gun mount. The gun mount of this kind of artillery is called an elastic gun mount. He simply said it all at once. So many advanced concepts at least save scientific researchers from detours. If Dai Zi If it can cause it, Ming's cannons are at least 200 years ahead of foreign countries.

Dai Zi felt the pressure immediately, frowned and thought hard for a while before expressing his opinion.

Jiang Tao knew that if he didn't wake him up, he would definitely be able to stand for a whole day, so he chuckled and said, "Can the scientific research institute develop a new type of firearm recently?"

Dai Zi woke up with a start. Manufacturing a new type of cannon could not be completed overnight. He handed Jiang Tao a list, which read:

Feitian Shenhuo poisonous dragon gun: multi-purpose individual gun, the body is made of copper and iron, the tube length is 1 foot 3, and one bullet is loaded.If the enemy is far away, he can shoot the enemy with bullets, if the enemy is close, he can spray poisonous fire, and when the enemy comes, he can fight with the point of his spear.

Flying sand cylinder: It can recover two-stage rockets, made of thin bamboo, with one gunpowder cylinder on the left and right, reversed, one propelling and the other returning, the main cylinder is filled with poisonous fire, and when used, it first flies to the enemy's formation, the main cylinder erupts, and then flies back.

Flying spray gun: tube-shaped firearm, made of a bamboo tube 1 foot 5 long and 2 inches thick, with a 5 foot long bamboo wood handle, and 5 gunpowder cakes are loaded in sequence, and can be sprayed tens of feet away when used The place.

Poisonous Dragon Divine Fire Spray Canister: Used by individual soldiers to attack the city, it is a 3-foot-long bamboo tube, filled with poisonous gunpowder and rotten gunpowder, and hung on a high pole.The soldiers took it to the crenel on the top of the city, took advantage of the wind and lit it on fire, the smoke hit people, the poisonous gas flew, and they took the opportunity to attack the city.

Flying Air Attack Bandit Shocking Thunder: A firearm that is propelled to the enemy's line and explodes by the reaction force of gunpowder combustion.The body is woven into a ball made of bamboo, with a diameter of 3 inches 5, with wings on both sides, explosives and several water chestnuts inside, a 2-inch paper tube in the middle, with propellant inside, a fire wire coming out of it and connected to the explosives, and paper for external use. Paste dozens of layers and paint red.Ignite with the wind, spray out, and explode when entering the enemy's formation.


Bow-fired pomegranate arrows: dedicated water warfare rockets, with a pomegranate-shaped gunpowder bag behind the arrowhead, wrapped in two or three layers of paper, wrapped tightly with linen, sealed with turpentine, and made to move the fire forward.First ignite the line of fire and then shoot out, and the water will not be extinguished after hitting the enemy ship.

Shenhuo Flying Crow: The body is woven with thin bamboo, sealed with tissue paper outside, explosives inside, mounted on paper as wings, and has 4 rockets under the body, which can fly more than a hundred feet and explode when it hits the ground, which can burn enemy ships.

There are dozens of them, and Jiang Tao is overwhelmed, but all of them look powerful. After inquiring about them, he realizes that they are all the achievements of imitating the former Ming Dynasty. He has mixed feelings in his heart, that Daming's technology is too advanced.

"All kinds of new weapons can be tested on the battlefield. A special Vulcan Battalion with 3000 people will be established, and they will be sent to various battlefields. The scientific research institutes must provide technical support, especially the swarming bees and Shenhuo flying crows. You must know that the main battleships in the West are now covered with iron skins, and the Shenhuo Flying Crows and others can't do anything to the opponent."

There is no need for large-scale promotion of individual weapons such as Feitian Shenhuo Poisonous Dragon Spear, but all kinds of tube rockets have great prospects. With increased power, they can be used on their own. Jiang Tao was just stunned, and gave an order.

"This subordinate understands, so I will leave now." Apparently Dai Zi knew that this was not a place to be in a daze, so he said anxiously.

Half a month later, the battle against Wu Sangui had begun.

The two sides each gathered more than 30 troops and fought a large-scale battle.

However, Wu Sangui had been prepared for a long time, deployed heavy troops in dangerous places, gathered all the generals under his command to defend with artillery, and dug trenches in front of the artillery positions, and the battle suddenly became stalemate.

Moreover, Wu Sangui's firearms troops were not much weaker than sharpshooters. They had a large number of shotguns, three-eyed blunderbusses and thunderbolt blunderbusses, and even ten-eyed blunderbusses, as well as firearms similar to the Daming Fire Thunderbolt.

Ten-eye blunderbuss: single-barreled blunderbuss for a single soldier, made of wrought iron, weighing 15 jin, 5 feet long, 1 foot in the middle as a solid body, 2 feet long at each end as a tube, each head divided into 5 sections, each section 4 inches long, with There is one hoop, one fire door, and one gunpowder and one lead bullet in each section. When it is used, one head is nodded first, fired in turn, and then turned around and fired another.

These firearms troops and cold weapon troops of Wu Sangui were mixed in the trenches to defend, repelling many attacks by Wang Dashan and Wei Donglai, and it suddenly became not easy to attack the city.

Obviously, Wu Sangui also learned a lot after many fights with the Black Tiger Army.

The war is stalemate, Wu Sangui owns at least [-] artillery pieces of various types, this matter was reported to Jiang Tao, he was very depressed, this time to attack Wu Sangui, he did not use the magic artillery master, he used his idea to dispatch six magic artillery Gunners are more than enough.

I don't want the Chinese people's learning ability to be so fast, but now Daming has only established two cannon masters, and both of them are very useful. Jiang Tao hurriedly recruited the cabinet ministers, and after asking, he found out that there are still 300 Huaxing first styles in the treasury. The infantry guns, [-] tiger squatting guns, were simply shipped to the Fourth Army supervised by Wang Dashan at one time.

He also ordered the guerrillas in Hunan, Jiangxi, Yunnan and Guizhou provinces to be ready to respond to the armies of various ministries at any time. However, there was no requirement to launch a guerrilla war. Fighting, Jiang Tao now has the strength, and he dare not copy the previous fighting methods. He believes in the productivity of Ming Dynasty. Whether it is from the perspective of the people or the speed of arms production, Wu Sangui is just struggling before dying.

The death of too many Han people will have an impact on Jiang Tao's future strategy. This is why Jiang Tao opposes guerrilla warfare. After all, the people who have not been trained much are no opponents of the regular army.

This time Wang Dashan's main attack direction is Nanchang City, and Wu Sangui's main force is also concentrated inside and outside Nanchang City.

The reason why I chose to transport all the artillery to Wang Dashan was mainly the transportation problem. After all, Jiujiang is relatively close to Jiangning, so it is more convenient to supply. You must know that the logistical pressure of artillery is much greater than that of muskets.

(End of this chapter)

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