The Great Bandit in Kangxi Year

Chapter 284 Eight-Nation Alliance

Chapter 284 Eighteen Nations Alliance

Kangxi's heart moved, and he felt that since this time it was a misunderstanding, it was possible to explain it, and through mutual understanding, a stronger alliance could be formed in advance.

Thinking of this, Kangxi ordered the generals under his command to deploy defenses and mobilize the troops in the rear. This was to prevent the failure of the negotiations. In an all-out war, he would not be caught off guard. If he wanted to fight, he would go all out to fight. The land they own stretches for thousands of kilometers. As long as the countermeasures of clearing the walls and fields are implemented, and the front line is extended, the British and French countries will definitely lose sight of one another.

He also appointed Mingzhu as the special envoy, and Wei Gefu, a Russian who knows many Western languages, as the deputy envoy, responsible for translation.

When Mingzhu arrived at the camp of the multinational coalition forces, the commanders of the British and French countries stared at each other and reprimanded them loudly.

Hearing Wei Jiefu's timely translation and seeing that everyone had said enough, Mingzhu cleared her throat and said calmly: "Commanders, my Qing Dynasty did not come to negotiate because of fear of other countries. My Qing Dynasty has already assembled 40 people. Thousands of iron cavalry, 20 musketeers and hundreds of thousands of armored guards, it's a war, it's a talk, and my Qing Dynasty will accompany me to the end. Besides, the Dahua Empire is also my mortal enemy of the Qing Dynasty. I heard that the Dahua Empire is against other countries. , and its strength is growing day by day, the Holy Father of the Qing Dynasty did not want to make a joke of the Dahua Empire, so he took the initiative to negotiate. Now, my Qing Dynasty has no intention of entering Europe, but just to accumulate strength to counterattack the Dahua Empire. If the countries are willing to let it go, Mutual non-aggression, the Qing Dynasty is willing to return to the front line of Moscow, and the rest of the territory will be returned to other countries. If the Qing Dynasty can win the Central Plains again in the future, the Qing Dynasty will return all the territories of Russia."

This is actually Kangxi's will. Now that all countries are intervening in the Russian dispute, if the Qing Dynasty does not compromise, it will only cause continuous wars. Although the Qing Dynasty is sure to protect Russia's territory, it will not develop and grow in this way. It's time.

As for the return of Russia, Kangxi had his own plans. If he could win the Central Plains again, how could he care about the sparsely populated Russia? Of course, this was just Kangxi's intention.

Hearing Mingzhu's neither humble nor overbearing reply, the commanders of all the countries changed their expressions. After more than a month of fierce fighting, the combat effectiveness of the Qing army was very extraordinary. It would not be possible to defeat the opponent without several years of deadly battles. After all, Russia's territory is too large, and the Qing Dynasty There are millions of soldiers and horses, and it is not their original intention to fight for the Romanov dynasty. They just want to suppress the power of Dahua.

Now that the Qing Dynasty and Dahua are mortal enemies, and now the Qing Dynasty is still bordering Dahua, what a perfect touchstone this is. The commanders of the Seven Nations Alliance looked at each other, and their expressions became ambiguous. Among them, the French envoy smiled and said: " Come here, give the special envoy of the Qing Empire a seat."

Mingzhu smiled confidently, and sat down generously, looking confident, because he knew that the success of this peace talks depended on the strength of the Qing Dynasty and the intentions of other countries. It's better to hang on.

Immediately, the western powers began to discuss everything, while Wei Jiefu stood aside and translated in a low voice.

Russian Tsar Peter Jr. screamed that it was not good, stood up suddenly, and interrupted righteously: "Dear commanders, the Qing Dynasty is a barbaric nation. They committed all kinds of crimes, burning, killing, and looting. What credit can they have? Besides, if The peace talks between the nations and the Qing Dynasty will not make other powerful countries laugh at it?"

The commanders of the various countries all of a sudden turned grim. For them, little Peter, who had no strength, was just an object of charity. A weak person has no right to criticize a powerful country.

The French commander snorted, then said to Mingzhu with a light smile: "The special envoy has to wait for a while, this matter is of great importance, and the emperors of other countries need to be informed, and the special envoy should also be asked to go back and report back to the Qing emperor. From now on, the war will be temporarily ceased, and neither side will be allowed to fight." provocative."

