Chapter 286
The storm was about to come, Jiang Tao didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly summoned all the officials.

"Everyone, take a look. There are almost no weak countries in the Eighteen-Nation Alliance. The heart of destroying our empire is not dead. I want to besiege the Dahua Empire from multiple directions. Can the ministers have a perfect plan?"

The secret guard is the intelligence organization of the empire, which is directly controlled by the emperor. When the ministers heard the emperor's narration, they quickly scanned the intelligence that the secret guard had just collected, and all of them immediately became serious.

Jiang Tao tried his best to keep his face unchanged, but his heart was like a turbulent sea. With so many powerful countries targeting the Dahua Empire, he did not have the confidence to win, and besides North Korea, other countries of the Dahua Empire dared not speak out. He has a deep prejudice against the empire. If the [-]-nation alliance besieges the Dahua Empire in many ways, he is really not sure that Laos and other countries will not take the opportunity to rebel.

If you use strong means, you must always maintain a strong national power. Once the power is weak, the newly established colonial system of the Great China Empire may collapse in an instant.

The imperial study room was silent for a long time, and no one answered. Jiang Tao did not urge him, but closed his eyes and thought hard, because the more dangerous the time, the more important it is to keep calm.

"The Eighteen-Nation Alliance seems to be powerful, but only the Qing Dynasty and the Persian Empire border Dahua, and these two countries are far away from the Dahua Empire. If the other party uses their troops to deal with the empire, the logistics will drag them to death. There is no land. There is nothing to be afraid of, the opponent has many maritime powers, and they are very likely to gather the entire European navy to attack the Indian Ocean or the Pacific Ocean. The ultimate goal is to disintegrate the empire's navy, threaten the empire's coast, and even directly attack the empire's capital. most dangerous."

"Because Britain, France and other countries captured an empire's Sea Lion-class cruiser a few days ago, with their technological level, they will be able to imitate a stronger ironclad ship. By then, the empire's navy will not have an absolute advantage. It may be In a bloody battle of equal strength, I wonder how much time the Eighteen-Nation Alliance will give the empire to develop? If the steam engine technology is mature, why fear these praying mantises blocking the car?"

"However, the Eighteen Nations Alliance does not have much advantage in terms of total population. The empire alone has a population of more than 8000 million, and it belongs to a complete whole. How can it be so easy to lose?"

After Jiang Tao figured it out, he felt relieved and burst out laughing.

All the ministers woke up from the shock, all of them were puzzled, thinking, why can the emperor laugh at this time?

After all, the Eighteen-Nation Alliance has had a great impact on them. Which one is the easy bone to chew, the Qing Dynasty or the Persian Empire?As for the European countries, which are thousands of miles away from the empire, it is difficult to kill the source.

Jiang Tao and the others calmed down and said calmly: "You don't have to worry. The Eighteen-Nation Alliance seems powerful, but in my mind it is like a dog. The empire only needs to cultivate politics internally, train elite soldiers, and control the subordinate countries externally. , follow a word of keeping and you can remain undefeated."

The expressions of Huang Zongxi, Wang Fuzhi and others all eased. If they follow this policy, no matter how many opponents they have, they may not be able to defeat the empire. At this time, the dependent countries and colonies have not been infiltrated by the Eighteen-Nation Alliance, and the empire can fully integrate all available forces.

But Wei Donglai was secretly ashamed. Although he was a minister at the back of the cabinet, he always claimed to be the emperor's think tank. He didn't expect to lose his position this time. When the emperor reminded him, his heart moved, and he praised loudly: "The emperor is a wise man!" , The emperor uses the golden road, the humble minister is not talented, but he has some tricks."

"Great kindness, come quickly." Jiang Tao figured out the key point, and he returned to his normal state of confidence. He has always attached great importance to Wei Donglai, all because Gu Yanwu, Huang Zongxi and others are old, and only Wei Donglai has just passed the age of no doubt. , can be the chief assistant of the empire in the future.

Now the Dahua Empire has no shortage of military generals, but it lacks top-level intellectuals and political talents. The key is that there are too few loyal and talented people. Jiang Tao has to cultivate more. For future plans, he thought of this, and his heart suddenly surged. Choose a few candidates.

Wei Donglai stood up and saluted, and said with high spirits: "Your Majesty, I have three strategies that can greatly weaken the strength of the Eighteen Nations Alliance. The first is to harass, organize Mongolian cavalry to harass the border of the Qing Dynasty, organize the Mughal Special Administrative Region and the cloth Hara, Turkmen, etc. harassed the Persian Empire, killed one of the two countries, and got ten silver dollars, so that the two countries close to our Great China Empire could not fully develop."

