Chapter 249
The Mongols are nomadic people who are good at hunting and spend their whole lives galloping on the grasslands.From childhood, they learned to ride horses and use weapons, especially bows.Every healthy man will be required to participate in hunting and war before the age of 60.The Mongolian tribal coalition army is composed of all adult men.

The Mongols fought under extremely strict military laws and shared the spoils.Abandoning a comrade in war was punishable by death.This kind of strict discipline, coupled with effective organization, allowed the Mongols to upgrade their force from cavalry to a real army.

If it hadn't been for the princes and nobles of various tribes to develop arrogance and extravagant living habits since the Yuan Dynasty, it would not have been Man Qing's turn to show off his might.

In fact, the leaders of the Mongolian ministries were also a little worried about the fact that the Emperor Dahua held the martial arts tournament. Although the leaders of the ministries got the luxury goods and wealth they wanted, they always felt a little unreal.

In the past, they relied on the swords and bows in their hands to plunder everything they needed, but now everything comes too easily.

The level of generosity of the Emperor Dahua was unmatched by Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty. This time, the Emperor Dahua asked all the knights of the tribe to participate in the martial arts competition, and the Emperor Dahua would also be present. The rewards for the competition were extremely rich, among which Afraid of any conspiracy, the Han people are best at these, so we must guard against it.

For this reason, the leaders of the various ministries have been discussing for more than ten days, but they still have no idea. When they consulted Kulun Living Buddha, the Living Buddha only said one sentence: "On the prairie with crisp autumn air, each ministry can accumulate millions of bow-drawing men." , as long as you can work together, everything can be easily resolved."

At this moment, all the Mongolian princes and nobles were relieved, and made an alliance with blood on the spot, demanding that they advance together and retreat together, otherwise thousands of arrows would pierce their hearts and die.

But they didn't want to get into too much trouble with Emperor Dahua. After all, Dahua's world was created by fighting. Even the mighty Qing Dynasty would be destroyed as soon as it said it. The wise Emperor Kangxi could only run for his life, let alone loose The tribal alliance, in fact, their requirements are not high, just keep the status quo.

However, although the ministries were different in size, they refused to accept each other, and in the end they had to let Kulun Living Buddha decide.

When they came to Hohhot with millions of cavalry, Jiang Tao had already arrived. He was wearing a golden armor with a sword hanging from his waist. : "Emperor Dahua is really extraordinary."

At this time, Jiang Tao was tightly guarded by the generals. He glanced at the sweats and laughed loudly: "Everyone, please enter the big tent, and you can drink as much as you want."

"Tian Khan is mighty, please first." All Mongolian Khans did not dare to neglect, and said respectfully.

"Haha, Living Buddha please." Jiang Tao and Living Buddha said politely.

The living Buddha did not achieve all four things, bowed and retreated, and did not dare to go beyond the courtesy.

Jiang Tao took the living Buddha directly into the big tent, but the khans didn't think Jiang Tao was rude, they thought Jiang Tao was enthusiastic, forthright, trustworthy, and a rare good emperor, much better-looking than Kangxi's sinister face.

After a while, everyone sat down. At this time, the big tent they entered was made of refined steel. Both sides of the refined steel were painted with gold. Ye Mingzhu, even at night, is bright all over. The whole big tent is shaped like a gossip. There are hundreds of people sitting inside, and it doesn’t look crowded. Jiang Tao chatted with the Living Buddha for a while, and stopped talking, just eating and drinking. And let go.

At this time, the weather was hot, with a full 35 degrees. Although the big tent had doors and windows open, it was still sweltering. After waiting for a long time, Jiang Tao said loudly: "Everyone has come all the way from afar, and you have worked hard. Since I ascended the throne, have you ever Treated you badly?"

It is full of energy, and the echo is curling, which makes people dare not slack off when it matches the solemn occasion.

At this time, there are hundreds of thousands of cavalry from Dahua at the top, and millions of allied troops from various Mongolian ministries below. .

The living Buddha said in pity: "The Buddha is above, and Tian Khan is appointed by heaven. How could he treat his friend badly?"

"Hahaha." Jiang Tao laughed loudly and said, "Okay, now that I'm full of wine and food, I just happened to watch my Dahua's warriors. The martial arts competition will start tomorrow. Whether it's a hero or a bear, we'll see you in the martial arts arena. Then, according to the ranking, It's okay to confer titles, okay?"

These people are already clear, nodding their heads in agreement.

After a while, the imperial army began military exercises. The First Artillery Division gathered thousands of infantry artillery and fired three salvos. Can block.

The million Mongolian allied soldiers were terrified, their horses hissed and people roared, almost causing chaos.

