Chapter 186

Ye Daxian and the others simply didn't move any more, sticking to the mine veins and digging for immortal jade non-stop.I didn't think of going outside again, after all, I have already found a lot of materials and elixir.Moreover, the three of them have not been attacked once so far, which made Ye Daxian doubt the authenticity of Xu Ying's words.

March time flies by.

As long as they were not in the top ten, all of them were sent out by the Immortal Palace, and even the tokens they carried with them were turned into powder when they were sent out.The people who were sent out immediately understood what happened when they saw the waiting crowd.Some people stamped their heads in annoyance, they were teleported out even though they were only one step away from the elixir, and lost a good chance.Others shouted that they were lucky, none of the spirit beasts were easy to mess with, if they hadn't been teleported, they might have been teleported with missing arms and broken legs, and great sorrow and great joy intertwined for a while.

After these people sighed, they couldn't help but look around. After looking carefully, they were surprised to find that except for the ten people who stayed inside, the number of other people was about half.Everyone's face turned pale immediately, and they were also secretly glad.They didn't talk much to each other, they just walked towards their own clan or sect's team.There was silence all the way.And the team these people were in also looked at the people around them vigilantly, and even more carefully escorted the people who were sent out of the Immortal Palace to move forward at a faster pace.

The rest of the people were a little vacillating, not knowing whether they should follow the team that had already left, or wait, maybe their own team was among the top ten.After thinking for a long time, he gritted his teeth and simply waited in place.It's just that the atmosphere in the remaining team has changed slightly.Even more faintly opened the distance, on the one hand paying attention to the front, on the other hand looking aside vigilantly.

When the others were teleported away, the tokens hanging on the waists of the remaining ten people in Asgard also responded at the same time.Therefore, in the eyes of Ye Daxian who was looking at the fairy jade vein with longing, ten people were teleported to a large hall one after another.

A sense of dizziness hit, and after Ye Daxian stood still a little, he quickly stood aside.Shen Mei and Dabao woke up almost at the same time, and stood beside Ye Daxian instantly.Ye Daxian squinted his eyes, but unexpectedly saw many acquaintances.Murong Bo, his shy younger sister, and Fang Bing'er, and Fang Qing'er who they planned to get rid of were also sent over, but his face turned pale.

On the other side are Ran Li, who had some festivals in Beimo, and Le Wuyou, who is considered a friend.It's just that he was in the form of a beast at the time, but now he is in the form of a human. Ye Daxian guessed that Le Wuyou would not recognize him.But the smile on that face was clearly aimed at himself.The last person, when Ye Daxian saw her again, he still felt as if he had passed away.

Ye Chun'er!
Both of them are from Dashu Village, and they entered Qingzhu Pavilion at the same time.During the first experience, the two became enemies.Later, the masters of the two were enemies again.There are many frictions that have occurred, and there are many kinds of frictions. Anyway, both sides regard each other as enemies, and they will never stop.

Ye Daxian, Shenmei Dabao and the three gathered together, while Ran Lile Wuyou separated and stood on both sides.Murong Bo and Morong Ruo took a step back to distance himself from the crowd.What surprised Ye Daxian was that Fang Bing'er and Fang Qing'er actually stood together, which vaguely meant an alliance.

What Ye Daxian guessed was not wrong, Fang Binger and Murong Bo had already talked about it, but Murong Ruo suddenly broke out and broke the oath.Fang Bing'er and Fang Qing'er shot.The moves were fierce, and Fang Qing'er's eyes widened at the exposed breath, unable to hide her surprise.Murong Bo was worried about Murong Ruo, so he also followed Murong Ruo to deal with the second daughter.The two women looked at each other, temporarily put aside their old hatred, and joined forces to fight against foreign enemies.It is also fortunate that the second female is alert, otherwise it is estimated that she would not have survived.

Ye Chun'er stood quietly on the spot, looking coldly at the crowd who opened the distance.Just for a moment, he suddenly became smiling again, and smiled at Ran Li who was not far away: "Brother Ran Li, long time no see."

Ran Li sneered and said, "Chun'er is really lucky. Not only is she alive, her cultivation has also increased a lot."

Ye Chun'er covered her mouth and smiled lightly, then turned her head to look at Ye Daxian and said, "Daxian, it seems like we haven't seen each other for a long time?"

Ye Daxian pursed his lips and remained silent, his eyes calm.

Seeing Ye Daxian ignoring her, Ye Chun'er was not annoyed, she just looked at Ye Daxian with a sudden laugh and said, "Ye Daxian, your identity seems to be blocked, these people from other continents probably don't know your identity Bar."

Before Ye Daxian could speak, he stared at Ye Chun'er with heavy eyebrows and said unceremoniously: "If it wasn't for this place, I really didn't realize that you are a cultivator of immortals. You look vulgar, like the girls in restaurants in the mortal world .”

As soon as Shen Mei's words fell, the other people in the hall looked at Ye Chun'er carefully, and found that it was really as Shen Mei said.Because Ye Chun'er always paid attention to her image, her attire was too dignified, which was indeed a bit vulgar.

"Hehe, so what." Ye Chun'er sneered, "At least I'm a human being, not like the person next to you, oh, I can't talk about humans. The Suzaku next to you is a divine beast."

As soon as the words of the divine beast came out, everyone in the hall was full of excitement in every aspect, as if they didn't believe it, but they couldn't stop looking at Ye Daxian.Le Wuyou frowned secretly, and gave Ye Chun'er a cold look.Dabao raised his eyebrows and immediately protected Ye Daxian behind him.Under Ye Chun'er's mocking eyes, the complexions of the remaining people slowly settled down.Looking at Ye Daxian's gaze was full of certainty.

Divine beast, that is a divine beast.If you can fight for yourself, it will definitely be the same big help.If you can't take it back for your own use, then the inner alchemy of the beast will definitely make you a higher level.One step closer to the road to immortality.There are only a few people who can ascend to immortality in this lower realm, not because of their aptitude, but because this way of fortune is so mysterious, most people can only cultivate to the late stage of transforming gods, waiting for the opportunity silently, and then slowly exhausting their lifespan Drive the crane west.

So it is conceivable that the appearance of a divine beast at this time will mean something to those who are silently waiting to die.

Dabao and Shen Mei stood in front of him immediately, Ye Daxian felt a little sore.I have come here through time travel, and I have no regrets in this foreign world to have friends who can make friends with my life.

"I'm a little weird, don't you guys have eyes? I'm a real person standing here, and because of that lunatic's one-sided words, I became a beast?" Ye Daxian mocked.

As soon as Ye Daxian said this, the faces of the few people were a little embarrassed for a moment.The name of the beast is either heard or heard, at least it needs to be proved.It would be really embarrassing if there was a big oolong joke later on.

"Except for a few monsters that can know, humans generally can't detect it, but it's hard to tell if there is something to detect." Le Wuyou moved his lips slightly, and said directly through voice transmission.

Ye Daxian's complexion did not change, but he just passed the sound transmission to thank him.

(End of this chapter)

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