The Great Bandit in Kangxi Year

Chapter 267 The Empire Needs an Absolute Winning Rate

Chapter 267 The Empire Needs an Absolute Winning Rate
The Dahua Empire vigorously invaded the Mughal Empire, but in a few months it obtained countless gold and silver treasures and materials, and occupied a large area of ​​land, but Da Zhou also became a beneficiary virtually.

If it weren't for Dahua's vigorous attack on the Mughal Empire, although Dazhou's combat power was extraordinary, it would at most draw a tie with the Mughal Empire with its deep foundation. Over time, Dazhou is very likely to fail.

But at this time, the Great Hua Empire restrained and beheaded nearly a million Mughal elites, and the Mughal army that besieged Da Zhou also had worries about the future. They could not do their best to fight against Da Zhou. There are no new recruits yet, and even the transfer of food and grass is a bit inconvenient, which directly caused the morale of the Mughal army to drop greatly. They have lost several games in a row, and they are likely to be defeated.

Da Zhou took the opportunity to consolidate the occupied area, and his strength gradually recovered. In particular, he first rebuilt the Bingzhang Division and the Iron Works.

When Wu Shifan learned that the Dahua Empire was besieging Delhi, he was even more excited. Now after several months of fierce fighting, the more than 60 Mughal troops who besieged Dazhou have now become 35, and the slaves of Dazhou The Corps has expanded to 15, the firearms battalion still has 50, and there are more than [-] Han infantry who have experienced bloody battles, and [-] Guanning cavalry.

Wu Shifan knew that once the Dahua army withdrew, the weak Dazhou would be in danger. Taking advantage of this opportunity, he led 50 elite soldiers and 30 slave soldiers to attack the Mughal army blocking the way, and finally defeated the opposing army on August 8. Of the hundreds of thousands of troops, more than [-] were captured and killed, and the rest fled.

While ordering Guan Ning's iron cavalry to pursue and kill them, he transferred his elite troops to march south of the Indian peninsula in order to gain more territory and population, and also to avoid the sharp edge of Dahua's iron cavalry.

Because the legend of the Dahua iron cavalry has spread, 30 cavalry killed [-] infantry within an hour. Although Wu Shifan scoffed at this, there must be something extraordinary, and thanks to them, Dazhou was so easy To resolve the crisis, the most important thing is to take the opportunity to expand Da Zhou's power now.

In fact, the expansion of Dazhou's strength has long attracted Jiang Tao's attention, but seeing that he is about to fight with European countries, the annihilation of Dazhou has become a secondary matter. He accepted Wu Shifan's tribute with peace of mind, and sneered: "This guy It’s really not easy, if you know how to bear it, it’s okay, let you jump around in India first, by the way, third uncle, we must ensure the supply of ammunition in Southeast Asia and other places, Southeast Asia may be the main battlefield.”

"The old minister understands that there are now 30 sharpshooters deployed in Southeast Asia, and there are nearly [-] Korean regiments, and the other hundreds of thousands of servants are not counted. If European countries dare to land and fight, they will definitely be smashed. , But Your Majesty, according to the information, the Manchu Qing is rampant in Russia, occupying more than half of Russia's land, and we must cut the grass and roots, the hatred between the Manchu Qing and us is too deep, and it will not be forgotten by time." Cheng Zhang squinted at the triangle. Yan Yan, suggested softly, in his mind, Manchu and Great Zhou are the rivals, as for the European countries are thousands of miles away, obviously he didn't take it seriously.

How could Jiang Tao not understand what he meant, he chuckled and said, "Manqing is still very resilient. If it weren't for the vast Siberia, I would have sent troops to destroy Kangxi."

"Your Majesty, in fact, the empire can use Mongolian cavalry. When Jiang Xin returns, the empire can gather at least 50 cavalry, including elite cavalry." Cheng Zhang hurriedly reminded.

