Chapter 275
At the time of the first lunar month, it was snowing thousands of miles across the northern country.

Jiang Tao, who was in the temple, quickly stopped laughing, and said loudly: "This catastrophe is the worst in North Korea. Hundreds of people in the empire also died. I am deeply saddened. The Dahua Empire will definitely take revenge, and it will never die. Immediately double the compensation for the victims. , and sent an order to Jiang Bao, who immediately took four Royal Marine Divisions to reinforce the four military bases in Honshu, Japan. mean."

"According to the order."

Jiang Tao nodded, and left Jiang Bao specially, and said: "After arriving in Honshu, the main task is to defend the four major military bases. Remember, although Japan is a weak country now, it should not be careless. Don't capsize in the gutter. , I will issue the next combat mission in the future, and it is a great achievement for you to defend the military base."

"Why not attack Japan directly? With the strength of the Royal Army Division, one can count as ten."

Jiang Bao hesitated for a moment, but didn't ask any further questions, and hurriedly took the order to retreat. Jiang Tao felt relieved. Now it is the beginning of January in the fourth year of Huaxing, and the strength of the empire has reached the peak of a stage. Hundreds of European cruise ships and the rest of the multinational fleet all fled, and most of them gathered in ports along the African coast to watch.

The footprints of the Imperial Army are almost all over Asia. Jiang Tao’s fierce reputation is close to that of Genghis Khan. No one dares to compete with him. The big Chinese merchants travel to other countries are obviously superior. The royal families and nobles of various countries treat him like a guest.

In the past, there were countless powerful enemies, and Jiang Tao still had scruples about Japan. After all, it is a single-nation country with a history of thousands of years. Although there are still many enemies today, most of them are bereaved dogs, which are not worth mentioning.

He believes that the empire can destroy Little Japan within half a year with only [-] Royal Army divisions, but in the end, the empire will have at least tens of thousands of casualties. It doesn't mean that you can win with strong strength. For example, when the iron cavalry of the Yuan Dynasty expedition to Japan, it encountered a tsunami and the entire army was wiped out.

This time the North Koreans suffered a great loss. After years of recuperation, North Korea has a population of more than 730, but in just a few days, more than 70 soldiers and civilians were massacred. Is this a trivial matter?

Moreover, North Korea and Japan have been old enemies for many years. Now that North Korea has hurt its muscles and bones, it will definitely rush to take revenge. Let the North Koreans wipe out the Japanese, which is obviously beneficial to the empire.

Jiang Tao has always disbelieved in vassal states, and of course North Korea is no exception. North Korea has now become a veritable country of farming and warfare. Farmers and soldiers are the mainstream, and they respect the Great China Empire. But once the Great China Empire is weak, Jiang Tao cannot guarantee North Korea will also loyally work for the Great China Empire.

Therefore, it is the best strategy to guide them and Little Japan to lose both sides. Jiang Tao can make a fortune by selling some outdated arms, so why not do it?


Ten days later, the king of North Korea presented a memorial, lamenting the atrocities committed by Japan, and imploring the Great China Empire to send troops to help the war.

Jiang Tao didn't find a reason, and directly issued an order to the king of North Korea: "Japan is a small country with wolves. I ordered the king of North Korea to sanction it. I will help millions of loads of food and grass. Japan's atrocities will cause people and gods to be angry. North Korea can do things cheaply, but it can't let the tiger go back to the mountain. The land shall belong to the brave soldiers!"

Although the imperial people didn't understand, the Koreans were excited.

In recent years, although the Koreans have exchanged blood and tears for some wealth, the various restrictions imposed by the Dahua Empire on North Korea have still caused dissatisfaction among some Koreans, but they dare not speak out.

But now the Dahua Empire obviously wants to give Japan's Honshu to North Korea. Although it has to be robbed, it is also a great gift from heaven.

So, in just five days, North Korea gathered 40 young and strong soldiers, and they tried their best to force Honshu, Japan. In addition, more than 20 Korean soldiers in Southeast Asia will also arrive in Honshu, Japan one after another.