There are seats for all the cabinet ministers in the Imperial Study Room, and Jiang Tao has abolished kneeling and worshiping a long time ago, but all the ministers will still stand up in order to show respect. After being signaled by Jiang Tao, Wei Donglai sat down slowly, and continued:
"Second blow, the navies of the European powers must be updating. Our Dahua Empire Navy is taking advantage of this opportunity to invade countries at any cost, bombing the shipyards of various countries, so that countries cannot fully develop ironclad ships."

"The third break is to buy and infiltrate saboteurs to enter the countries of the Eighteen-Nation Alliance to carry out large-scale sabotage operations, and to intensify the contradictions among the countries as much as possible, so that they cannot be united."

Cheng Zhang and other cabinet ministers nodded approvingly and applauded repeatedly. Now that the imperial treasury is not short of money, it would be great to use money to defeat all countries.

Jiang Tao frowned, and sighed: "Will this cause an all-out war between the Empire and the Eighteen-Nation Alliance to break out in advance?"

Jiang Tao's original intention was to concentrate on the development of the empire for more than ten years. When the empire became stronger and stronger, it would defeat the Eighteen-Nation Alliance in one fell swoop.

Wei Donglai nodded in agreement, but said earnestly: "Your Majesty, that's exactly what is going to happen. The empire is not prepared, and the Eighteen Nations Alliance was established not long ago. If time goes by, the other party will have time and potential for development. They will Constantly shortening the gap with the empire in terms of weapons, and at this time the empire is attacking from three directions, seemingly ineffective, but these three directions are the direction of the eighteen-nation alliance marching into the empire. These are actually three key points , Affected by this, the eighteen-nation alliance will definitely lack staying power and strength when attacking the empire in the future.

Seeing that everyone was convinced, Wei Donglai concluded: "Fighting late is worse than fighting early, but when it starts, the emperor's defensive theory is used to win. In fact, the key is to kill the Allied Forces of the Eighteen Nations while defending."

"Okay, what you said is very true." Jiang Tao was completely relieved, and said with a smile on his face: "These three strategies are all good strategies, and the cabinet must implement them. The Navy now has 110 clipper frigates, and all of them will be sent out. 100 Sea Lion-class cruisers, flying scissor warships are fast, attack first, Sea Lion-class cruisers escort [-] thousand-ton supply ships, um, first capture the Cape of Good Hope in Africa, the navy will take Shi Lang and Jiang Wushang as the Yes, we must let Britain, France, the Netherlands and other naval powers give up."

Seeing that no one objected, Jiang Tao said sternly: "As of today, the empire has begun to carry out preliminary mobilization, and the reloading of the rotary rifle must be completed within five years. Among them, 120 Royal Army Divisions and five Royal Special Warfare Divisions will be formed. , Thirty royal cavalry divisions, 40 Mongolian cavalry remain unchanged, some herdsmen can be recruited at critical moments to increase the number of Mongolian cavalry, and there are another 40 garrison divisions, [-] police forces, the empire will no longer have the establishment of sharpshooters , As for the navy, ten Royal Marine divisions will be retained, and one hundred clipper frigates will continue to be built, while the Seawolf-class cruiser and Zheng's cruiser will all be decommissioned and turned into training ships, do you have any objections?"

Everyone gasped. The standing army of more than 200 million is more than the population of many countries. Wei Donglai asked, "How do we arrange the existing [-] tiger and leopard cavalry?"

Jiang Tao had already made up his mind, and said without hesitation: "The 27 Tiger and Leopard Cavalry will be reduced to [-], and they will belong to the Royal Cavalry Regiment. The other [-] Royal Cavalry divisions are all Lancers."

When everyone asked about some details, Jiang Tao made a decision one by one.

In the end, in order to enhance the combat effectiveness of the armies of the various countries, Jiang Tao first agreed to sell [-] Mieru Guns to North Korea and train them strictly. However, the main officers are all imperial soldiers, and the grassroots officers are all Koreans who have a heart for the Great China Empire.

Moreover, the empire began to increase its interference in the affairs of the dependent countries and colonies. In order to control all the military and financial power of the countries, Jiang Tao threatened and lured the leaders of the countries, and he did everything he could.

When the empire was fully preparing for war, a major incident happened, which aroused Jiang Tao's vigilance. For this reason, he killed more than ten generals above the rank of lieutenant in a row.

PS: I rushed to a chapter today. I have been looking for a job in the past few days. It is so hot that I am in a state of exhaustion. When the work stabilizes, the update will be stable. Please forgive me.

(End of this chapter)

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