"No, don't look at the Mongolian iron cavalry galloping freely in the territory of the Mughal Empire, but the battle against the Manchus was not so smooth. One is that Kangxi's prestige among the Mongolian herdsmen is very high, and it takes some time to fade away. The other is that the Manchus They have mastered advanced firearms and are familiar with cavalry tactics. The key is that they also have hundreds of thousands of cavalry. Dogs will jump over walls when they are cornered. Familiar with the advanced tactics of the empire, the technical content of trenches, barbed wire, etc. is not high. It’s hard to deal with, it’s a real headache.”

Jiang Tao shook his head and explained patiently. In fact, he wanted to say in his heart: No matter how fast the development of the Manchu Qing Dynasty is now, it is difficult to attack the empire in a short time. If the war empire loses Southeast Asia, the development speed of the empire will stagnate, or even regress, and the products produced will not be sold, and a civil strife is likely to break out.

Jiang Tao is not afraid of war, he is afraid of civil strife. To prevent civil strife, he must let the common people live a prosperous life.

"Your Majesty, the flying scissor warship will be launched in another month, and the Imperial Navy will then be able to take the initiative to attack."

Cheng Zhang smiled confidently.

Jiang Tao nodded, and secretly said: "It's a mule or a horse, and it's always going to be taken out for a walk. It's too early to say at this time. Besides, after entering the water, at least one month of training is needed, and the Europeans have already arrived."

But he didn't say such dejected words.

"Your Majesty, the Spanish governor of Luzon has declared war on the empire." Jiang Tao was chatting with Cheng Zhang in the imperial study when Wei Donglai strode over, saying in surprise.

Jiang Tao asked in disbelief: "Could it be that the head of the Spanish governor was kicked by a donkey? You must know that the Spanish Philippine fleet has already existed in name only."

"Your Majesty, it's actually not the case. According to the spies' reports, the Philippine fleet now has 50 cruisers and [-] frigates, all of which were built in the past two years. They are not a small threat to the empire's transport fleet, and Spain is in Luzon. The number of immigrants has exceeded [-], and more than [-] musketeers can be recruited. Although most of them use matchlock guns, their combat effectiveness is not comparable to that of the native army." Wei Donglai said calmly.

Jiang Tao patted his bald head and muttered to himself: "It seems that I underestimated the Spaniards."

He said sternly: "The American Fleet is back now, gather [-] Seal-class cruisers for the American Fleet, um, plus [-] Sea-Lion-class cruisers in Lushun Naval Port, order Shi Lang to destroy the Philippine Fleet and bomb Luzon All shipyards must ensure the smooth flow of sea routes.”

These [-] cruisers are equivalent to a death sentence for the Philippine fleet, and Jiang Tao dispatched a force that made the Philippine fleet desperate.

"Your Majesty, is the plan to attack Luzon started?" Cheng Zhang said bitterly. He didn't expect Spain to launch an attack at this time.

"Hmph, without a navy, those Spaniards are just waiting to die. After the European Union Fleet is settled, the empire will not be able to spare many elite soldiers at this time." Jiang Tao sneered, not expecting that the declining Spain would dare to seek trouble.

"Your Majesty, the Americas have now formed 50 heavy cavalry, and there is also a sharpshooter. They can recruit [-] native Indian troops at any time. They can definitely trouble Mexico earlier." Wei Donglai suggested.

"No, the Americas try their best to keep the status quo. Now we only need to continue to infiltrate and develop allies. When the empire takes root in the Americas, the empire will recruit hundreds of thousands of elite troops, and it will be able to eat Mexico in one go without giving Spain a counterattack." Opportunity, the premature exposure of the empire's motives now has aroused the vigilance of Western countries, after all, we are farther away from the Americas." Jiang Tao resolutely refused, and it is better to maintain the status quo at this time. If Spain vigorously attacks the stronghold of the Empire in America, It will be very troublesome, mainly because the empire is really unable to support it now.

Due to the policy of massacres carried out by Western countries in various parts of the Americas, the Indians became vigilant. The empire pursued a strategy of equal trade, but it won the favor of the Indians. Under the introduction of other chiefs, they took the initiative to move closer to the empire.

After these years of development, the empire’s cheap goods have become the necessities of the Indians. Silk, porcelain, etc. have also become the favorites of the Indian chiefs, and the influence of the empire is growing. Then we will be able to fully enter the Americas.

(End of this chapter)

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