The Great Bandit in Kangxi Year

Chapter 280 Intention of Hereditary

Chapter 280 Intention of Hereditary

The emperor and ministers in the palace of the Mughal Empire died together, and there were countless casualties. When the guards outside the palace arrived, everyone was terrified, but now the main generals and ministers have all died, and hundreds of thousands of troops suddenly became leaderless and frightened. Coupled with the fact that their chests were hungry and their backs were pressed against each other, some people who feared that the world would not be chaotic began to go crazy before dying.

Because the reputation of the Mongolian iron cavalry as cruel and easy to kill has been spread, more than [-] corpses are still piled up on the moat in the past few days. I can only fall into deep despair, and gradually more and more soldiers start looting and killing...

Derry City was in complete chaos.

Jiang Xin looked at the thick smoke billowing from many places in the city, glanced suspiciously at the Mughal envoys, and spoke rather badly: "Hmph, does the emperor of your country choose to burn?"

The envoy couldn't help shivering, and secretly glanced at the area where the palace is located. He was very surprised and said in fear: "Maybe someone has a mutiny, but the general is sure to win, and the rebellion can be easily put down. The Mughal Empire is Those who sincerely surrender to your country, please forgive me, General."

"Oh, go and tell the bullshit emperor in the city immediately that everyone must leave the city today, and they are not allowed to bring any weapons, horses, etc., stand in batches, otherwise they will be killed without mercy." Jiang Xin sighed and finally stabilized For the overall situation, he simply accepted the envoys of the Mughal Empire, because he knew that the emperor had no intention of taking the entire Mughal Empire as his own, as long as the country cede land for compensation, and then the remaining land would be dumped as a product of the Dahua Empire The land will do.

If it weren't for the endless wars, the Mughals had suffered countless deaths and injuries, and such a huge market would definitely exceed the entire Southeast Asia. Of course, the premise is to wipe out the Great Zhou and the resistance forces and control the entire Indian peninsula.

If the Mughal emperor is willing to cooperate, some unnecessary troubles can be reduced, and it is still very easy to control the puppet regime. Of course, these are all instructions from the emperor.

An hour later, the special envoy came over in a daze: "General, a large-scale mutiny broke out in the city. The emperor and all important ministers were killed, and most of the millions of people were also killed. More than [-] regular troops died ten times." Yu Wan, but I heard that he can survive, so he has put down his weapon and can leave the city at any time."

Jiang Xin was very angry. The Mughal emperor died in a mutiny. What a fool, his eyes lit up suddenly, he laughed and said, "It's okay, you will be the Mughal emperor from now on."

"Me!" The special envoy collapsed on the ground in fright.

I thought that the general wanted to take him into surgery, but I heard Jiang Xin say seriously: "From now on, you will be the emperor of the Mughal Empire, are you willing?"

"Here!" The special envoy was about to be humble, but seeing Jiang Xin's expression changed, he quickly knelt on the ground and respectfully said, "I am willing to serve the general."

"You bastard, you're looking for death." Jiang Xin was shocked and shouted sharply. The surrounding guards all drew their waist knives and stared at the special envoy.

The special envoy showed innocent eyes, and immediately stayed on the spot. Jiang Xin waved his hand angrily, and the guards put away their knives.

"Remember, you are serving the Dahua Empire, and you are serving the emperor of the Dahua Empire. If you dare to speak nonsense, you will be dragged out to feed the dogs immediately."

Although the emperor was magnanimous and lenient to the old ministers in the past, if he didn't know how to be flattered and could not be cultivated, he would have to withdraw from the stage of history prematurely. Jiang Xin understood the truth that disasters come from his mouth. Don't think it's a trivial matter. It may turn into a major event, even if the emperor is not suspicious, there will be impeachment by the officials and censors, and it always feels uncomfortable to be framed.

Besides, he commanded hundreds of thousands of iron cavalry, so he should have paid attention to some details. The emperor valued loyalty most, and ability second.

The special envoy kowtowed several times, cursing himself that he shouldn't be talking nonsense, if the Emperor Dahua knew about it, at least it would be a crime against the nine clans, so he hurriedly expressed his loyalty to the Emperor Dahua.

