darkest personality

Chapter 130 132. The correct way to trigger the plot

Chapter 130 132. The correct way to trigger the plot

"It takes up to 20 minutes to lift a seal. What I have to do is to buy Bai Ye this time, but it seems difficult to do."

After brainstorming Bai Ye's intentions, Ding Ri began to seriously think about this plan.

"Young Master Yueyin and the others only lasted less than 2 minutes in the hands of the female ghost. I don't even have a personality. If I go out, I may die."

A little hesitation arose in his heart, and he scratched his hair a few times in a tangled state.

"No, I can't think that way... Even if I don't have a chance, I should try it."

He gritted his teeth, stopped his annoyed actions, raised his head slightly, and his eyes seemed to shine brightly in the darkness.

"Bai Ye is the third strongest player in the rankings. If he dies in this game, he will fall off the rankings."

"To be able to climb to such a high position, he must have put in more effort than others. In contrast, for a little person like me who has no ranking, it is not worth mentioning to die once."

Ding Ri's expression darkened a bit, he thought of his current embarrassing situation in the studio, the boss's scolding and colleagues' ridicule all made him disheartened about his career prospects.

"Perhaps... I am not suitable for the career of a studio player at all, and I am not suitable for this game at all. I should resign and find a simple job as a clerk..."

As if he had made some kind of decision, Ding Ri suddenly smiled, very relieved.

"Then, before saying goodbye to this game, why don't I help this player who may become the number one player in China in the future?"

After switching to an active stance, he took a deep breath, rushed out from under the stairs where he was hiding, raised his head and chest, stretched out an index finger to the female ghost and hooked it.

"Come here!"


aquatic home.

A fishing net was drying at the door, and two salted fish were drying under the window sill. The furnishings in the house were simple and filled with a fishy smell.

Shui Sheng was still pacing back and forth in the house, holding a small wooden box in his hand, as if waiting for someone to arrive.

"Ten minutes have passed, and nothing happened. Is the guess about the progress of the jumping task wrong?"

Open the team interface and glance at it, and found that Ding Ri's health remained at 78%, and the bleeding state still existed.

"I remember when I saw him before, his HP was less than 60%... He should have used a healing kit."

The teammates did not act for a long time, and the seal on the altar was not lifted, which showed that Ding Ri had been hiding somewhere in the scene and did not dare to act rashly.

da da... da da...

At this time, there was the sound of chaotic footsteps outside, and someone was running towards this side, panting.


The resentful sigh of the female ghost also followed.


"It's Ding Ri."

Now there are only him and Ding Ri left in the player, since it is impossible for the ghost to make footsteps when walking, then it must be Ding Ri.

Bai Ye got up and left the hiding place, maintained a cautious posture, and slowly came to the door of the room to look outside.

On the Qingshiban streets, ghosts in twos and threes wandered around.

Not far from the street, Ding Rizheng gritted his teeth and ran as hard as he could. A female ghost in a red wedding dress followed him less than three meters behind him.

"His physical strength is exhausted. Without my help to divert the female ghost's attention, he will definitely die."

The current situation is different from when there are 4 or 3 players in the scene. With the female ghost absorbing 6 souls, her strength has greatly improved. With a strong teleportation ability, it is very difficult for players to complete an altar crack single-handedly. Difficult to do.

If the main task cannot be completed, even if the current hidden plot is cracked, the final result will be "game failure".

"It is necessary to cooperate with Ding Ri and help each other to get involved with the female ghost, so that it is possible to complete the task."

Therefore, Ding Ri cannot die now.

After figuring out the joints, Bai Ye switched to an active posture.

After the notification sound of ding, his body quickly solidified from the faded appearance, and a heat flow was generated in his body. When the heat flow flowed through the limbs and bones, his strength was fully activated.

With a whoosh, he flew out like an arrow from the string, and went straight between the female ghost and Ding Ri, as if he wanted to use his body to help Ding Ri block the female ghost's attack.

