darkest personality

Chapter 217. 217. Garrison Corps

Chapter 217. 217. Garrison Corps
After killing the giant, the man landed on the roof of a house on the right with the help of the swing of the hook.

Standing on the roof, he turned his head and shouted at Bai Ye and the others: "What are you doing standing there in a daze, keep going, don't stop."

After a reminder, the man retracted the hook lock, then stepped on the ridge of the roof and ran a few steps in one direction before jumping out from the roof.

In the air, he manipulated the two jetting devices at his waist, and launched a hook-and-lock fixer towards a tall building in the distance. A large amount of white gas is ejected from the mouth-shaped orifice with a 'chi'.

The special rope on the hook lock holder was pulled and retracted suddenly, and the man took advantage of this force to leap towards the target building. This unique way of moving is similar to Spiderman's high-altitude gymnastics.

Bai Ye saw all of this, and immediately understood the principle and ingenuity of this unique device.

"The shortest giants are all more than 3 meters tall, with an average height of about 10 meters. The weak point is only a small area of ​​the back of the neck. If humans don't have a way to quickly move to a high place, there is no threat to the giants at all."

After wearing this set of devices that can launch the hook lock holder, human beings can break through the height limit, reach the giant's weak point, and deal a fatal blow to the giant.

In addition, this set of devices is very flexible and can assist human beings on the road without being affected by complex terrain. Moreover, it is faster than horses of this era when advancing at full speed.

Its only drawback is that there must be tall buildings in the surrounding environment to fix the shackle, so it is not suitable for use in open terrain.

"If I can get the kind of device used by the soldiers of the Garrison Corps, then I can kill those giants without revealing my personality."

"This person should be the special fighter that the human camp uses to deal with giants in this scene, right?"

Bai Ye's eyes flickered, thinking that among the many side quests he had received, there was a special side quest called [Traitor]. The requirement of this quest was to let the player kill a soldier of the 'garrison regiment'.

He couldn't figure out why the system released such an alternative and malicious side mission. Obviously, the player's identity in this scene was just an ordinary refugee, and he should have tried his best to escape with the help of the garrison regiment. Killing these human warriors, wouldn't it mean making enemies on both sides and making the game more difficult for yourself?
Moreover, this [Traitor] mission has no follow-up advanced missions, and it has nothing to do with other missions. It looks more like the one in the 'Soul Cage' mode..."Do you dare?" "Can you do it" achievement tasks.

However, the rewards for this task are quite considerable. After completion, you will be rewarded with 10 points and 800 reward points, and there is also a "Favourability of Aldia camp - 3000" with the word 'or'.

"Faction favorability -3000?"

"The word 'or' means that doing this task may reduce the favorability, or it may not decrease?"

Bai Ye frowned slightly, thought for a while, and initially had some thoughts in his mind.

There are no buildings in the small square, and the view is wide. In the distance, several wandering giants have begun to move towards this side.

Time is tight and no delays are allowed.

Bai Ye greeted the Lost Cube, and the two of them led two survivors through the small square and continued to drive along the main road towards the Wall of Maria.



Just as the giants were rushing through the gap in the huge wall, across the Hikensha area, and marching towards the Wall of Maria.

On the outside of the city wall in Hickenshire, two men with brown hoods stood in a hidden corner of the wall.

Among them, the taller but thin man said to the companion in front of him: "My task has been completed, and the next Wall of Maria is up to you." As he spoke, he reached out and patted Companion's broad shoulders, "With your strength, you should be able to do this easily, but please be careful not to reveal your identity when crossing the Hikensha area, otherwise you may face the attacks of those giants and garrison soldiers." Double whammy."

"Tch~ Even if I let them join forces, they won't be my opponent."

The burly Reiner Brown folded his hands on his chest, and the square face under the hood was full of disdain.

"Don't be careless, this operation is very important." His companion emphasized again in a serious tone.


Reiner Brown replied in a deep voice, with a more serious tone.

After the two separated, Leiner managed to pass through the gap below the city wall and entered the already devastated Hickensia area.

