The Great Bandit in Kangxi Year

Chapter 293 The Finale

Chapter 293 The Finale
In the summer of the seventh year of Huaxing, the Ottoman Empire retreated steadily, losing hundreds of thousands of soldiers and thousands of miles of land, but finally gained a firm foothold, and the two sides entered a stalemate.

The Ottoman Sultan was furious and mobilized millions of soldiers to launch a counterattack, but the effect was not great. At this time, the special envoy of the empire also arrived in Istanbul. Regarding the matter, he was not friendly to the imperial envoy, and even asked the empire to give him more help.

The envoy was disgusted and started returning to the empire within a few days.

The Qing Dynasty and the Persian Empire are the two major woes of the empire. At this time, the Persian Empire has already survived, and it is only a matter of time. However, the Qing Dynasty, which Jiang Tao has always attached importance to, is constantly developing and growing. At this time, all parties were restrained, and the Qing Dynasty also recruited heavy troops to attack the Ottoman Empire. Taking advantage of this opportunity, why not attack the Qing Dynasty and capture Kangxi in Moscow?

Jiang Tao was stunned. Now that the empire has not used all its strength to attack the Persian Empire, and the navies of European countries have been abolished in a short time. With the background of the Great Hua Empire, it can completely defeat the Qing Dynasty.

As long as the Empire defeats the Qing Dynasty and the Persian Empire, the Eighteen-Nation Alliance will not be able to fight the Empire within 20 years. Moreover, these two countries are powerful countries with vast territories and large populations. If they are given time to develop, the pressure on the Empire will increase. Increase, only when they do not become a climate, the empire has the ability to easily knock them down.

In fact, Jiang Tao knew that if the Dahua Empire continued to fight like this, it would sooner or later be overthrown, not by other powerful countries, but by the people of his own country. However, if he wanted to end the war, he could only end the war with war. Make up your mind and issue three combat missions in one go:
First, the remaining fifteen Lancers and twenty Mongolian Iron Horsemen under Commander Jiang Shi secretly entered Persia, and joined Jiang Xin's ten Lancers and ten Mongolian Iron Horsemen, and went directly to Moscow. Capture and kill Kangxi without returning to the army, and recruit [-] elite shepherds to send food, grass and ammunition.

Second, raise another 30 Korean Musketeers, [-] Korean Swordsman and [-] Japanese soldiers, and send them to the Persian Empire by sea. With Wang Dashan as the main general, the war in the Persian Empire will end as soon as possible. The division was the main force, and ordered the Indian Special Administrative Region to send another [-] troops into Persia, all under the command of Wang Dashan.

Third, speed up the construction of treasure ships and improve the empire's maritime transportation capabilities.

In fact, the empire has already built four small treasure ships of the 2000-ton class, one of which can only carry 8 troops at a time, and another four treasure ships of the [-]-ton class are under construction. In fact, the empire still has more than [-] troop carriers , are all about [-] tons to [-] tons. The empire can only transport about [-] people at a time. Of course, this is far from enough. The speed of the ships directly limits the progress of the war.

If the transportation capacity can keep up, the empire can recruit a large number of cheap cannon fodder to participate in the war, and the war cost of the empire will be reduced by more than half.

In fact, Jiang Tao knows well that it is not so easy to destroy the Qing Dynasty at this time, because the Qing Dynasty has a vast land, and it can run around if it cannot be defeated. The Mieqing musket imitated by the Alliance was very powerful in the Persian battlefield, and the imperial servants suffered heavy casualties. If they were allowed to have a large number of Mieqing muskets, the injured might be soldiers and civilians of the empire.

Jiang Tao had no choice but to use cavalry to deal with the Qing Dynasty. The main reason was that the empire was too far away from Moscow. If he used infantry, he would be exhausted.


Jiang Shi received the imperial decree and entered Persia with 25 cavalry and [-] herdsmen without any haste. Qing, instead seized the opportunity to wipe out the [-] Cossack cavalry who had been making trouble.

After several months of rest and movement, it was not until March of the following year that the empire's 45 elite and elite herdsmen suddenly broke into Russia. At this time, the recharged imperial cavalry showed the speed of riding three horses at once, except for supplies in the countryside. They didn't stop along the way and went straight to Moscow. The Qing soldiers who dared to chase and encircle and suppress all stepped into the footsteps of history. When Kangxi learned that the imperial lion had crossed the Volga River.

Kangxi was furious. He didn't expect that the Dahua Empire would dare to attack the Qing Dynasty at the same time. He simply didn't take the Qing Dynasty seriously. At this time, he had already trained 30 elite musketeers, plus [-] Manchu Eight Banners, and others With hundreds of thousands of elites, he didn't believe that he couldn't defeat the opponent. Kangxi just shook his head and sneered at the rumor that Dahua claimed to be a million cavalry.

