The Great Bandit in Kangxi Year

Chapter 230 The meaning of Buddha

Chapter 230 The meaning of Buddha

The Dahua Empire moved its capital to the Forbidden City, and hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses entered the north. The situation in the pass changed drastically. Kangxi, who was living in Shengjing, was very restless when he received the intelligence from the spies, and immediately stopped the plan of the expedition to Russia.

While dispatching troops and generals, Kangxi met with various Mongolian ministries to discuss how to deal with the bandit army.

I don't want to think that apart from the Kalaqin tribe, other tribes did not come. Relying on the strength of the Qing Dynasty, Kangxi was really not sure of defeating the bandit army.

Kangxi was in a hurry, knowing that it must be the ghost of the Black Tiger Army, so he hurriedly went to meet Kulun Living Buddha, hoping that the Living Buddha could put pressure on the leaders of various Mongolian ministries again.

Living Buddha Kulun closed his eyes and was speechless for a while.

Kangxi looked sad, and said solemnly: "Living Buddha, the black tiger army is powerful. If you want to send troops outside the pass, your teeth will die if your lips are cold. I also ask the Living Buddha to persuade you Mongolian princes."

Living Buddha Kulun opened his eyes sharply, staring at Kangxi with radiance, and sighed: "Brother Xuanye, the world is impermanent. The various tribes of Mongolia have been in war for a long time, and you can't stand the big trouble. You should go."

Kangxi was in turmoil, and asked back: "The black tiger is originally an army of thieves. It is unreasonable to steal the artifacts of the Central Plains at this time. When the Qing Dynasty is defeated, how can Mongolia have peace?"

"No, just a month ago, the envoys of Emperor Dahua came to the prairie and offered an offer that no one could refuse. Emperor Dahua offered a reward of 1000 million silver dollars for your head. Xuan Ye, you should hurry up Let's go, later will change." Cullen said calmly, but his heart was not calm.

"Great wise man, do you also believe the promise of the thief? This is obviously a scam. When the Qing Dynasty is wiped out, you can wait for the end." Kangxi immediately shouted with a grim expression, trying to kill the Living Buddha, but finally endured it.

Kulun Living Buddha closed his eyes long ago, and murmured to himself: "You go, the Mongolian ministries will not intervene in the dispute between the Qing Dynasty and the Dahua for the time being. This is the meaning of the Buddha. Manpower cannot be violated. And this time you did something wrong, the leaders of the various Mongolian ministries are already dissatisfied with you, you should take care of yourself."

"Okay, what a Buddha." Kangxi smiled instead of anger, and strode out of the temple, but he was thinking about what the living Buddha wanted to express.

At this moment, there was a noisy and unfriendly voice, obviously not from his own subordinates, Kangxi was shocked, someone really dared to openly rebel?

When he came closer, he saw that Oqiertu Chechen Khan, the leader of the Heshuo Special Department, was leading tens of thousands of Mongolian light cavalry to confront his side. The swords were on the verge of breaking out.

Kangxi sneered, and cursed secretly in his heart: "This ungrateful thing, the Junggar tribe defeated him back then. If I hadn't rescued him in time, I'm afraid this person would have become the fertilizer of the grassland."

Kangxi jumped on the sweaty BMW, came to the front and shouted coldly: "Manmeng is a family, I don't know what is the intention of Chechen Khan in Eqiertu to mobilize the army?"

"Damn, despicable Kangxi children, children, let Ben Khan win this owl, and Ben Khan will reward you with 50 silver dollars." Oqiertu Chechen Khan said with a look of disdain on his face.

Since Jiang Tao took power, he has not imposed a blockade on Mongolia. Jiang Tao sells the materials needed by various Mongolian ministries at a low price, and Jiang Tao also bought a large number of horses, cattle and sheep from various Mongolian ministries, so that Dahua’s silver dollars are also constantly circulating in the country. Every corner of the prairie has become a good thing that herdsmen know.

50 silver dollars can buy countless cattle, sheep, horses, and slaves, allowing three generations of ordinary people to enjoy the blessings. The Mongolian soldiers all panted heavily, their eyes turned red, and they stared straight at Kangxi.

Kangxi had all kinds of feelings in his heart, scanned the audience, and laughed loudly: "Well, the faith of a Mongolian hero is not worth 50 silver dollars. If you Mongolians want to kill me, I will never fight back."

Kangxi knew very well the character of the Mongols, if they shouted loudly, it would definitely be a bad thing, but if they were soft, it might have a miraculous effect, but it was impossible for him not to fight back, he was the great emperor of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, he would be betrayed by these people for a lifetime Remember, one day he will give it all back.

All the Mongolian soldiers felt like sitting on pins and needles listening to Kangxi's loud and clear laughter, and all of them looked ashamed. How dare you disobey your own orders, as expected.

