darkest personality

Chapter 315 315. Electric Assist

Chapter 315 315. Electric Assist
Pushing open the door of the control room, the corridor outside has been plunged into darkness filled with green gas.

The tumbling dark green gas rushed towards Bai Ye like a crazy monster, and some miserable howls could be heard from the gas from time to time.

Bai Ye heard his panting becoming rapid and heavy. The exhaled carbon dioxide was discharged from the helmet through the vent hole of the gas mask, and then the poisonous gas from the outside poured into the helmet through the filter system of the mask.

He walked forward in the direction he came from, and after only a few steps, Bai Ye found that his foot had kicked a piece of soft flesh.

You don't need to look down to know that this should be an experimental subject who was downed by poisonous gas.

"Will this guy die or go into a coma like a normal experimental subject after suffering from the poisonous gas?"

He is now very sure that the identity card on the laboratory elevator must be obtained from Manela. Even if it is not directly obtained from Manela, he will need to obtain some clues from him indirectly.

Therefore, it is inevitable to face Manera in the end. Instead of saying that Bai Ye is looking for an escape route, it is better to say that he is actively looking for Manera to fight.

Holding on to the wall of the corridor, Bai Ye walked forward for about ten meters, and Bai Ye mentally calculated that he had reached the entrance door of the living area.

But the door of the room has disappeared. Strictly speaking, the door is now open.

The green poisonous gas in the living area is sparser than that in the corridor, but this poisonous gas seems to be quite poisonous, even in the relatively sparse living area, on the ground, on the stairs, outside the room door... those experimental subjects lay down together.

"Even if Gruskin was not killed by Manera, he would have been suffocated to death by such an area of ​​poisonous gas."

Although he felt that Gluskin was already in danger, he still had a lot of respect for this NPC Bai Ye who dared to sacrifice himself.

As he thought about it, he had already reached the center of the living area.

In front of him less than five meters away, a black figure suddenly stood up from the thick poisonous gas.

"The chef of a restaurant is always unreliable, ahem...at such a critical moment...ahem...you still have to rely on me to shake things up!"

A familiar voice came from the black figure.

The voice sounded like Manela that Bai Ye was looking for.

But looking through the hazy poisonous gas, the black figure appeared unusually tall, unlike Manela's wretched and thin figure because of his hunchback and hunchback.

Immediately afterwards, two green flames ignited at the head of the tall figure, like a lonely will-o'-the-wisp floating in a wilderness cemetery.

"The sub-personality completely occupies the subject?"

Bai Ye knew that the sub-personality of 'Chef' Manella was a demon-like monster. It is estimated that under the attack of poisonous gas, his original 'Chef' personality retracted into the spiritual world because he couldn't bear it, and his empty body was destroyed. This sub-personality takes over.

In addition, Bai Ye noticed that Manera in the sub-personality form was coughing non-stop. Obviously, even if he switched to the sub-personality state, he would not feel comfortable with these poisonous gases.

"Let me manage this place a long time ago, how can a mouse be rampant until now?"

Manera continued to read in a low voice, and his tone sounded full of complaints.

"Are you trying to escape from my cage?"

"The ID card to open the elevator is on your body, right?" Bai Ye said to Manela through the megaphone inside the mask.

"The outside world has been completely destroyed. This is the ideal place for you to live. Why go outside? Isn't it good to stay here?"

Manera started to walk towards Bai Ye. After the poisonous gas was discharged to a certain amount in the living area, the gas nozzles hidden in a certain angle of the ceiling stopped spraying.

After all, the concentration of the poisonous gas here was a bit low, which prevented the mighty Manera from being knocked to the ground like other experimental subjects.

Bai Ye thought that this fierce battle would be unavoidable, and then raised the computer on his wrist, ready to activate the 'electric power boost' effect on the protective clothing.


Manella walked up to Bai Ye from the thick poisonous gas. His body was already covered with thick black hair, and his overall image looked like a terrifying upright monster with sharp nails growing on his five fingers and a white spot at the corner of his mouth. The fangs loomed.

The poisonous gas in the air not only has the effect of inducing a coma, but is also corrosive. Manela's chest and cheeks have already been partially corroded by the poisonous gas.

"What if I don't leave for you?"

Manela rushed forward with some staggering steps, and opened his five fingers with sharp nails towards Bai Ye, as if he wanted to sever Bai Ye's throat with his claws.

On this side, Bai Ye had expected a battle and had been preparing for a long time. Now, he clicked the 'electric power assist' on the computer on his wrist to turn it on.

Accompanied by the sound of 'chi' exhaust, he felt that the protective clothing on his body suddenly vibrated violently.

Immediately afterwards, a surge of current flowed out of a square box on his back and passed into the protective plate armor fixed on his hands and feet. Suddenly, Bai Ye felt that his gestures changed. It's a lot lighter.

The effect of the electric power assist was immediate. Bai Ye, who had difficulty moving because of the bulky protective clothing, now felt that he could stand on the track and run a [-]-meter sprint.

But at the same time, there was a vibrating reminder from the computer on his wrist, and a mechanical voice warned him from inside his mask: the battery power is too low!The electric assist effect is coming to an end!
Bai Ye glanced down at the computer on his wrist, and noticed that the remaining power in the battery grid icon was dropping at a rapid speed.

"Estimated to last less than half a minute!"

Obviously, this protective suit cannot provide long-lasting combat. He can only hope that this electric booster effect will allow him to defeat his opponent in a very short time.

After seeing a few electric arcs suddenly appearing on Bai Ye's body, Manela seemed to be a little apprehensive and stopped.

"What is this? This dress should be destroyed by me? Why can you activate it?"

He knew the outfit Bai Ye was wearing, and judging from his tone, he had tried to destroy the protective suit.

Bai Ye noticed that the computer on his wrist was vibrating again, and when he looked down, he found that a notification had popped up on it: Energy storage is complete!typeface.

"What is this for?"

Before he could study the specific meaning of this prompt, a huge force gathered on his fists along with the conduction current, and he felt that his fists had become two weapons about to launch at this moment. missiles.

No matter how much!

When the energy brought by the current gathered to the limit, Bai Ye swung his fists at the same time towards Manera standing directly in front of him.


(End of this chapter)

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