Hearing North Korea's reaction, Jiang Tao was very satisfied, but the cabinet ministers had doubts.

Wei Donglai advised: "Your Majesty, North Korea is a vassal state of the empire. The empire has always been very strict, but this time North Korea may occupy the entire Honshu Island. At that time, North Korea's strength will increase greatly, and it may rebound after many years."

Cheng Zhang also said earnestly: "Your Majesty, if you want North Korea to work for the empire and give it a large area of ​​land, it will not only foster the ambitions of North Korea's superstructure, but Honshu, Japan is a strategic location that must not fall into the hands of the North Koreans. Your Majesty, please think twice."

"Yeah." Jiang Tao was very pleased, but the emperor's golden words cannot be changed, and it is impossible to want the horse to run without feeding it, and the entire territory of this state is a deadly poison, very good It is edible, but it is poisonous. It is a good thing that North Koreans are tempted now. Moreover, North Korea has almost no firearms army, and it does not have much advantage in population. Although it has the support of the empire, the outcome is still uncertain.

After a fierce battle for a long time, North Korea is still unable to win, and the country's strong men must be greatly exhausted. At that time, the empire will be able to let the troops stationed in North Korea and the Koreans attached to the empire launch a mutiny. At that time, it will not be reversible by manpower. .

Jiang Tao sorted out his thoughts, and said solemnly: "My dear friends, don't worry. This North Korea borders the empire. I have always been unhappy. How can I allow others to snore on the side of the couch, but North Korea has always been loyal to the Dahua Empire. I can't bear it." Let's fight hard, but North Korea and Japan are fighting against each other. I'm afraid it will be a lose-lose situation. The empire only needs [-] troops to clean up the mess. At that time, the empire will follow the general trend, and no one will gossip."

Wei Donglai and others were surprised when they heard the words. It turned out that the situation of killing two birds with one stone, the emperor is really unfathomable. Although he abandoned the Koreans so quickly, there is no pure friendship between countries.

They are also people who have read a lot of books. They understand the truth that if one country prospers, all nations will suffer. The emperor took precautions and strangled all possible dangers, all of which were to pave the way for the future of the empire.

While the ministers sighed, Jiang Tao said casually: "This is a trivial matter. As long as the empire's four military bases in this state are not lost, Japan will not be able to escape from my palm. Let them make trouble. This year, I have two One goal is to completely resolve the wars around the empire, and the other is to strengthen education and popularization, do you have any suggestions?"

Education is the foundation of the empire, and all the officials nodded. After ten years, the empire will have a large number of military and management talents.

Only the end of the war was difficult, Wang Fuzhi, Minister of the Ministry of War, sighed in his heart, and said sternly: "Your Majesty, the Mughal Empire is now the focus of the empire's conquest, involving 50 elites of the empire. The opponent is Da Zhou, but as long as Jiang Wuji and Jiang Xin form a two-sided attack on Da Zhou, it should be fine, but the battles in Luzon, Papua, and Australia are a bit tricky."

"Let's talk about it." Jiang Tao said casually. Now there are 40 Lancers and Royal Marines in the Empire, including 15 Lancers and 25 Royal Marines, and tens of thousands of them can be changed every month. New types of firearms can definitely speed up the progress of imperial wars.

"The governor of Luzon formed a firearms force of 20 and 50 indigenous soldiers, and imprisoned all the Chinese. The total number was more than 20, so as to threaten the empire. During this period, tens of thousands of Chinese and overseas Chinese died. , the cabinet is very troublesome, please ask the majesty to rule." Even the eyes of Wang Fuzhi, who possessed great righteousness, had fierce eyes, obviously extremely angry.

"So brave."

Jiang Tao yelled angrily, and couldn't help blaming himself secretly. If he had attacked Luzon earlier, he wouldn't have been in such a dilemma. What should he do now?

"Immediately inform the governor of Luzon that if you dare to kill a Han Chinese in the empire, I will destroy his nine clans and kill all the Spaniards!"

