darkest personality

Chapter 199 199. Norman Murkoff

Chapter 199 199. Norman Murkoff

It turned out that this ventilation duct just led to another room. Bai Ye calculated from the crawling distance and direction that this room should be next to the room just now.

"Is this arrangement convenient for players to escape from above when they are under siege?"

However, judging from the current situation, the gray smoky figure didn't seem to have any hostility towards Bai Ye. If there was hostility, he would not escape death even if he hid in the ventilation duct.

"At that time, the monster changed two faces, and it felt a bit like two people were controlling a body at the same time."

Bai Ye recalled the scene when he confirmed his eyes with the gray smoke monster just now.

"One face was ferocious and fierce to me, but the other face was gentle and friendly to me. They didn't attack me immediately. Could it be that the two faces couldn't agree on their opinions?"

There is a certain possibility of this guess, so just because the monster let me go, I can't be sure that it is harmless to me.

"It's better to avoid encountering it as much as possible."

Knowing that the DV camera can see invisible monsters at night, Bai Ye finally has some investigative means, and he is no longer blind when he can't see anything.

He searched the new room and successfully found a spare battery.

Then he came to the door, gently opened the door with a gap, held up the DV player to take a picture of the outside, and after finding that everything was safe, he went out of the room and continued to the next room.


——You have obtained [Character Biography: Norman Mukhoff]

A blue folder was found in this room. After flipping through it casually, Bai Ye opened the task interface to check the specific content.

Among the collected content, the first thing I saw was a yellowed black and white old photo.

The photo shows a bearded man wearing a black gentleman's hat, with dark eyes, a hooked nose, and a stern and sinister expression on his face.

"This is the face of the bald man who appeared on the gray smoke figure?!"

Although he wore a top hat and grew a beard, his eyes, nose, and subtle expressions on his face were very similar to the previous bald man.

Bai Ye continued to look down, and there was a lot of information in the blue folder. After entering the task interface, the content was several pages long.

"Norman Mukoff, born in the early 19th century? The founder of Mukoff Company!"

After simplifying the content, Bai Ye summed up some main content points.

This biography was obviously written by the insiders of the Murkoff company. The whole article is full of praise for how great Norman Mukoff's life is and how it has benefited mankind. At the end, he did not forget to shout "Mukoff is supreme ' slogan.

"The content says that the predecessor of the Mukoff Company was the Secret Order of Dagon in Innsmouth Town? It used to be a local organization in the nature of a religious group... No wonder it is so good at brainwashing."

Bai Ye also happened to know the name Dagon. It was the name of the father god of the giant deep diver who fought against the ghoul king in Burton.

The Secret Order of Dagon is obviously a religious group that believes in the father god Dagon, and this also makes the current scene more relevant to the plot line of the explorer.

"Norman Mukoff was also one of the initiators of the awakening plan, but the plan failed in the end? It didn't specify the reason for the failure."

"The time span of the plan is so long?"

Judging from the black technologies such as 'virtual reality' and 'biochemical transformation' displayed by Murkoff, the era in which the current scene is located should be similar to the reality of 2065, which is far from the time Norman Murkoff lived. The early 19th century has a time span of nearly 200 years.

"What kind of existence do they want to awaken?"

Bai Ye remembered the content of the first information collected before - when my lord wakes up from the deep sea, the world!Will be reborn under the leadership of Mukov!
"Does the 'my lord' here represent some kind of legendary god?"

In the world of this game, everything is possible. Unlike the real world, gods only exist in human imagination.

Judging from the many violations of humanity by the Mukov Company, the god they worship is probably not a good bird. If these people are really allowed to summon it, it may bring disaster to the world.

"The strange thing is...the biography does not record the time of Norman Mukoff's death."

As a character 200 years ago, according to the laws of nature, Norman Mukoff should be dead by now, even his bones are rotten.

However, his face was clearly highlighted on the gray smoky figure just now. What does this mean?
"Is the Murkoff company creating a new figure of the founder? In memory of this great pioneer?"

"Or is Norman Murkoff actually not dead at all? He preserved his life under the action of some mysterious force and turned into the image of the gray smoky figure?"

Both guesses sound ridiculous, but considering that this is the game world, it cannot be judged by common sense. No matter how outrageous the situation appears in the game, Bai Ye will not be particularly surprised.

For a while, he felt his thoughts were mixed, and he thought of a lot of things by analogy, but due to the lack of clues, he still couldn't get an accurate answer from them.

"Since the bald man's face represents Norman Murkoff, who does the young and handsome face represent? What is the relationship between the two?"

It's a pity that there is no name other than Norman Mukoff in the biography, and there is no clue in the content.

"Let's find some more documents and files, maybe there will be records related to another face."


After leaving this room, Bai Ye walked forward for about ten meters and arrived at the entrance of the large laboratory.

After pushing the door and entering, he first used the DV player to observe the general situation in the laboratory.

An inverted trapezoidal experimental device is erected in the middle of the laboratory, occupying two-thirds of the entire laboratory space.

There are also two rows of spherical containers distributed under the inverted trapezoidal experimental device. Some of these containers are open and unused, and some are closed. The glass surface is covered with blood, and some of the surfaces have been damaged with large holes.

"This should be the body meter mentioned in the document, right?"

The spherical device in the previous single-room laboratory should be a shape meter simulator. With the help of the No. D73 stable fluid in the oil drum, this simulator allows the experimental subject to enter the virtual world created by Mukoff Company.

And the big guy in front of him should be the official version of the body instrument, the main device to complete the 'awakening plan'.

The elevator used as an escape exit is located directly opposite the body shape instrument. At this time, the scene is powered off, and the elevator is probably unusable, but Bai Ye still feels the need to go and check it first.

On the other side of the large laboratory, there is a glass door that can be passed by a single person with a unique yellow indicator light flashing. According to Bai Ye's memory of the scene map, that door is the entrance to the other half of the area.


(End of this chapter)

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