Chapter 202
Jiangxi made rapid progress, but the Third Army was still blocked, and Wei Donglai couldn't let it go.

For more than a month, both sides suffered heavy casualties. Wei Donglai and Jiang Bao together felt that they could no longer fight recklessly.

Let Jiang Bao leave 10 people to confront the Dazhou army in Guangxi, while Wei Donglai personally led the 7th, 8th, and [-] infantry from Guangdong into Hunan, threatening Wu Sangui's capital Hengzhou.

This is a dangerous move, because there are more than [-] Dazhou troops in Jiangxi. If Wu Sangui abandons Jiangxi and besieges Wei Donglai's lone army in an all-round way, it will be very dangerous.

When Jiang Tao learned of this, he ordered the 13th Division of the Sharpshooter that had just been trained to go to support, and also ordered the navy to transport a large amount of weapons and ammunition to ensure the success of Wei Donglai's plan.

And ordered Wang Dashan to speed up the offensive, not giving the Jiangxi Wu army a chance to return to aid, and the more than [-] troops in Hubei also began to plan to cross the river.

As long as this strange army passes through, Wu Sangui's army will be divided and surrounded, and all sides will be on fire.

As a result, there were nearly 60 soldiers and horses in the Battle of Wu, including seven sharpshooters, and 100 infantry guns of 30 mm or more, and more than [-] tiger squat guns. Explosion has more than [-] pieces in reserve.

However, if you want to mobilize the army in Hubei, you must cut off Wu Sangui's navy, otherwise crossing the river to fight is simply death.

In this regard, Jiang Tao ordered the navy to dispatch hundreds of small gunboats, twenty Seawolf-class cruisers, and dozens of other warships to deal with Wu Sangui's navy.

In the past, Jiang Tao's navy was weak and could only defend with mines, but now nearly [-] warships were mobilized at once. Facing the powerful firepower of the navy, Wu Sangui's navy suffered heavy losses and had to surrender in the end.

When Qi Datou led an army of [-] and successfully crossed the river under the cover of gunboats, Wu Sangui lost sight of one and could no longer hold on.

In the Hengzhou Imperial Palace, Wu Sangui fidgeted restlessly on the dragon chair made of gold and precious stones. He only felt that King Huaxing was too deceitful, pressing every step of the way, and he hardly gave himself a chance to breathe a sigh of relief.

Maybe give myself another two years, and I am not afraid of King Huaxing, who was born as a bandit, because the soldiers under my command can produce more than [-] cannons of different sizes, and more than [-] guns of other types of firecrackers per month. Just relying on the sharpness of the firearms, I was born at the wrong time!Hateful, lamentable!
Thinking of this, Wu Sangui cast a gloomy glance at the officials and was speechless for a while. He knew that Hunan, Jiangxi, and Guangxi would all be out of his control in a short time. Fight against King Huaxing's million-strong army.

All the ministers seemed to be trapped in an ice cellar, chilled all over, and all of them dodged their eyes, only Xia Guoxiang, who was pale, said softly: "Your Majesty, you can prevent the troops from Sichuan from rushing to attack Hubei, so as to delay the blackout." Tiger's offensive, on the other hand, the capital can be moved back to Yunnan!"

"You! Presumptuous!" Wu Sangui yelled in a deep voice, anger was stirred up in his heart, if this bastard son-in-law hadn't been greedy for life and afraid of death, he wouldn't have come to this point, he really shouldn't have been released.

Wu Sangui had fought battles all his life, and he knew that once he left Hunan, the soldiers under his command would not resist desperately, and it would be a one-sided situation, so he could not leave, and would die on the dragon chair.

Moreover, Hubei seems to be empty. In fact, there are hundreds of warships on the river. Although he doesn't know the other arrangements of Heihu, Heihu will never leave such a big opening. He has an intuition that Hubei is very dangerous. Sending all [-] soldiers and horses may not be effective.

