The Great Bandit in Kangxi Year

Chapter 228 Little Creativity

Chapter 228 Little Creativity

Seeing that no one objected, Jiang Tao nodded in satisfaction and said: "Jiangning is also a strategically important place, so there must be no loss. Well, after the capital is moved, a Jiangning military region will be established, with four sharpshooters. Jiang Bao is loyal and brave to serve the country. Ren Jiangning General of the military region, the cabinet must be well planned and not flustered."

"The emperor is wise, but the security in the north is far worse than that in the south. Since the emperor came to the throne, he has given amnesty to the world. Among them are prisoners, and there are also green battalion soldiers who were captured before. Most of these green battalion soldiers are from the north, and some of them continue to work in the mining area. Your majesty The treatment was good, which did not cause any disturbances, but some people returned to their hometowns and could not stay in the countryside, so they had to flock to the cities. Disrupting local law and order, in recent months, more than [-] people have been re-sentenced, and more than [-] people have been shot to death."

"Moreover, the police also killed or injured more than a thousand people during the arrest process."

Cheng Zhang expressed his concerns. Since the weapons assigned to the police force are not more advanced than gang members, the security problem is getting worse.

Jiang Tao frowned suddenly. He didn't expect that Amnesty would cause such a big disturbance. The common people must suffer the most. In fact, this is also his own carelessness. These green camp soldiers were used to being uncles before, and they were imprisoned for several years as coolies. , there must be some people who hold grudges, and they have spent all the settlement funds issued by the court, and they have no source of income, so they will definitely have other thoughts.

"What nonsense, the police can't beat them, won't they use local defense forces? Immediately issue an order to ban all gang organizations. No one has the right to collect protection money. Anyone who dares to make trouble will be sent back to the mine labor camp. After this amnesty, there will be no Those who commit crimes will be given out fields, and others will not be discriminated against, and the existing bandit gangs in the local area will be severely suppressed, and the empire will absolutely not tolerate the existence of bandits."

"In addition, the police force is equipped with the latest steel knives and composite steel shields, and the training of the police force is strengthened. It is shameful to say it."

"The minister leads the order."

Just as Cheng Zhang finished speaking, Gu Yanwu said earnestly: "

"Your Majesty, many people are illiterate, let alone understand the law, so that the people are oppressed and at a loss what to do. If the people don't report it, the officials can't pursue it. This matter must be discussed in the long run."

"Well, that's right, let's go ahead and let every policeman understand the law. It's best to memorize it by heart, and you can be clear about which one you ask, and then send outstanding policemen to the villages in batches to deal with the people. To carry out legal training, of course, it is necessary to set up law monuments in various towns during the slack season, so that everyone passing by can see them, and the police force must strictly enforce the law. Gu Lao, immediately find out what is unreasonable in the law , let's think about it carefully, everything is for the benefit of the people of the empire."

"The emperor is wise." Jiang Tao thought of a solution in a blink of an eye, which made the ministers dumbfounded again and applauded loudly in a blink of an eye.

"Okay, let's do it like this. Is there anything that the cabinet can't decide?" Jiang Tao laughed twice, secretly guilty. In fact, he knew how to govern such a huge empire. It's just that the empire has undergone drastic reforms, and the opposition forces either died or fled. , and some were suppressed by the powerful military forces, so they could only choose to compromise. At this time, the empire implemented a strategy of recuperation. As long as they did not break the law, there were many ways to make money, which made the people of the empire calm.

"Your Majesty, the cabinet has just refuted the memorial of the Governor of the Americas to build an arsenal overseas, and the cabinet feels that the Emperor has given the Governor of the Americas too much power, and the Governor has expanded his troops privately, which is not conducive to the stability of the empire, and Seattle and other places are isolated overseas If there is a civil strife, it will take at least three months for the court to find out, and the emperor will ask the emperor to investigate the key points." Wei Donglai remonstrated solemnly.

"Well, using the method of separation of powers, the rights in the Americas are divided into three parts. One is that the defenders of the fortress are only responsible for guarding the fortress and are not allowed to intervene in things that expand outward. The fortress guards directly follow my orders."