The Mongolian Khans were also sweating coldly on their backs. When they knew that this was only a small part of the artillery of the Dahua Empire, they were even more frightened.

Immediately afterwards, fifty rocket vehicles fired 2000 rockets in one breath, and the roar was endless in an instant, and the grassland a few miles ahead suddenly burst into flames, quickly spreading to both sides.

Fire, thunder, mines, etc. have been staged one after another...

The tiger and leopard cavalry were dispatched next, and they all had extraordinary skills. Under the reflection of the sun, the gleaming armor made people unable to open their eyes. Moreover, the horses were generally a head taller than Mongolian horses, and their speed was like lightning. The Mongolian leader was even more surprised. The Mongolian light cavalry could not resist the attack of the heavy cavalry, but they would pretend to be defeated to attract the enemy cavalry's pursuit, so as to consume their energy and reduce their attack strength; Exhausted, the Mongolian Qingqi who had been avoiding it would suddenly turn back and become an attacker.

If the Mongolian Qingqi fight against the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry, they will definitely seek death, because they will turn into Tiger and Leopard Cavalry to follow and kill them if they pretend to run away. With their speed, the Mongolian Qingqi might not be able to run away.

In fact, they didn't know that these western warhorses were extremely capable of sprinting at close range, but they were deficient in endurance and other aspects, but they didn't know that Jiang Tao would not foolishly let the tiger and leopard ride continue to perform.

The military exercise took an hour, and the Mongolian Khans were stunned at first, but then reluctantly, because apart from enjoying themselves, they still hope to have such a powerful force.

Some shrewd ones were already thinking about the intentions of Emperor Dahua, and the more they thought about it, the more afraid they became. Could it be that Emperor Dahua was going to kill him?

At this moment, Jiang Tao suddenly said seriously: "Everyone sweats, let's take a look at my Dahua's invincible artifact."

The guards immediately set up more than a hundred wooden targets, and the team of hundreds of riders galloped past, bang bang bang...

Immediately there was continuous gunfire, and when we looked at the half-foot-thick wooden targets, we saw six wounds on each wooden target. When we walked in, we found that the lead bullet had shot through the wooden target by only one point. target, the shape of the six wounds is irregular, if it hits the flesh, the lethality can be seen.

Immediately after that, more than a hundred mighty knights took off their bulletproof vests and put them on the wooden target, and there were more than a hundred strong guards at a distance of 50 meters, holding the big bows and heavy arrows used by the Qing Dynasty.


Each shot ten arrows, and all the arrows were hit except for some of them were bounced off.

When I took a look at the heavy body armor, I saw that none of the arrows penetrated the armor.

There are tens of thousands of cavalry with this gun. If Mongolian Qingqi confronts them, they will definitely die miserably. Moreover, the opponent's horses seem to be covered with this kind of cotton armor. They just dismissed it.

Now, no matter how foolish Khan is, he knows what Emperor Dahua intends. This is intimidation, this is a blatant threat, and they turn pale with fright. The warriors with them will die as long as Emperor Dahua gives an order. It's miserable.

It would be too easy for Emperor Dahua to kill them.

Jiang Tao was very serious, and shouted in a deep voice: "You don't have to worry, I brought more than 30 cavalry and a mixed army of 3 people this time, and you have a million troops. To be honest, I came here with friendship and sincerity. , instead of war, the previous grievances and grievances have disappeared, and now we are good friends, but what will happen in the future?"

"There can only be one overlord in this world. I am the emperor appointed by the heavens. You have a deep relationship with the Central Plains. I don't want you to end up like the Manchus. Is it rich or ruined? Hehe, King Tumet, come here Let's talk about the old days with all the great khans."

After Jiang Tao finished speaking calmly, he left. Hundreds of elites carrying revolver rifles retreated hundreds of meters.

The khans were stunned again, some looked at King Tumed enviously, some looked at him with contempt, but no one made a sound, and no one dared to move.

King Tumed smiled and said: "Mongol brothers, the emperor actually has no other intentions. As long as you brothers follow the practices of Tumed and Tubo, everyone will be happy. Otherwise, from today onwards, Emperor Dahua will raise troops Millions went into the savannah."

The Khans were shocked. Just these 30 cavalrymen were no match for the Mongolian Allied Forces. No wonder the Qing Dynasty had no choice but to escape.

"Brothers, let's fight with Emperor Dahua, in the future..."

Before the bearded Khan could finish his sentence, he was split by a Khan next to him. At first glance, it was Erdos Khan who moved his hand. His face was bronze, with a round face, a strong back, and jewels. The inlaid scimitar was still dripping with blood. He laughed loudly and said, "This idiot, his tribe is in decline. Let's share it equally. Everyone has a share. Who has any objections?"

