Chapter 213
Jiang Tao has been paying attention to Kangxi's movements. He was shocked when he received the report from the spies. He didn't expect Kangxi to attack Russia, but he knew that Russia was not a soft persimmon. Otherwise, Kangxi in that world would not have signed the Nerchinsk Treaty. It's really hard to say, there is a great possibility that Kangxi failed, but then the empire will face the threat of Russia.

In fact, Jiang Tao didn't know that because of his birth, Man Qing was stronger than his previous time and space in terms of weapons and fighting spirit, and Man Qing learned many advanced tactics when fighting sharpshooters, far from Russia at this time is comparable.

"Let's fight, anyway, this king is powerless to intervene at this time, um, it's best for both of you to lose, and I'll deal with you then."

Jiang Tao could only sigh helplessly, he only now knows the horror of military action, but if he had a choice, he would rather use military action, but the key is that the treasury is empty at this time.

The fleet led by Shi Lang, which he had always pinned his hopes on, hadn't come back at this time. He was really angry. Could it be that something unexpected happened?
You must know that it was already mid-February 1676, more than a year, and it was reasonable to go back and forth for half a year at most. Jiang Tao sighed, the treasury was empty, and he dared not do anything.

However, in order to ease the emotions of the Korean people, North Korea is now mobilizing, mobilizing 20 strong, undergoing intense training, preparing to launch a war of aggression against Japan, in retaliation for Japan's long-standing aggression against North Korea, the army is named the Korean Army, Among them, more than 200 were soldiers of the empire, with Li Gu as the main general.

Hearing that individuals can get one-third of the seizures, and that the Ming Empire promised to send them to the land of Japan, and that the Ming army would also cooperate in the battle, everyone in North Korea was tempted. With the participation of the Ming army, this time It's hard to lose a war.

The King of Korea and the ministers of culture and military also strongly agreed, because one-third of the seizure was distributed by them, and the other one-third was handed over to the Ming emperor.

In order to make the battle go smoothly, Jiang Tao gave the North Korean Legion some of the broken armor that the sharpshooter guards did not use and the seized iron armor. There were more than 1 pairs of armor in total. After all, these were all recruits, and the North Korean people were even more excited.

As far as they knew, Japanese soldiers were rarely equipped with iron armor, and most of them were equipped with bamboo armor and leather armor. This time the chances of winning were even greater, and all of them were beaming, as if they would surely win.

Jiang Tao, however, had his plans. According to reliable information, the Tokugawa shogunate's army was equipped with matchlock guns for about one-third, sword and shield soldiers for one-third, spearmen for one-third, and some cavalry. There are more than 30 soldiers and horses, and a navy that is not strong but large in scale.Due to the singleness of the Japanese nation and unity of heart, it is not so easy to conquer the other side simply by relying on the Korean Army.

However, the more the Korean army dies, the happier Jiang Tao will be. Presumably, the Korean people will hate Little Japan even more. Moreover, as the strength of North Korea has diminished, the domestic resistance in North Korea will also be much weaker, which will help the empire slowly penetrate the entire North Korea. At that time, they will feel inferior and become more loyal to the powerful empire. Of course, they must be given a little sweetness first.

Let the North Koreans bleed and the Chinese people profit. This is Jiang Tao's goal. Therefore, in this battle, only the 1st Marine Division is allowed to cooperate with the Korean Army Corps. As long as the Korean Army Corps is not defeated, it doesn't matter how long it takes. It is the money of the Kingdom of Korea, of course, this is under the premise of defeating the Japanese navy.

Jiang Tao was thinking about the issue of Little Japan, and suddenly remembered the place Hokkaido, but it was called Ezo Island at this time.

At the beginning of the 12th century, the Japanese began to enter Ezo Island. In 1807, the Japanese shogunate took control of the entire island and set up a development envoy. In 1869, it was established in Hokkaido and changed its current name. In 1886, the Hokkaido Office was established. In 1945, the U.S. military moved in, and in 1951, the occupation ended. The Chitose Camp and the communication facilities of Tokachita and Wakkanai are still used by the U.S. military.The main military bases on the island are Chitose, Qiuzhu, Hakodate and so on.