"The Governor of the Americas is responsible for the outward expansion, and must not interfere with local affairs, nor expand the army privately. The captains, Sima, and staff officers in the army must report their knowledge of the Americas once a year. Well, the term of the Governor of the Americas is five years. He should be transferred back to serve as a civil servant, but all the ministers are not allowed to publicize this matter, lest all the officers and men not work hard."

"The local officials around the fortress are directly under the jurisdiction of the cabinet, responsible for the management of local civil affairs and local militia, and have the responsibility of guarding the land."

"Transfer the 30th Division of the Sharpshooter, the Seattle Fortress and the Fog City Fortress are very important, and there is nothing to lose."

Jiang Tao nodded cautiously. There are pros and cons to everything. At this time, the empire has not been able to make a large-scale advance to the Americas. Safety is the first element, so it has to be.

Only then did everyone feel relieved, and after they had left, Jiang Tao summoned Dai Zi again: "Dean Dai, do you have any clues about the rear-loading rifle?"

The Imperial Lancers only retained a staff of 2, because front-loading guns is not conducive to cavalry combat, and the special training of Lancers outweighs the gains.

"Your Majesty, the breech-loading gun has already been manufactured, but it has many shortcomings and is being improved, so it has not been presented."

Dai Zi said with some guilt, the Dai family has two dukes, and it would be impossible for another person in power to have this happen, but now it really happened, and it is all false to say that he is not grateful.

"Oh, let's talk about it." Jiang Tao knew that the performance of the Mieqing musket at this time, that is, the Mini-style front-loading gun, was far superior to the guns of the same era. It is indeed difficult to surpass this gun in this era.

"Your Majesty, the new breech-loading gun has two disadvantages. One is that it is expensive, which is three times that of the clear fire gun. The other is that it cannot solve the problem of air tightness. When firing, it not only produces a lot of smoke, which disturbs and irritates the shooter's eyes. Moreover, the effective firing range is only 70 meters, which is far less than that of the Mielu gun, not to mention the extremely powerful Mieqing musket.”

As soon as Dai Zi talked about muskets, he immediately lifted his spirits.

"Dean Dai, do you know about mercury?" Jiang Tao nodded. The rear-loading musket replaced the Mini-style front-loading gun because of the creation of the fire cap, and the fire cap was created because of the invention of Thunder Mercury, which was the earliest A type of explosive discovered and used, that is, the propellant charge of a bullet.It can also be used for filling explosives for blasting, etc.

Because thunderbolt is too sensitive to vibration, it is not used for shell firing. In fact, thunderbolt is not difficult to manufacture.

Dissolve mercury (mercury) in nitric acid to produce crude fulmercure, then filter and wash.

Mercury Dissolution - The name of the process by which mercury nitrate is produced.This process is carried out in a flask.Pour a thin layer of mercury into the flask, then pour in nitric acid, a little hydrochloric acid and throw in a small amount of copper shavings.

Stir the mixture gently after charging, place the flask in a special fume hood, heat the mixture slowly, and react at a temperature of 30-35 degrees Celsius for 2-3 hours until the mercury dissolves, and the solution turns green at this time. A reddish-brown toxic gas is produced.

The manufacture of crude turmercure is carried out in thick-walled round-bottomed glass bottles.Pour ethanol heated to 50°C into the reaction flask, and carefully pour in the mercury nitrate in the flask.The reaction in the bottle proceeded violently and released heat, so the temperature of the contents in the bottle reached 85°C at the end of the reaction process, and reddish-brown poisonous combustible gas was generated; the whole reaction process lasted for two hours.

Thunderbolt is precipitated as a heavy precipitate.The lowering of the temperature in the bottle means that the reaction has come to an end.The interaction between mercury nitrate solution and ethanol is very complex, and a series of side reactions occur simultaneously.