"Do you want to recall the [-] cavalry in the Ottoman Empire?"

"Forget it, far water can't quench near thirst, besides, there's no need for that at all."

Kangxi wants to prove to the whole world that the Dahua Empire is playing cavalry in front of the Qing Dynasty, but he still symbolically informed the Eighteen Nations Alliance, but he is not optimistic that they can come to help the Qing Dynasty, because the Ottoman war situation has arrived At the critical moment, all countries could not assist the empire in time, and a small number of soldiers and horses did not work at all.

At this moment, Kangxi has recovered his composure, and he has made a decision to wipe out the Dahua bandit army under the city of Xiaoshengjing.

A series of imperial edicts were issued, and a large number of soldiers and horses began to gather in Xiaoshengjing (Moscow). By the time Jiang Xin and Jiang Shi's soldiers approached the city, Kangxi had gathered 35 cavalry, 20 musketeers, and 30 swordsmen, a total of 85 soldiers and horses. There are [-] large and small artillery pieces.

Kangxi set up camp directly under the city of Moscow, and the Dahua bandit army came half a month later than he expected, but he knew the other party's deep intentions, but no matter what, the other party had only a dead end.

On the same day, Kangxi issued a letter of challenge to Jiang Xin and Jiang Shi.

Jiang Xin categorically refused, just confronted, and dispatched 20 Mongolian cavalry, five lancers, and [-] armed herdsmen to the surrounding area to completely destroy the surrounding areas of Moscow, with Jiang Shi as the main general.

Green smoke billowed, and screams rang out endlessly.

Kangxi remained calm, but he was anxious. The surrounding area of ​​Moscow was the center of the Qing Dynasty. It was densely populated with merchants, and iron smelters were also located nearby. This was the foundation of the Qing Dynasty.

He is not afraid of a protracted war, but he can't just watch his foundation being destroyed. Kangxi suddenly became vigilant. The opponent does not take the initiative to attack because he is afraid of his own artillery, but the opponent only has 20 horses left. Isn't he afraid of one bite from his own side? swallowed it?

Kangxi picked up the binoculars to observe carefully, and saw that these cavalrymen were wearing cloth armor and holding muskets. Ah, are they all holding six-shot muskets?
No wonder there was no fear, Kangxi felt a sudden chill in his heart. In this way, the Eight Banners of the Manchu and Qing Dynasties are definitely not opponents, but if he persists in this way, he will still be the one who loses. You must know that the opponent can continuously plunder places to obtain supplies. With 80 soldiers and horses plus millions of people in Moscow, based on the grain and grass stored in Moscow, they can last for up to three months.

Kangxi's face was livid and he was speechless for a long time. He didn't expect that before the fight, Daqing would be absolutely at a disadvantage.

Should he stick to Little Shengjing with the Eight Banners of the Manchu and Qing Dynasties, or die like a hero?
The first thing is to abandon all the civilians and the Russian army. The food saved should be able to last for more than one year, but what should the other party be surrounded by for more than a year?

Even if the opponent has this ability, even if the opponent will withdraw troops, can the Qing Dynasty still rule such a vast land after losing popular support?
Kangxi suddenly felt a little worried about gains and losses, should he fight or not?

Kangxi thought about it all night, and finally launched a general attack the next day.

Among them, 35 cavalry were divided into two wings, and 20 musketeers were in the middle. The rifles advanced together, and they slowly approached the Royal Cavalry Regiment led by Jiang Xin.

Jiang Xin nodded secretly, and directly led his Lancers and Daqing around, but did not fight them, because the hundreds of thousands of cavalry led by Jiang Shi had surrounded Moscow strategically, and he only needed to contain the opponent. But as long as the opponent shows a flaw, he doesn't mind biting it.

For more than ten days in a row, Kangxi had been far away from Moscow for more than 300 miles, but he still failed to escape the strategic circle of the Dahua Empire. All the messengers he sent were robbed and killed. The Qing Dynasty had no field soldiers capable of fighting the Mongolian iron cavalry, because the elite were all in the hands of Kangxi, and a large number of Russians also took advantage of this to rebel, and they would not come to aid Kangxi at all.

During this period, Kangxi sent [-] Cossack cavalry to pursue the opponent, but in an instant, the fierce and barbaric Cossack cavalry was smashed to pieces.

The 20 enemy cavalry pressed on Kangxi's back like a mountain, making him unable to breathe.

Kangxi couldn't help feeling sad for a while, he was in his thirties with gray hair, now he has a strong army in his hand, but he has nowhere to use it, so what can he do?It's sad and sad, the sky is dead, the bandit army has no way, Xuan Ye refuses to accept it!