This year is only 1676, that is to say, Ezo Island is not yet under the sphere of influence of Japan at this time. The key is that the terrain of this island is extremely dangerous. 40 minutes to 33 degrees 45 minutes).It is 33 kilometers wide from north to south, 139 kilometers long from east to west, and covers an area of ​​20 square kilometers (148 square miles). It is bordered by the Sea of ​​Japan in the west, the Pacific Ocean in the south, and the Sea of ​​Okhotsk in the northeast. Luz Strait (Zongya Strait) faces Sakhalin Island (Sakhalin Island) and is a strategic place to control the two gorge.

And this place is also a famous tourist attraction.The majestic mountains, beautiful coastlines, mysterious lakes and other natural scenery are extremely spectacular.When spring comes to summer, cherry blossoms, rhododendrons, lavender and other flowers are in full bloom, which is charming; when autumn comes, the mountains are covered with red leaves, decorating the mountains and jungles into a beautiful scene of red and yellow; Wrapped in plain, the floating ice dotted with gurgling water is shining with silver light, and the island is also a hot spring holy place.

The Ainu are the aborigines of the Ezo Island, with the blood of the Soviet Russia and the Eskimos. They are different from the Japanese. They live by hunting and gathering. They have their own language, but no writing.After the Meiji Restoration, a large number of Japanese immigrated to Hokkaido, regarded the Ainu as uncivilized barbarians, and implemented a policy of oppression and assimilation for a long time. The living rights and traditional culture of the Ainu were deprived, the population dropped sharply, and many traditional cultures were lost.

Such a good site, the indigenous strength is not enough, the key is that the local population is not large, Jiang Tao will definitely not let it go, he has made a plan now, to immigrate to this area and build a naval base, completely occupying this place, this soft persimmon , there is no need for North Korea to intervene.

The Korean Legion is undergoing intense training. In fact, it’s nothing. It’s just learning simple actions such as queuing up and cutting people. However, with the qualifications of the Koreans, it will take at least three months before they can set off. After all, few people in this era can distinguish between left and right.

When Jiang Tao was struggling financially, the navy finally sent good news: Shi Lang came back with a ship full of gold and silver.

A few days later, when Jiang Tao heard the word gold and silver, he even mentioned the word blame, and personally welcomed Shi Lang into the city.

Shi Lang was so grateful and terrified that he knelt on the ground and cried bitterly when he arrived at the meeting hall of the Huaxing Prince's Mansion, "My lord, I'm going to die, I almost delayed my revival plan."

"Please get up quickly, just come back, come here, give me a seat!" Jiang Tao saw that he was an old man in his 50s, but he was crying like a child at this time, so he hurriedly pulled him up and shouted excitedly.

Shi Lang wiped away his tears, took a deep breath, and said solemnly: "My lord, after many years, the harvest has been quite good. I sold goods worth 500 million taels to the Dutch and sold them at a good price of 8000 million taels. Silk, porcelain After selling for more than 20 times the price, the profit of the tea will be more than ten times, the prince is wise."

"Ah!" All the cabinet ministers were stunned.

Cheng Zhang had a painful look on his face, and shouted: "My lord, since this is the case, don't sell goods to the Dutch. In this way, the government will no longer be empty."

"Hehe." Jiang Tao chuckled, and said calmly: "No, don't worry, we will talk about it when our navy is strong. Now is not the time, so don't say anything about it for the time being. The craftsmen and marines we sent are still on the other side. In his hands, um, by the way, why did it take so long."

"My lord, this is all the general's fault. The general spent three months occupying the Hawaiian Islands, Guam, Wake Island, etc., established a series of supply stations, and sailed northward on the east coast of the Pacific Ocean to find Seattle. I will check the area in person and find that the nearby terrain is very suitable for building a fortress. The bay goes all the way to the bottom of the mountain in the east, and a vast plain is opened up along the bay. The plain is surrounded by the bay and mountains, with an area of ​​[-] square meters. The grassland of [-] kilometers is simply an excellent place for a military horse farm. If you raise horses here, you only need to build a fortress on the south side to prevent the horses from escaping.”