"Yes!" Mingzhu glanced at Little Peter lightly, nodded slightly, and strode away.

A few months later, the Alliance of Seven and the Qing officially negotiated the Russian dispute.

After more than ten days of discussions, the Qing Dynasty and other countries reached a memorandum of understanding.

The memorandum states as follows:
First, the Qing Dynasty retreated to Moscow, and the east of Moscow was the Qing's sphere of influence. If the Qing Dynasty occupied Dahua's territory, it had to give up all of Russia's territory. He was downgraded to the Grand Duke of Moscow and became the nominal head of the Principality of Moscow. Moscow is an open city with a radius of [-] miles and is jointly managed by all countries.

Second, countries such as Britain and France can garrison troops in the Principality of Moscow. If there are conflicts between the garrisons of the Qing Dynasty and Britain and France, they must restrain each other and conduct further negotiations.

The British countries are not only guarding against Peter, but also guarding against the Qing Dynasty. After all, there is a buffer zone of more than a thousand miles. Even if the Qing Dynasty plays tricks, the countries can react.

Third, the Qing Dynasty joined the anti-China military alliance. Countries complement each other in terms of military and technology, and strive to suppress the Great China Empire in terms of weapons.

In this way, the Qing Dynasty had time to accumulate strength, and Kangxi was very satisfied.

Britain, France and other countries are also happy to find an enemy who understands the Dahua Empire. Judging from the situation disclosed by the Qing Dynasty, the army of the Dahua Empire has a large number of large-caliber cannons, and they are all fired in groups, and the range of the muskets reaches 200 meters. The above is far beyond the reach of other countries.

For this reason, various countries have jointly established a military research center, striving to design firearms that can be manufactured in large quantities and can restrain the Great China Empire.

In view of the uniqueness of the firearms of the Ottoman Empire, the minds of the Eight-Nation Alliance became active. They believed that if they could unite all the powerful countries, they would definitely be able to defeat the Great China Empire.

The domination of the Indian Ocean by the Great China Empire is tantamount to blocking the Pacific Ocean and Oceania, which not only threatens Africa, the Atlantic Ocean, and the Americas, but also greatly hinders the maritime trade of various countries, causing countless losses.

And many of their strongholds in Africa have been destroyed.

The countries are almost going crazy, they wish to get rid of the Dahua Empire, but without absolute strength, they dare not act rashly again, after all, the price last time was too high.

In the end, the countries singled out two powerful countries, the Persian Empire and the Ottoman Empire.

Among them, the Persian Empire borders the Indian Special Administrative Region of the Great China Empire, and it will happen to be able to directly attack the Great China Empire at that time.

The Persian Empire has been almost overwhelmed by the Great China Empire recently, and it readily agreed to the invitation of the Eight-Nation Alliance, which immediately became the Nine-Nation Alliance.

But the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire declined, because the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire felt that both the Great China Empire and the Nine-Nation Alliance were too powerful, so powerful that it was suffocating, but as long as the two sides fought and both sides suffered, then the Ottoman Empire would be a fisherman. It's time to profit.

How can the current Nine Nations Alliance not know Ottoman's plan, but the Ottoman Empire is not a small country, and they are not sure to defeat this uncooperative power in a very short period of time. It is not worthwhile to fight with such a country. In the end, the Nine Nations The alliance can only intimidate for a while, let it go.

The sultan of the Ottoman Empire surprisingly didn't say much, but vigorously rectified some civil strife in the country.

In the end, European powers such as Germany, Poland, and the Austro-Hungarian Empire joined the anti-China alliance one after another, and as many as [-] countries formed alliances.In fact, many of these countries did not mean to fight against the Great China Empire by joining the anti-China alliance. It is just that there is such a huge alliance around them. If they do not join, they are afraid of being besieged.

Half a year later, in October of the fifth year of Huaxing, news of the anti-China alliance spread intermittently to the Forbidden City of the Great Hua Empire.

Jiang Tao was shocked when he learned of this. Could it be that because of his arrival, he wanted to trigger the First World War in advance?
(End of this chapter)

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