Three days later, suddenly there was thunder and lightning, and the torrential rain like broad beans hit the ground fiercely, splashing a layer of floating ash, and in an instant it turned into water and sky.

"Haha, God has eyes, the whole army is attacking!"

Kangxi wept with joy. When it rained, the opponent's muskets would lose their effect. Of course, this was just his personal idea. More than [-] Manchurian cavalry trampled on the muddy ground, waving waist knives and war bows, flocking to the place like wolves. Imperial Lancer.

Jiang Xin sneered, and the 20 Lancers immediately dispersed, and within a quarter of an hour they surrounded the battle-thick Manchurian cavalry.

clap clap clap...

The crisp gunshots brought up boundless drops of water, which lasted for a quarter of an hour.

The rain did affect the empire's wheeled cavalry. After the 20 cavalrymen had finished firing their bullets, there were still more than [-] Manchurian cavalry still alive, but they were only physically alive and mentally crushed.

Jiang Xin confidently drew out his saber, and when Jiang Shi heard the news and arrived, the Kangxi army completely lost their fighting spirit and fled in a panic, but how could the infantry escape the cavalry!
"Impossible!" Kangxi roared with all his strength, spat out a mouthful of bright red blood, and immediately fell to the horse.


Tu Hai helped Kangxi up in a panic, and without hesitation he asked his son to put on Kangxi's cloak, but he and Kangxi changed into ordinary soldier's clothes and mixed into the Han army.

"Live to see people, die to see corpses!"

The next day, Jiang Shi shouted coldly, and all the generals in the big tent lowered their heads and did not dare to breathe out.

Jiang Xin stomped a few steps in the big tent before muttering to himself: "I've checked everything, by the way, will Kangxi hide among the surrendering Han army?"

"Check, if Kangxi cannot be found out, then the 13 surrendered Han troops will all be in bad luck!"

This time, Kangxi was indeed found. At this time, he was very calm and indifferent, as if he was not the emperor, let alone the proud son of heaven, but an outsider who didn't care about world affairs, facing the powerful gun calmly. The cavalry general walked into the big tent in a hurry.

"If you invite Emperor Dahua, just say that I am convinced of defeat, and I only say one thing, the Manchu family, the world is one!"

Just after the powerful words were finished, Jiang Xin seemed to hear another sentence: "In fact, there are not many living Manchus."

At this moment, Kangxi quickly snatched a general's saber, killed himself, and said sadly before dying: "Life is more precious than gold, and ambition is higher than the sky, but the time is not good for me, so what!"

When Jiang Tao received the good news from Jiang Xin and others, he also sighed endlessly. Kangxi, who was once powerful in Kyushu, committed suicide in such a tragic way. It was fate. In fact, he really wanted to say in his heart: "Brother Kangxi, you forced this. People in the rivers and lakes can't help themselves."

"Honorful burial, as long as the Manchus are not provocative, they will be pardoned."

Although the emperor issued an imperial decree, but after the fact, some people counted that there is not one pure Manchu.

With the surrender of a large number of Han people, the empire established the Russian Special Administrative Region on the territory of the Qing Dynasty. So far, the huge Russia has become the territory directly under the empire. However, it was not until decades later that the empire built the Jingmo railway that Russia truly became an empire. back garden.

In the autumn of the eighth year of Huaxing, the Persian Empire was destroyed, and the original population was less than one, and it became a territory directly under the Empire.

At this time, countries such as Britain and France defeated the strong Ottoman Empire, and it was too late when they gathered heavy troops to seize Russia.

The million coalition troops that entered the Russian special administrative region were wiped out in less than three months.

In the ninth year of Huaxing, Britain, France and other countries took the initiative to propose peace. Jiang Tao also knew that the empire could no longer fight, but he still delayed for a while before agreeing.

So far, the European Union and the Axis of Great China have ceased the war, and the world is peaceful, and everyone celebrates.

However, Jiang Tao knew the truth of being prepared for danger in times of peace, and did not disarm on a large scale. Afterwards, he devoted himself to developing industry and commerce, consolidating the colonies and special administrative regions, and the national strength of the empire grew day by day.

40 years later, the empire occupied the entire North America. Jiang Tao smiled gratifiedly, but he was so tired that he couldn't tell. His wrinkled eyelids slowly closed, but when he heard the surrounding princes, princesses, and grandchildren crying loudly, he suddenly He raised his body and shouted loudly: "I'm ascending to heaven, I'm crying for the ball."

After speaking, he suddenly fell down.

All the princes and princesses were stunned, why did the father become so rude?
The old emperor, who had accumulated power for decades, roared, and the audience immediately fell silent.

But Jiang Tao thought strangely at the last moment of losing consciousness: "I, a little person, can achieve such an achievement. I have no regrets in death, but I don't know what the next journey will be like?"

(End of this chapter)

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