Hearing Jiang Tao's murderous shout, the hearts of all the ministers became hot, and they were speechless for a long time. The Spanish created many blood debts for killing Han people, but Ming did not speak, and neither did Qing. Only Emperor Huaxing firmly protected me. The Han people, who opened up my great Han country, are really great sages, who can assist Dahua, and die after doing their best.

Huang Zongxi's heart tightened, and he comforted Jiang Tao and said: "The emperor's body is important. Luzon is already a turtle in the urn. You can issue an edict first. If the Spaniards are mad, the empire will kill the Spaniards with thunder. First slow down and then rush, mobilize some elites to secretly sneak into Luzon Island, try to rescue compatriots, if not, wait for their slack, the empire mobilizes hundreds of thousands of elites to destroy them at all costs."

"Great kindness." Jiang Tao didn't have a perfect solution, so he had to use Huang Lao's strategy. After all, hundreds of thousands of Han people could not die because of his recklessness.

But he really didn't see that the governor of Luzon had such courage, and his face was torn apart, and there would be no chance for peace in the future.

Seeing that Jiang Tao's brows were tightly frowned, Cheng Zhang quickly suggested, "Your Majesty, according to the strength of the empire, you can go on an expedition to Spain. As long as you capture the emperor of Spain, you must be able to make an emergency landing on the governor of Luzon."

"Forget it, Wang Lao continued." Jiang Tao shook his head lightly. There are many risks in the expedition to Spain. Although the empire can defeat Spain, and Spain is not very popular in Europe, as long as the empire's expeditionary force arrives in Spain, all countries in Europe An unprecedentedly large alliance will definitely be established, and the empire will really be in a dilemma.

The key point is that Europe at this time is an open region. Those powerful countries can cooperate with their former enemies for their own interests. The empire's intervention in European disputes will definitely arouse the hostility of all powerful countries.

In addition, Xibaya is thousands of miles away from the empire. Within a year, the empire can send at most less than [-] troops to Spain. With no supplies and unfamiliar places, the empire can easily fall into a state of a tiger fighting a pack of wolves. There is no confidence that the whole of Europe can be occupied without an army of [-].

Although the firearm technology of the empire is far superior to that of other countries, they are not natives. As long as they seize a rotary rifle, I believe that within a year, almost all European powers can imitate it, so Jiang Tao will not take this risk. , at least not for the time being, unless the empire's steam engine technology matures.

"Your Majesty, the indigenous population on Papua Island has dropped to 200 million, but they have also become cunning. The mercenary group began to suffer casualties. At this time, the Koreans withdrew again. With the strength of the mercenary group, it is already difficult to defeat them. Kill all the natives, I implore the emperor to make a decision." Wang Fuzhi said again.

"Well, very good, give Wang Dashan an order to order the five sharpshooters under his command to join the battle, and make sure to eliminate the traces of the aborigines within one year."

Jiang Tao originally wanted to play slowly, but unfortunately the Spaniard aroused his anger, so he decided to let the iron and blood burn more vigorously.

"Australia now has more than [-] armies from various European countries. I fear it will gain a firm foothold on the island, and it will not be beautiful to fight against the empire." Wang Fuzhi's meaning is very clear, that is, to take down the whole of Australia.

"Well, the empire is using troops on all sides, and its strength is somewhat scarce. Well, anyway, the Europeans on the island can't escape, so I sent an order to the admiral to form a fleet of [-] Seal-class cruisers to surround Australia. Let go of a European, and the empire will deploy four more Royal Marine Divisions and one Lancer, first choose some good ports, build bases and military ports, and the Imperial Army will counterattack the opponent on the basis of defense, and wait for the Empire to escape from other places. Annihilate the other party in a big way." Jiang Tao sighed, the first battle caused a thousand waves, if it goes on like this, the empire will not have time to deal with the Manchus in a short period of time, I don't know what is going on with Kangxi now.

PS: I am not thinking well, today is this chapter, sorry
(End of this chapter)

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