Those who can become profuse sweaters are not stupid, they all nodded and said: "Well said, it is best to bring others war, but against Dahua, we really have no chance of winning."

King Tumet laughed and said, "Okay, the emperor will never treat you badly. Besides, when we surrendered to the Manchu Qing, why couldn't we surrender to the Dahua Empire? The Dahua Emperor is very bold."

Seeing that everyone nodded in agreement, the living Buddha finally let go of his heart and said seriously: "The Buddha is above, and it is also the meaning of the Buddha to be able to unify with the Central Plains."


Jiang Tao didn't expect it to go so smoothly. The martial arts tournament was successfully held. Jiang Tao found many warriors and rewarded them all.

In the end, the big tribes such as Wuliangha Khan, Ordos Khan, Kalaqin Khan, Tushetu Khan, Chechen Khan, and Zasaktu Khan were all crowned kings, and the remaining small tribes were named dukes or earls.

In addition to following the same pattern of conquering Tumed and other tribes, Jiang Tao established three provinces, divided into Inner Mongolia Province, Outer Mongolia Province and Siberia Province, and the empire directly dispatched governors.

In order to strengthen the empire's control over Mongolia, Jiang Tao selected 25 elites from the millions of Mongolian coalition forces, and purchased another 100 million horses. The elite settling expenses are also paid by the empire.

Among them, the big tribes can keep three thousand armed forces, and the small tribes have a fixed number of one thousand to several hundred. If they dare to violate it, they will be rebellious.

If a tribe dares to rebel, other tribes have the right to divide up the wealth of the tribe's leaders and nobles, but they cannot target Mongolian civilians.

In order to appease the Mongolian princes and nobles, Jiang Tao offered rewards a lot. In the end, he even bought war horses and rewards. The empire spent more than 2 million silver dollars. This time, the empire was in a complete financial deficit, but Jiang Tao was willing. As long as Mongolia surrendered, the overall strength of the empire would rise For a long time, no country on land dared to fight against the Dahua Empire.

In fact, the living Buddha of Mongolia was bought by Jiang Tao long ago, otherwise it would not have been so smooth. The reason why Mongolia was divided and the fighting power plummeted was mainly because the leaders of all ministries liked a luxurious life, not war.This problem of theirs is left over from the Mongol and Yuan dynasties. They, and even their descendants, who are used to living a luxurious life, are simply like smoking opium, and they will never quit.

But civilians do not have this problem, and now Mongolian civilians will be the targets of the empire.

In fact, the Mongolian herdsmen are being exploited very seriously now. Jiang Tao heard that most of the silver dollars he rewarded the warriors were divided among the tribal leaders, and the settlement expenses were also divided among the Mongolian nobles.

But this is also what he is happy to see, as long as he implements benevolent government to the herdsmen and gives them benefits, he does not believe that they will not move closer to the empire. Jiang Tao wants to treat the Mongolian herdsmen as nationals of the empire, but this will harm the interests of the Mongolian nobles, so Jiang Tao does not There is no rush.

There are still many slaves in various parts of Mongolia. They are the private property of the Mongolian princes. Jiang Tao gave some hope to those slaves. As long as they are requisitioned by the imperial army and make military exploits, they will become civilians. If they can still make military exploits, they will become nobles. people can enjoy tax-free treatment.

Of course, this is only the Mongolian system, and it will not work in the interior.

The leader of the Mongolian tribe pays a tribute of nine whites. Other nobles in Mongolia do not have to pay taxes as long as they have the title of the empire, but they have to pay taxes for selling horses, cattle and sheep. Families provided horses, cattle and sheep to the empire, and slaves were not taxed.

The title of the empire can only be obtained by military exploits.

Jiang Tao only awarded the title of tribal leader. Other tribal nobles have no titles for the time being. If they want to get titles, they have to continuously invade other countries and obey the command of the empire.

As long as Mongolia makes enemies everywhere, it is not afraid that he will not submit to the empire forever.

The 25 elites were finally merged with the Northwest Cavalry Regiment, with a total of 40 cavalry, one man and three horses, divided into forty divisions, known as Mongolian cavalry.

Ten Mongolian cavalry were sent to Siberia to guard against the Manchus.

Ten Mongolian cavalrymen were sent to the border of the Kazakh Khanate to guard against powerful countries such as Persia and the Ottoman Empire, and another [-] Mongolian cavalrymen were stationed in Qinghai to guard against Tibet.

In fact, Mongolia has a high degree of autonomy at this time. Jiang Tao only sent [-] royal cavalry regiments to garrison, including [-] cavalry divisions and [-] light cavalry. If individual tribes dare to rebel, they will be exterminated.

(End of this chapter)

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