Chapter 277
The sky was snowing, and it was three feet frozen.

Wrapped in a thick leather coat, Mingzhu led a team of capable guards and headed towards Moscow.

For the sake of safety, they will try their best to walk on the mountain road, Mingzhu is secretly complaining along the way, wishing to slap herself a few times from time to time, why do they talk too much, otherwise, how could they suffer such a big punishment.

However, Kangxi and others were preparing for the war. They made a plan to occupy the entire Rakshasa Kingdom in two years, accumulate strength in eight years, and form an anti-China alliance with various powerful countries. Ten years later, they will attack the Central Plains.

For the smooth progress of this battle, more than [-] cavalry from the more than [-] cavalry in the Manchu Empire will participate in the battle. At the same time, there will be [-] Shenji Battalions, thousands of artillery pieces, and hundreds of thousands of infantry.

Their strategy is actually very simple. First, take advantage of the internal strife, contain each other, and turmoil in the army to defeat the opponent's main force, and then let 30 cavalry enter the territory of the Luocha Kingdom. An army of more than 30 soldiers attacked the city one by one, carried out reforms according to the original model, and strived to gain the support of all serfs.

In this way, the Raksha Kingdom will be powerless to return to heaven, but the Siberia area will be short of troops. If the Great Hua Empire invades, no one will be able to stop it.

Regarding this, Kangxi gritted his teeth and said: "Hmph, the territory of thousands of miles is a vacuum zone. The land is sparsely populated, food and wages are hard to come by, the climate is harsh, and the terrain is complicated. As long as the black tiger thief army dares to ask for it, I will give it to them. how?"

Tu Hai can only sigh. I hope that God will bless Daqing, and give Daqing a chance to come back. As long as Daqing rules such a huge fertile soil, Daqing's national fortune will definitely take off again.

No matter how powerful they join forces, the Dahua Empire will only fail.


The snow stopped in the northern country, and the Forbidden City was crowded with people, creating a lively scene.

In the royal study room of the imperial palace, the ministers saw that the emperor had become interested in the Manchu Qing Dynasty, and hurriedly spoke freely.

Jiang Tao sighed secretly in his heart. He never thought that Kangxi would be so tenacious. The Raksha Kingdom would not be able to last for a few years. Now that the empire is full of miscellaneous affairs, it is really impossible to take him into consideration. How can we weaken the rise of the Qing Dynasty?

Wei Donglai saw that the emperor was silent, waited for a moment, saw the emperor came back to his senses, and said: "Your Majesty, don't worry, if the empire doesn't intervene in the expansion of the Manchu Qing, the Manchu Qing will definitely defeat Russia, which is a good thing."

As soon as this remark came out, not only Jiang Tao was surprised, but even Cheng Zhang, Huang Zongxi and other cabinet ministers were puzzled.

"Your Majesty, after the Manchu Qing occupied the whole of Russia, they bordered the European countries and the Ottoman Empire. The consequences are unpredictable. However, if the Empire wants to fight the Manchu Qing head-on, it is easy to win, but if the Empire wants to seize the vast Russia There are some difficulties. When the Manchus occupy the whole of Russia, all resistance forces must be cut off. All these will take time, ranging from three to five years to more than ten years. The number of cavalry, whether in terms of the quality of the soldiers, or in terms of the quality of firearms, the empire is higher than that of the Qing Dynasty. Besides, the empire can recruit millions of servants at any time. The huge manpower and material resources are not the enemy of the Qing Dynasty of."

"Furthermore, the Manchu Qing took away millions of Han people. There were few Manchu people and a lack of literati. If they wanted to govern the country, they would definitely pay attention to the Han people. When the Manchu Qing ruled the whole of Russia, the influence of our Han people would definitely cover the entire Russian city. When the iron-blooded lions of the empire suddenly descend on Russia with a devastating offensive, these people must make the right choice. At this time, the Russians are already accustomed to the rule of the Han or Manchu. The Heavenly Soldier of the Great Hua Empire will definitely avoid many unnecessary troubles."

Hearing Wei Donglai's opinion, all the ministers began to discuss it carefully, and Jiang Tao also felt that it was reasonable. As long as it was within Asia, it would be extremely difficult for Kangxi to make waves.

