The Great Bandit in Kangxi Year

Chapter 209 Intimidation

Chapter 209 Intimidation

In the blink of an eye, in the first ten days of October, the Ming Empire, in the name of attacking the Qing Dynasty, sent three marine divisions to the barracks outside the city of Seoul, North Korea.

At this time, in addition to the two sharpshooters who were guarding the Manchus along the Yalu River, there were four sharpshooters around the Seoul Mansion.

On the morning of this day, Han Yong conducted military exercises with great fanfare, inviting the king of North Korea and the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty to visit.

Over the past few years, Han Yong's subordinates have repeatedly repelled the Qing cavalry with weak troops, which is obvious to all.

The status of the general of the suzerain country is even more prominent than that of the king of North Korea. How dare the princes and ministers of North Korea not come.

The 15-year-old North Korean Emperor Suzong Li Xuan and Han Yong stood side by side on the [-]-meter-high general platform. Suzong Li Xuan was still a child at heart. Seeing the mighty and majestic Ming army, he was both curious and frightened.

"The exercise begins!"

Following Han Yong's order, the phalanx of the 4th Division of the Sharpshooter appeared first. The neat formation, the mighty soldiers walking in unison, the armor was bright, and the majestic lineup attracted the North Korean ministers and North Korean figures. The eyes of the Thousand Forbidden Army, they have seen such a majestic army.

bang bang bang...

It was only ten rounds of salvo, and the thousands of wooden men a hundred meters in front of the phalanx had their limbs and legs broken, riddled with holes, and none of them was intact.

"Five salvos!"

dong dong dong...

The 360 ​​cannons rang out, shaking the mountains immediately, and choking smoke everywhere. The faces of the Korean ministers were all pale, and they were inexplicably horrified, while Suzong Li Xuan clapped his hands excitedly.

When the smoke and dust cleared, thousands of wooden figures three miles away were in a mess, piled up in a thick layer of sawdust, and almost no wooden figures were standing.

The Korean ministers were even more horrified, some timid ones were already sweating profusely, they felt that the Ming army could not resist, no wonder they were able to defeat the barbaric Tartars.

"The king of Huaxing has ordered that all the ministers of North Korea who come here will have gifts and banquets, and they will not return if they are not drunk." Han Yong was very satisfied with the reactions of the crowd, and smiled faintly.

Suzong Li Xuan was a child, so he would be suspicious, and all the North Korean ministers did not dare to refuse.


Three rounds of wine, five flavors of food.

Han Yong stopped suddenly, and said solemnly: "King Huaxing doesn't care about the fact that you once voted for the Tartars. Everyone present this time will reward you with one precious stone, one thousand taels of gold, 20 bolts of imperial silk and satin, and ten pieces of imperial porcelain. Do you have any objections, ministers?"

"Thank you for the reward from the kingdom of heaven." King Huaxing gave money and goods, it was a great gift from heaven, and the ministers would have objections.

"Yeah." Han Yong nodded.

"General, can King Huaxing mention the widow?" Suzong Li Xuan was a little unhappy, but he was from the royal family after all, so he didn't show it.

"Hey, yes!" Han Yong stood up suddenly, and said with a sneer, "Emperor Ming is very dissatisfied with what you have done. You have negotiated peace with the Manchu Tartars, enemies of the Ming court, so Emperor Ming is furious, and now you want to settle accounts after autumn!"

"Ah!" Everyone was shocked, except Li Gu and other generals and the sharp spear guards standing behind the North Korean minister.

Suzong Li Xuan trembled even more, and said in a crying voice: "Thinking of my small country of Korea, I can't resist the iron cavalry of the Manchu Manchus. For the safety of the common people, the small country has to be wronged and seek peace, but the hearts of the Korean people are For those of the Ming Empire, no, when the general arrives, I immediately lead the ministers to greet him, so how dare I be slighted?"

"It's a fact that you paid tribute to the bandit chieftain without the permission of the Ming Empire. According to the emperor's will, you want to wash North Korea with blood and never forgive you." Han Yong laughed secretly in his heart, and continued to alarmist.

