Chapter 155

"Look at the blood."

Ye Daxian let out a breath slowly, and began to look around at the shops.The materials for her talisman drawing and alchemy materials are running low, so now is the time to purchase them.After telling Hong Gu what she wanted, Hong Gu agreed to make purchases first, and then find a place to live.

Walking all the way, I saw a store with a wooden sign like a talisman hanging on the sign at the entrance of the store. The name of the store is Ruyitang.Ye Daxian glanced slightly, saw that there seemed to be quite a lot of people inside, and walked in.

As soon as he entered the door, a man dressed as a servant immediately ran over courteously: "Miss, young master, what do you need?"

Ye Daxian nodded slightly and said: "Is there a better talisman pen?" Since she is rich and powerful now, she decided to change to a better talisman pen, so that the chance of successful talisman drawing will be higher.

As soon as the boy heard it, he knew it was a big business, and the price of this talisman was not low. "Miss, please wait a moment." After the boy finished speaking, he quickly ran to the back. After a while, a middle-aged man came over behind the boy.

"Miss, do you want a talisman?"

Ye Daxian nodded and said, "Well, as long as it's good, show it to me."

When the middle-aged man heard this, he immediately said: "Miss, please go to the second floor." After speaking, he led the way and led Ye Daxian and others to the second floor.

Ye Daxian held Wang Chuan's hand, looked back at Hong Gu, and was relieved to see Hong Gu following up without saying a word.He went up the stairs and chatted with the middle-aged man without saying a word.Only then did Ye Daxian know that this middle-aged man was the shopkeeper of the Ruyi Hall, and his surname was Wen.

"Miss Ye, wait a moment, I'll go get the talisman pen and show it to Miss."

"Okay, Shopkeeper Wen."

After about a while, shopkeeper Wen came slowly, followed by three women.Each woman holds a tray in her hand.There is a brocade box on each tray, presumably the talisman pen is in the brocade box.

"Miss Ye, please take a look." Shopkeeper Wen opened the three brocade boxes one by one, and the three women all took a step forward so that Daxian Ye could take a good look.

Before Ye Daxian could speak, Hong Gu cast a glance and said, "It's too bad, let's go, there's nothing good here."

Ye Daxian looked embarrassed, and apologized to Shopkeeper Wen in embarrassment.Shopkeeper Wen waved his hands repeatedly and said, "This senior must be a knowledgeable person. These three are already the best products. If you don't like it, there is another treasure in our store. Senior, do you want to take a look?"

Hong Gu walked back to her seat and finished.Shopkeeper Wen immediately cupped his hands and saluted, then trotted away and disappeared again.Ye Daxian suddenly felt that it was good to have an evil spirit by his side, and his status had improved significantly.One senior at a time, the speed is much faster.At that time, let Honggu go out once in a while, maybe the price can be lowered.

After a while, the figure of the shopkeeper appeared, holding a brocade box in his hand.Ye Daxian opened it without opening it, and handed it over. "Miss Ye is a knowledgeable person, so I won't introduce much, just take a look."

After Ye Daxian took a look, he handed it to Honggu.Hong Gu cast a glance at Ye Daxian and said via voice transmission: "So-so."

Ye Daxian was determined, since Chuanyin said so, it is probably not bad. "I came from my family, and the original one was broken, so I just bought this one, and I was spared a punishment when I went back." Ye Daxian stuck out his tongue and said embarrassedly, she has a lot, if a Sanxian has top-quality spirit stones, isn't it It is equivalent to a living target of human flesh.If you move out of a mysterious family, you can save a lot of trouble.

The shopkeeper Wen believed it very much because he met Honggu. "Miss Ye, this talisman pen has 80 middle-grade spirit stones."

Ye Daxian's heart skipped a beat, thanks to sweeping up a lot of top-quality spirit stones, otherwise she would vomit blood if she bought a talisman pen that was convenient.

"Okay, shopkeeper, I still need to write talisman paper, cinnabar."

Shopkeeper Wen nodded again and again: "I'll order someone to prepare it right now. I wonder how much Ms. Ye wants?"

"One hundred thousand talisman papers, cinnabar, you can figure it out."

"Okay." Shopkeeper Wen summoned someone to give instructions, and then sat and chatted with Ye Daxian.

"Shopkeeper Wen, I want that talisman pen, who asked you to sell it to someone else!" A domineering female voice sounded, and Shopkeeper Wen shook his hand holding the teacup, which slid down and shattered with a bang.

(End of this chapter)

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