At this time, the empire has not yet quelled its enemies from all directions. If it is forced to conquer the Qing Dynasty, it will only lead to uncertainties and consume the empire's national power.

Jiang Tao sighed. Now the empire seems to have great glory, but it also hides a huge threat. If it arouses hostility from the whole world, the life of the empire may not be easy. After the glory, it is time to keep a low profile.

"It's very, um, the decree was ordered to stop plundering the port cities of Africa for the time being, and to form a confrontation with European countries. The British actually invaded the Mughal Empire. If we withdraw from the Indian Peninsula, we can only leave the bones behind."

"Lead the order." The ministers received the order.

"Your Majesty, North Korea has already launched an attack on Japan before its soldiers and horses arrive."

When all the ministers retreated, Cheng Zhang stayed alone and said.

"Very good, um, the cabinet should pay close attention to the movement of the Mughal Empire. By the way, did the Tibetan lama agree to merge into the Dahua Empire?" Jiang Tao suddenly remembered the matter of Tibet and asked hurriedly.

Cheng Zhang's face suddenly changed, and he said cautiously: "Your Majesty, Tibet only wants to be a minister and pay tribute."

"Hmph, then pay the poll tax, each person pays three silver dollars per year, if you dare to hesitate, let the Mongolian cavalry meet them, well, first send some merchants to open up trade routes." In order to consolidate the rule of the Great China Empire, Even the Heavenly King Lao Tzu, Jiang Tao will also pull him down.

"According to the order."

Jiang Tao nodded. For the time being, wars are not suitable for the empire, but Tibet is condescending and sparsely populated, which poses a great threat to the empire. Since they don't know what to do, they have to carry out economic aggression first. After the influence of the empire grows, they can control the Dalai Lama .

If someone dares to provoke during this period, there are hundreds of thousands of Mongolian cavalry anyway, so Jiang Tao doesn't have to worry about altitude sickness.Hmph, there are so many benefits to joining the empire, and they dare to shirk it.


When more than 20 North Korean soldiers couldn't wait to land on Honshu Island and launch an offensive, they encountered big trouble.

Originally, the Korean soldiers were aggressive. Although the Japanese soldiers resisted to the death, they still captured four county towns within ten days.

Li Xuan, who was in command of the army, felt like a turbulent sea. He knew that it must be caused by the plague, so he was so scared that he withdrew his troops quickly.

It's a pity that it was too late. By the time they retreated to the seaside, thousands of people had died and tens of thousands fell ill. The rest of them were also depressed and panicked.

The captain of the imperial troop carrier heard the news and hurriedly set sail away, not daring to transport these sick people.

This time, the more than 20 people had no choice but to wait to die.

The king of North Korea was already a 20-year-old youth, and his face turned pale when he heard about this incident. After a vote of all ministers, in order to prevent the spread of the plague, he only had to abandon the people who landed.

When Jiang Tao learned of this, he was also in shock. Fortunately, the empire did not send troops, and hurriedly ordered the imperial cabinet to transport medicinal materials and doctors to the four military bases in this state.

Fortunately, the more than [-] people in the military base did not suffer from the plague, so Jiang Tao was relieved.

For the Koreans who landed, Jiang Tao was helpless. After all, such a large-scale plague was beyond human power. However, he still searched for a miracle doctor in the empire, created a good medicine that could cure the plague, and allocated some medicinal materials to help the sick. .

He didn't expect Japan to resort to such vicious methods. This is a strategy that hurts both sides. However, if this continues, how many people will be left in Japan?
Only half a month later, the empire created a medicinal soup to treat the plague with its huge background. Jiang Tao attached great importance to it and hurriedly transported the medicinal soup to Honshu for the sick Koreans to experiment on.

At this moment, more than half of the more than 20 Koreans have died, and the remaining 8 people are still lingering. After they took the imperial-specific medicinal soup, most of them survived.

This time, the empire not only had a good medicine to restrain the plague, but also won the complete allegiance of more than [-] Korean soldiers. Although Jiang Tao was not rare, it laid the foundation for the empire's legal annexation of North Korea in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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