The prepared crude fulminate is separated from the mother liquor by filtration. For this purpose, pour the contents of the reaction bottle into a vacuum filter or carefully filter out the mercury fulminate crystals with filter paper; the pouring process is dangerous, so the bottle is poured Placed on a receptacle with a catheter, while the crude fulmercure remaining in the reaction flask was washed with a spray of cold water.The mercury on the vacuum filter also needs to be washed once with water. (Or wash the crystal several times with distilled water until no acidity can be detected with blue litmus paper) In order to thoroughly wash away the residual mother liquor in turmercury, including various impurities that are harmful to the stability of turmercury and the metal parts of the product With the acid, move the thunderbolt and the vacuum filter into the washing device together, and wash for 40 to 60 minutes. The water flow flows through the thunderbolt layer from below under a small pressure.

Collect the washed turbulence in a glass jar and fill it with water for storage.When using thunderbolt to make medicine and fill the fuse, first use a vacuum filter to filter out moisture from the thunderbolt, and then dry it in a vacuum dryer heated by hot water at a temperature of 50°C and a vacuum of 50 mm.

Jiang Tao just remembered this point. He used to be a military enthusiast, and even a weapon enthusiast. He paid special attention to the history of the development of muskets and some of the details. Although he couldn't make them, he knew some theoretical knowledge.

It's a pity that the government in the previous life did not allow civilians to own guns, so that his family's shotgun was also confiscated, which he regretted very much.

"Oh, Li Shizhen recorded in "Compendium of Materia Medica" that its shape is like water and silver, so it is called mercury. Could it be this thing?" Dai Zi was well-informed and said lightly.

Jiang Tao was very satisfied, and Dai Zi was taken aback when he told the performance and manufacturing method of thunder mercury. He knew that if this was true, the military strength of the empire would increase a lot, and many steps of shooting would be omitted. In the same period of time, the firing speed of the gunners of the empire will be several times faster.

Natural mercury sulfide, also known as cinnabar, has been used as a red pigment for a long time because of its bright red color. Jiang Tao hurriedly asked Dai Zi to start with cinnabar and make a large amount of mercury first.

"Your Majesty, these subordinates all know that some folks have used airtight methods to make mercury, some in bamboo tubes, and some in airtight pomegranate jars. I will leave now." Dai Zi was overjoyed and hurried to do it. experiment.

"Be careful, both mercury and thunder mercury are poisonous, so don't be careless." Jiang Tao hurriedly warned.

Dai Zi nodded, said goodbye and turned to leave.

Jiang Tao let out a long sigh, and he hasn't talked to him about the breech-loading rifle yet. He has two options, one is to change all the front-loading guns to breech-loading guns, that is, live door muskets, but he has no such plan. At that time, the power of the fire gun was very first-class. Unless smokeless gunpowder was invented and copper shell bullets were invented, the power of the breech-loading gun could surpass that of the fire gun.

Because the metal shell made of brass expands when fired, it locks the rear of the chamber and solves the problem of air leakage in breech-loading guns. The metal shell also solves the problem of moisture-proof ammunition.

However, copper-cased bullets will be excluded by Jiang Tao, mainly because the empire's industrial strength and copper production cannot keep up, but I dare not say it after decades.

The second is to develop a powerful rear-mounted cavalry gun for cavalry combat. At this time, there is no fast means of transportation, so the importance of cavalry is obvious.

If the cavalry is equipped with simple and reliable breech-loading guns, it will be very beneficial to the Dahua Empire.

Jiang Tao had nothing to do, so he combined modern revolvers and rifles to design a cavalry gun. The magazine of the gun is a runner with a bullet nest, which can rotate around the axis. When shooting, each bullet The nest in turn fits into the barrel.Six rounds of bullets can be loaded on the rotating wheel. As long as the fire cap is invented, it can use the most advanced percussion bolt, and when the trigger is pulled, six bullets can be fired in sequence. It is completely feasible to use fixed paper shell bullets.

The Lancers with this gun are the real Lancers, but this is just a general idea. After all, Jiang Tao is not a designer, and the specifics need to be done by scientific researchers.

When Dai Zi and others got this idea, they were all shocked. They didn't expect the emperor to design such an excellent gun.

(End of this chapter)

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