Thinking of the fighting power of the Manchu iron cavalry, he hurriedly withdrew with his cronies, so as not to lose his life for nothing. As for the ten thousand chiefs under his command, they could escape the monks, but they could not escape the temple.

Kangxi was overjoyed when he saw this, and he said persistently: "Mongol brothers are indeed heroes who stand up to heaven and earth, why don't you join me to deal with the evil black tiger army? I will never treat you badly."

"Dear God Khan, let's go, my family members are here, I respect your character, this is the violation of the Khan's order, this is an unforgivable crime, how can you violate the Khan's wishes again." The leader Wan Fuchang said with a cloudy face, and all the Mongolian soldiers were also ashamed. They didn't have the determination to completely disobey the Khan's will, and all the Mongolian soldiers galloped away in an instant.

Kangxi sighed secretly, and couldn't stop feeling sad in his heart. Without the help of the Mongolian cavalry, would the Qing Dynasty be able to defeat the Black Tiger Army?

At this time, Tu Hai came to persuade him: "Your Majesty, let's go, there is no unparalleled road, and the Black Tiger Army is not invincible. We have made many arrangements in the past few years, and we may not be able to defeat them."

"Forget it, the Mongolian ministries can't count on it. Whether my Qing Dynasty can win the Central Plains again depends on this battle. I will return to the army to prepare for the war immediately." Kangxi looked at the sky with a resolute expression, and said unwillingly.


At this time, Wang Fuzhi and King Tumed of Tatar were in the big tent of Oqiertu Chechen Khan. Wang Fuzhi was very surprised that Oqiertu Chechen Khan dared to attack Kangxi. In recognition of the prestige of the Qing Dynasty, Wang Fuzhi rewarded the Chechen Ministry with 100 million silver dollars for this matter. As a token of his affection, Chechen Khan of Oqiertu happily accepted it. He did not expect to be rich without success.

All of this was ordered by the Emperor of Dahua. In order to prevent the ministries from causing trouble when Dahua attacked the Qing Dynasty, Jiang Tao specially took out 3000 million silver dollars to buy the leaders of the ministries and smash them down with silver dollars.

Ozirtu Chechen Khan stared enviously at King Tumed of Tatar. To be honest, King Tumed of Tatar was not only higher than himself in name, but also far richer than himself. All this was because of Emperor Dahua. s reason.

Since the three tribes of Khalkha surrendered to the Qing Dynasty more than ten years ago, the soldiers and horses of the tribes have been cleared out, and the tribes have hardly benefited, and there are harassment by the Raksha people. They do not live a luxurious life, but In the past few years, although I haven't seen Emperor Dahua, his goods have been sold everywhere in the prairie. The key is that these goods are extremely cheap, and because of the sale of war horses, I now have a small fortune.

"This time, Ben Khan wants to command [-] cavalry to help out. I also ask the envoy to tell Emperor Dahua for permission."

Oqiertu Chechen Khan secretly sighed, he has no way out now, no matter what, the Qing Dynasty must be defeated, otherwise the Chechen Ministry will be over.

Wang Fuzhi nodded and said with a smile: "Khan is right. If you really need your ministry's assistance, I will definitely not refuse. Come and have a drink. This is the best wine in the empire. It's called hero courage. I have never drunk this wine before." , you can’t talk about heroes.”

"Haha, good wine, good taste, thank you emissary." Ozirtu Chechen Khan laughed loudly, and then said with a cold face: "Come here, bring those dog things that are crawling around."

After a while, more than a dozen Mongolian generals were kneeling in the big tent with their left hands tied behind their backs. Oqiertu Chechen Khan sneered for a while, and asked, "Why betrayed the tribe and colluded with Kangxi?"

All the generals didn't answer, Oqiertu Chechen Khan snorted and shouted: "Drag it down and chop it up."

Wang Fuzhi and others did not intervene. After these people were beheaded, Oqiertu Chechen Khan still did not calm down. Wang Fuzhi wondered: "Khan, why are you so angry? This is just a trivial matter."

"The envoy doesn't know that Kangxi is benevolent and righteous on the surface, but secretly he is a despicable person. He has seduced many herdsmen and wants to destroy the foundation of our tribe. In fact, all tribes know this situation, so they are very wary of Kangxi. Otherwise, the envoy The alliance will not be so smooth."

Hearing the sigh of Oqiertu Chechen Khan, Wang Fuzhi was very surprised. No wonder the Mongolian tribes were so polite in this meeting. It turned out that, well, in this way, Mongolia has no serious troubles. I wonder if the emperor sent troops?

In the first year of Dahua, a group of nobles and herdsmen were beheaded by the leaders of various Mongolian tribes. So far, the chaos in Mongolia has laid the foundation for the unification of the various tribes of Mongolia by the Dahua Empire.

(End of this chapter)

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