As the giants wandering in the wild kept pouring into the wall, giants of various heights and shapes could be seen everywhere in the Hickenshaw area, some of which could be half as tall as the buildings, while others only had their heads exposed from the buildings.

"I hope those garrison troops can support me until my arrival. I am looking forward to seeing the desperate expressions on their faces."

Leiner lowered his hood a little, and started walking towards the Wall of Mary alone along the straight road in front of him.


After more than half an hour of trekking, during which time they took a long detour to avoid the giant, when Bai Ye and Lost Cube brought two survivors to an area that looked like a market, the road ahead Finally, I can see the outline of the towering Wall of Mary.

But unfortunately, they were also blocked by a 15-meter-high giant and a strange-looking giant lying on the ground.

"You take the two of them to find a place to hide first, and I will go over and lure these two giants away." Bai Ye instructed the Lost Cube: "Take the survivors and run to the Wall of Maria if you have the opportunity."

The younger sister nodded, her expression hesitated for a moment, as if she was not worried about Bai Ye's safety.

"Go straight, I'll be fine."

After all, he didn't wait for the Lost Cube to respond. After switching to an active posture, he took the initiative to rush up to the 15-meter giant not far ahead.

If it weren't for the constraints of the main quest, and worried that Lost Cube would be eaten by wandering giants if he acted alone, Bai Ye would have left her long ago to complete the dozens of side quests alone.

Just because he brought three burdens and witnesses with him, when he encountered giants along the way, he had to go around with all his hands and feet, otherwise the number of giants who died in his hands would never be less than ten figures .

At this time, they were very close to the Wall of Maria, and from time to time they could see some garrison soldiers bravely sniping and killing giants around them. The safety factor here was much higher than that of the previous section. Ye was finally able to leave the Lost Cube temporarily, and had a chance to flex his muscles.

"It's best to pull one of them away first, otherwise it will be more difficult if you are besieged by two giants."

Bai Ye crossed a small street, and he could already see the thick feet of the 15-meter giant and the black body hair on the feet.

The 15-meter-level giant is moving firmly towards the Wall of Maria, with its head turning left and right, as if looking for prey.

Suddenly, the giant's head froze, and on the old man's face, the sight from the slightly squinted eyes was firmly locked on the front direction.

Two soldiers of the garrison regiment sensed the giant's threat to the Wall of Maria, and rushed towards this side from two different directions, trying to intercept and kill the giant together.

They jumped from the roof, fired the hook-lock fixer towards the tall buildings in the distance, and then relied on the gas jets on their backs to repeat this set of actions one after another, pushing their bodies forward in the air, and constantly shortening the distance between them and the 15-meter giant .

The giant's sight has been fixed on the soldier of the garrison regiment at the front. Seeing this, the other soldier of the regiment hurriedly flew out horizontally in a tacit understanding, and made a big circle outward, preparing to take advantage of the giant's attention to be attracted by his teammates. Swing behind the giant to deliver the coup de grace.

However, they couldn't see the surroundings clearly, and they didn't notice the strange giant less than 10 meters tall that was dormant not far away.

When the soldiers of the Corps who were the main attackers approached the 15-meter giant from the flanks, the strange giant suddenly jumped out of the building like a frog in a rice field staring at a flying mosquito. He opened his mouth wide, and bit off half of the opponent's body in one bite amidst the extremely horrified expression frozen on the soldier's face.

Blood, mutilated limbs and organs fell from the sky with a splash, and landed not far from where Bai Ye was hiding. Half of the soldiers of the Corps turned towards Bai Ye, looking cruel and terrifying.

The other soldier in charge of covering the corps suddenly saw his companion die suddenly, and was so frightened that he lost his fighting spirit. He even made a serious mistake when changing the fixed position of the hook lock next time. Roll up and go far away.

The 15-meter giant turned around slowly, his old face was facing the prey on the ground, and greed was shining in his eyes.

The Corps soldiers on the ground struggled desperately, but because of the severe injuries he suffered when he fell from mid-air, he couldn't move at all now.

Looking at the giant's hands stretched out towards him, the young warrior let out a heart-piercing howl of horror.


(End of this chapter)

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