"Shangguo General, please spare me!" All the North Korean ministers turned bitter faces, some shrewdly wanted to escape, but were stopped by the bloody bayonet.

As for the [-] forbidden troops in North Korea, they have long been under control, and all those who resisted were killed.

"However, King Huaxing also knew that it was not easy for everyone, so he asked the emperor for mercy. The Emperor Ming was still very angry and asked us to take over North Korea's military and political affairs. Of course, North Korea still belongs to the Li family. When the Manchus and Japan are defeated, then Returning it, do you have any objections?" Han Yong said helplessly, looking very innocent.

"This!" Suzong Li Xuan suddenly lost his position, and his rationality told him that he could not agree, but facing the sharp bayonet, he could only look helplessly at Manchu Wenwu.

The civil and military ministers of North Korea saw the might of the Ming army, and at this time they were surrounded by murderous soldiers, and all of them averted their eyes.

As the uncle of Emperor Suzong, Li Xuan, who was in charge of politics, couldn't hide from him, so he sighed and said: "The kingdom of heaven is fertile and wild. If you don't care about the little North Korea, the king should agree. I don't know what to do."

Suzong Li Xuan said weakly: "What the envoy said is true! King Huaxing's kindness will never be forgotten, I will go back to draw up an order now, and do as the general said."

"No need."Han Yong said: "Let's draw up the decree here!" Li Xuan was stunned when he heard this.


On the same day, the 4th Division of the Sharpshooter took over the defense of Seoul, and more than 1 North Korean troops were disarmed and detained in a large camp outside the city.Only then did Han Yong release the civil and military officials, allowing them to continue exercising administrative power.However, each of them was strictly controlled within the city, and they were not allowed to leave the city, and they were not allowed any chance to collude with other places.

On the other hand, the king of North Korea, Li Xuan, signed dozens of orders in the military camp outside the city, and went to the prefectures and counties around Gyeonggi-do, as well as Hamgyong-do, Pyongan-do, Hwanghae-do, Gangwon-do, Chungmyeong-do, Gyeongsang-do, Jeolla-do, etc. The guardians of the various places informed them that all the general powers were temporarily handed over to the Ming army for management, and the government affairs were supervised by the Ming army.As soon as these orders came out, there was an immediate uproar.It's better around Gyeonggi-do.Near the royal city, knowing the arrival of the Ming army, the Ming emperor was furious.However, the governors' offices in various places in the distance don't know what's going on in Seoul.

Fortunately, North Korea is not too big.A few days later, officials from all over the Protectorate sent people to Seoul to inquire. They learned that the entire central court had been controlled by the Ming army, and they were filled with fear and righteous indignation.

Although the officials of the Protectorate from all over the country expressed their anger, they had no strength to resist.The king and the civil and military ministers of the Manchu Dynasty all nodded in agreement. If they resisted, they would rebel. Moreover, there were only [-] soldiers and horses in the entire North Korea. Obviously, they were not opponents of the Ming army that could defeat the Tartar cavalry.

As a result, Han Yongbing occupied the entire North Korea without bloodshed. As for North Korea's [-] soldiers and horses, they were assembled in the area of ​​the Yalu River for reorganization and training. North Korea pays, and even the expenditure of the North Korean military region that Han Yong is in charge of is also provided by North Korea.

However, Jiang Tao threw an olive branch to the king and ministers of North Korea, canceling the payment of tribute, and attacking Japan and other countries in the future. One-third of the seizures will be shared equally by the king and ministers, and Ming Dynasty provides them with some luxury goods for free every year, such as silk and tea Wait, in this way, the anger in the heart of the North Korean ministers was finally appeased.

However, Jiang Tao was laughing wickedly, and killed after fattening. This is the last word. A group of people including Wang Shirong were sent to North Korea to supervise the government affairs of North Korea.

And suppress bandits in North Korea, reduce taxes appropriately, and try to maintain the stability of North Korea.

However, when Chen Dajiang took over the North Korean navy, an accident happened. Li Hong, the governor of the North Korean navy, relied on the powerful turtle boats under his command, and refused to disarm, and the war broke out immediately.

PS: Please recommend tickets and collections, the third update

(End of this chapter)

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