Fortunately, Wu Sangui did not agree to this plan. Jiang Tao had already quietly transferred 20 elite soldiers from Anhui to Hubei, with Jiang Wudao as the main general. Moreover, there were [-] militiamen in Hubei who had been training for several years, just waiting for Wu Sangui to take the bait.

"Your Majesty, if you can't bear it, you can make big plans. Let's move the capital." Xia Guoxiang knelt on the ground and kowtowed.

"Hmph!" Wu Sangui snorted heavily, and in an instant he straightened up again, and said in a loud voice: "Decree, all the soldiers of the army are ordered to resist desperately, and if you kill a soldier of the Black Tiger Army, I will reward you with ten taels of silver. Those who retreat will be killed without mercy, and when King Huaxing comes, they will divide the fields of the gentry, so carefully weigh them all."

"Your Majesty is wise!"


When all the ministers retreated, Wu Sangui specially called for Xia Guoxiang, and with a smiling face, he said kindly, "Guoxiang, how do I treat you?"

"Your Majesty regards me as a national soldier, and I can't repay you." Xia Guoxiang suddenly choked up, and two lines of turbid tears flowed down. He knew that if someone else was defeated this time, he would not be spared. He was grateful and confused about the future.

"Okay, let me tell you the truth. The people under my rule are secretly scolding me. I know that I, Wu Sangui, was a minister of the Ming Dynasty in the first half of my life, and I received a lot of kindness. It was only because of trespassers and riots that the country was not guaranteed. It was because of revenge that I surrendered to the Qing Dynasty. I didn’t think that I would take a wrong step and miss my whole life. There is one more thing, I am very sad, that is, in the first year of Kangxi, Emperor Yongli of the Southern Ming Dynasty fled to Yunnan. I wanted to protect him properly, but But the imperial court ordered me to kill him. In desperation, I had no choice but to let him die and bury him with generous gifts. It was considered a little effort to the former Ming, but he was notorious in front of the people of the world. Now Fifteen years have passed since the incident, right and wrong, let’s not talk about it. I just want to entrust you with one thing at this critical moment.”

Wu Sangui said with no fighting spirit while wiping away tears.

"Your majesty, just give orders." Xia Guoxiang burst into tears, so he nodded repeatedly without hesitation.

"Very well, Prime Minister, you take this secret decree and go back to Yunnan to rectify the defense, and bring back Wu Shifan. If something happens to me, let Wu Shifan succeed him, and order Hu Guozhu and Ma Bao to continue to attack Burma, and Burma is what I left for you. With King Huaxing's methods, we will never let you go, so you can't take it lightly."

Hearing Wu Sangui's categorical words, Xia Guoxiang was taken aback. He didn't expect that Wu Sangui was arranging the funeral, so he choked up and said, "The emperor's holy body is important, no, hey!"

"Don't act like a son and daughter. There are tens of thousands of Guanning cavalry that will be withdrawn to Yunnan after a while, and the soldiers will be taken away. I am already in my dying years, and it is time to think about my children and grandchildren. I will leave after I prepare. Bar."

Hearing Wu Sangui's tone of regret, self-blame, and self-mockery, Xia Guoxiang kowtowed a few times, and strode away resolutely. He knew that although he was Wu Sangui's son-in-law, Wu Sangui didn't hand over Guan Ning's cavalry to him. But does he have any other choice?
After Xia Guoxiang left, Wu Sangui marched in person, organized hundreds of thousands of troops, and resisted steadily. Under the temptation of heavy rewards, the morale of the Zhou army was greatly boosted, but they also won some victories.

However, under the absolute advantage, everything is a cloud, and the four-way army nibbled away step by step, and successively recovered Jiangxi, Hunan, Guangxi and other provinces.

Of the more than [-] troops of the Great Zhou Dynasty, only more than [-] escaped, and the rest were wiped out or captured. Wu Sangui, a generation of traitors, did not escape to Yunnan, but died on the Dragon Throne.

Jiang Tao originally wanted to defeat Wu Sangui, but he didn't expect this to happen, so he gave up.

(End of this chapter)

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