Jiang Xin glared at him for a while, then snorted and said: "Immediately count the treasury, and spread the message to the governors and feudal lords of the four directions. Those who follow will prosper, and those who rebel will perish. They must arrive in Delhi within three months to discuss major issues. Those who do not come They are all connected to the nine clans."

In fact, there are not many governors in the Mughal Empire now. Originally, the Mughal Empire had 22 provinces. Jiang Xin occupied seven provinces. Jiang Wuji took two provinces from Da Zhou. Five, the imperial navy occupied Mumbai, the big stronghold of the United Kingdom. After the United Kingdom lost power, apart from some of the feudal lords who took refuge in the United Kingdom, some of them became independent, and some of them took refuge in the Dahua Empire. In this way, the navy also gained a province, mainly due to insufficient naval forces, otherwise Nor will it be so.

From this point of view, there are still 7 provinces that are in an independent state. Jiang knows what he is confident about. He first gave a memorial to the emperor, and then contacted Jiang Wuji, asking him to wait for a while.

After that, he gathered 15 Lancers, 50 Mongolian Cavalry and [-] slave troops to oppress Dazhou.

Among them, part of the imperial cavalry was responsible for supervising the siege of the slave army, and half of them harassed the hinterland of Da Zhou.

On June 17th of the Huaxing Year, [-] Guanning cavalry fought against [-] imperial cavalry. Within an hour, most of the Guanning cavalry suffered casualties, while the imperial cavalry won a big victory because of [-] Lancers, but they also suffered more than [-] casualties. , So far, the pace of expansion of the Great Zhou has been stopped, and the situation has changed drastically.

However, Jiang Xin encountered troubles. The inner treasury of the Mughal imperial family's gold and silver treasures was empty, and all the members of the royal family were missing. He became vigilant, sealed off the city with all his strength, and asked the Indians to remove the original palace with all their strength. Fortunately, the current emperor is a sensible person, and he fully cooperates with the decision of the Dahua Empire.

On July 21st of the Huaxing Year, the weather was sunny, and the seven remaining Mughal governors and hundreds of feudal lords all came to form an alliance with the empire under the city of Delhi, and finally signed the "Empire Contract", a total of five articles.

First, the land north of the Yalmada River was all owned by the Dahua Empire. As the military compensation of the Dahua Empire, it was renamed the Special Administrative Region of India. The officials in the administrative region were all Han Chinese. The original natives were mainly farming, and the empire controlled everything. The original aborigines only have the right to cultivate and pay taxes, and have no ownership of the land, and the aborigines in the administrative area do not have imperial nationality, only inferior nationality.

Second, all the seaport cities in the Indian peninsula are owned by the Dahua Empire.

Third, the existing seven provinces practice self-government and maintain the current status. The existing governors and feudal lords implement the hereditary system, but they are not allowed to occupy them at will, and one-third of the income in the territory must be handed over to the imperial treasury.

Fourth, as long as the goods of the Great China Empire have paid the imperial tax, they can circulate in the Indian peninsula without hindrance, and no one is allowed to increase the tax.

Fifth, those in power in the existing seven provinces are not allowed to be enemies of the Great China Empire. They exist as a vassal state of the Great China Empire. There is a quota of soldiers under their command, and they have the obligation to fight for the empire. The mineral empire within its territory has priority mining rights.

In this way, the entire Mughal Empire was divided into two parts, a large part owned by the empire, and a small part owned by hundreds of princes.

These governors and feudal lords are very satisfied. They have preserved their property and lives, and they can inherit the existing territory. Status, they can only move closer to the empire.

However, Da Zhou still occupies the territory of nearly four provinces, and in the special administrative region of the empire, this is a big problem at present.

When the agreement was reached, Jiang Xin led another [-] Lancers to the front line. Only by defeating Da Zhou in a very short period of time can Xiao Xiao be deterred.

As for the special envoy who did not become the emperor, but became the head of the special administrative region of India, he was nothing more than a puppet.

Afterwards, in order to preserve the blood of the Han people, Jiang Tao strictly forbids people with imperial nationality from intermarrying with other races. Otherwise, not only will the imperial nationality be deprived, but the consequences will be very tragic.

(End of this chapter)

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