"It's White Night!"

Ding Ri almost cheered.

If Bai Ye came on stage stepping on a multicolored auspicious cloud at this time, then he would definitely be regarded by Ding Ri as an unrivaled hero in Ding Ri's mind!

Came to the rescue at the most critical moment again, Bai Ye is really my savior, but... why is he here?
"You have appeared!" Ding Ri shouted with joy.

"Hurry up and crack the altar. I can't stop her for long. The last altar is near the exit gate of the outer ring of the tulou."

Bai Ye dodged the female ghost's scissors stab, and his spirit was hit, but he gave Ding Ri a word without turning his head.

"Oh... well."

Ding Ri's spirit was shaken, like a straggler who had found the coach, he nodded in response.

After saying that you have to be careful, he turned his head and ran away quickly...

The female ghost Xiu Niang was a little hesitant at the beginning, and there were two living people in front of her at the same time, which made it difficult for her dead brain to choose.

But when one of the survivors left, it was tantamount to passively helping her make a choice.

Ha ha ha ha--

She let out a sinister and hollow laugh, raised a corner of her beaded hijab, showing a cruel and ferocious expression, raised her long and sharp scissors high, and fell towards Bai Ye who was opposite.

Bai Ye dodged the knife, stepped back a distance, waited for the female ghost to attack again, and threw another 'recognition' shot at the embroiderer.

Although the identification was successful again, the observed results were exactly the same as last time.

"Still unable to discover her weakness, what exactly is this weakness?"

Just like the previous 'Mutant Heir', if Bai Ye hadn't discovered its weakness, it would have been impossible to pass the level by killing it.

If you can also grasp Xiu Niang's weakness now, then this game may be able to win in another way.

The embroiderer stabbed empty with one knife, and raised the scissors to stab again.

But at this moment, the female ghost's body suddenly lit up with a blue light, and at the same time she let out a prolonged scream.

Then, the female ghost suddenly seemed to be disturbed and pulled by some force, her whole body began to fade, and was pulled into a flat shape, like smoke being sucked by a range hood, pulled to the side by an invisible suction force A small door to a room.

"How is this going?!"

Bai Ye was very surprised, and quickly turned his head to look over, and found that Xiu Niang had completely changed her appearance and was standing in front of Shui Sheng's house.

Her long black hair was tied into a long braid at the back of her head, and the red wedding dress on her body disappeared, turning into a rustic blue floral cloth dress, with Baina cloth shoes on her feet, dressed like a real village girl .

Judging from the appearance, Xiu Niang is only sixteen or seventeen years old, with delicate features and fair skin. The neat bangs on her head add at least two points to her appearance.

"It turns out that the presence of the person involved is required to trigger the subsequent plot."

"This should be what she looked like before she was killed."


Tuk Tuk Tuk…

Xiu Niang reached out and knocked on the wooden door - just now Bai Ye broke through the door, but now the door has closed automatically at some point.

After a while, I heard Shui Sheng's voice coming from behind the small door.

"Who's outside?"

"Brother Shuisheng, it's me, Xiu Niang, woo woo...you must help me... woo woo..."

At this time, Xiu Niang was wiping her eyes with a handkerchief, standing in front of Shuisheng's house, crying until she was in tears.

The door made a creaking sound, and was immediately opened by Shuisheng from the inside.

"Sister, what's wrong with you? Did someone bully you?"

Seeing Xiu Niang's appearance, the slender Shui Sheng quickly reached out and lightly pressed Xiu Niang's shoulder, greeting with concern, with distressed and anxious expressions on his expression.

"Master Chen from Chenjiabao came to propose marriage and forced me to marry his son. My mother refused, and was severely injured by Master Chen's slaves. Come to marry me in two days... Huh... I don't know what to do? Brother Shuisheng, you must help me..."


(End of this chapter)

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