"Although this is still the place where the Spaniards declared their sovereignty, the Spaniards did not have so many people and troops to build military facilities or even residential areas here. From here to the Gulf of Alaska, apart from the Indians, there is not even a Spanish in sight. people."

"The last general left [-] elites there, and bought more than [-] Spanish heavy horses. After the fort was half repaired, he led the fleet back. The last general gave some gifts to the Indian chiefs. They even took the initiative to send People came to help build the fortress, it is really God helping the prince."

All the ministers stared at Shi Lang intently, for fear of missing a word.

Jiang Tao nodded, and praised loudly: "Okay, well done, everyone in the navy who went out this time will be rewarded, and General Shi will rest for half a month. Is there any problem when he goes out again?"

"Your Majesty's kindness will never be forgotten by the general, but the governor of Mexico is so greedy that he even charged a 200% tariff. However, after the general delivered goods worth [-] million taels of silver, he gave up. What's more, The soldiers who stayed in the fortress are a bit emotional." Shi Lang sighed and said with some worry.

"Well, you did a very good job. The Seattle base should be kept secret. As for the governor of Mexico, ignore him first, and deal with him when the king frees up his hands. It is understandable for soldiers to be emotional, but it is the bounden duty of soldiers to obey orders. Next time Take the wives and children of the soldiers there, and tell them that as long as the soldiers stay there for ten years, everyone will be honored when they return home, and the garrison soldiers will receive three times the salary. Of course, there are other benefits. This fortress is very important. No matter what, there is nothing to lose."

"The military horse farm must be done well, and it is necessary to support the Indians to fight against the Western countries. This point must be grasped. The later the base of the empire is exposed, the better it will be for the empire."

Jiang Taochang secretly sighed in his heart. The people's love for soil is a huge obstacle to the expansion of the empire. We must find a way, but I believe that they will not come back in ten years, right?There is also a need to increase the amount of immigration.

"Obey." Shi Lang quickly accepted the order.

When Shi Lang withdrew, Huang Zongxi suggested, "My lord, the Seattle base is isolated overseas, and the leader must be carefully considered, otherwise it will be detrimental to the stability of the empire."

"What Huang Lao said is very true, is there anyone to choose?" Jiang Tao also nodded cautiously.

Huang Zongxi shook his head and stopped talking, but Cheng Zhang said: "My lord, you can choose from the righteous son army."

This kind of thing must be done willingly, otherwise it may cause bad things. Jiang Tao sighed and said: "If the order continues, generals and above can go overseas to serve as governors. Those who have completed five years and have made achievements will be rewarded by the king."

Under the heavy reward, there must be a brave man. A few days later, Qi Datou came to recommend himself. Jiang Tao was very surprised. He did not expect that none of the generals in the righteous son army came to ask for orders. As for Qi Datou, he is now a general. loyalty.

Jiang Tao asked calmly, "Why do you dare to go overseas?"

"My lord has an order, and the last general will die."

Jiang Tao smiled, and said with a light smile, "You joined the Black Tiger Army not long after I started my army, and you have been working hard all this time, so you don't have to hide from me."

"My lord!" Qi Datou knew that the lord hates other people's mouth full of cannons the most, so he knelt on the ground and said in a cold sweat: "The general dare not lie to the lord, but the general is stupid. At this time, the horses are released to Nanshan, and the weapons are stored in the warehouse. Opportunity for meritorious service, although the villain comes from a humble background, he has the ambition to become a marquis."

"Okay! A good man should be like this! As long as you do well, what about becoming a king?" Jiang Tao praised loudly. In fact, Jiang Tao already understood what he wanted to express. At this time, most of the military achievements were occupied by the heads of the major military regions. Without the opportunity to display it, it would be difficult, very difficult for him to become a general and a marquis.

"Thank you, my lord, for your kindness. The villain will go through fire and water, and he will do whatever he wants!"

Qi Datou said in tears of gratitude.

(End of this chapter)

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