Chapter 188

Ye Daxian raised eyebrows without doubting him, bit his fingertips, and dripped a drop of blood on it.After a while, Ye Daxian felt a vague connection between himself and the cone-shaped container, and Ye Daxian could clearly feel the faint breath of life.

"Dabao, what's in it?" Shen Mei asked.




The first one was doubtful Ye Daxian, and the second one was surprise, eyebrows lowered.Ye Daxian was puzzled because she didn't know that when she was in a coma at the time, she didn't know that Dabao had avenged herself with the Skykiller.Shen Mei is very familiar with this sky-killing insect, this extremely powerful insect has saved their lives several times.

"Are you more than one?" Shen Mei asked.

"When I discovered it, there were nearly fifty eggs in total. Among them, 21 were necrotic. Of the remaining 29, I tried about ten times before one hatched. The other nine times all failed. It has also been destroyed. I have been trying to hatch the remaining [-] pieces, and these are the latest two hatched ones. The newly hatched ones have no offensive ability, but they have a rather special function. Sending messages."

"Send a letter?" Ye Daxian asked.

"If one of the parties is in danger, the Skyslaughter Worm will send out a signal similar to calling for help. Only the Skyslaughter Worm can feel it, regardless of the distance. The three of us have one person, and if something happens in the future, we can also know as soon as possible."

"Thank you."

Dabao waved his hands, as if he couldn't stand Ye Daxian's words.Then they gave each of Shen Mei and Ye Daxian a jade slip.On the jade slips are the methods of raising and driving the Heaven Killing Insect.After Dabao told the two to remember, he destroyed the jade slips.

After reading some of the information recorded in the jade slips, Ye Daxian couldn't help being dumbfounded.I also understand why Dabao has only hatched three so far, instead of hatching all of them.After all, this is a super combat power.If you can be ruthless enough not to hatch, there is only one reason.The price is too high.

The price mentioned here is not some evil cultivation method such as feeding with blood, but the food of the sky-killing insect.Skykiller is not picky about what to eat, elixirs, poisonous weeds and even good ingredients are fine.The only thing is that the elixir poisonous weed must be of a certain age, at least a thousand years old.And the material is in the column of geniuses and treasures.Even a lucky person like Dabao can find a lot of good things, but he can't withstand being devoured by Tianshou Chong.

Ye Daxian couldn't help thinking, whether Dabao's Skykiller is sucking ore at this moment, or eating cold marrow iron.As long as I think of it, I can't help shivering.

"It doesn't matter if you don't feed it normally, and the Skykiller will go to sleep. Give it something, and it will advance. Of course, the more good things, the better." At the end of speaking, Dabao also looked helpless.

"However, the power of this Skykiller should not be underestimated. It is more cost-effective to feed it." Shen Mei said, his brows and eyes were full of joy, and he probably made up his mind to take good care of it.

Ye Daxian also made up his mind to take good care of it, after all, there are many poisonous weeds in the small world.If the small world is gradually enriched, it will not be a problem to raise a Sky Slayer in the future.

Although a soundproof array was installed, it only blocked the sound.The actions of that scene were clearly displayed in front of everyone, including the actions of several people.Everyone also vaguely felt that they might be discussing something, and the thing handed over by the bald head must be of great value.But then it occurred to the three of them that they were so blatant, maybe they had some means of self-protection, or some other tricks.For a while, everyone put away some small thoughts.

(End of this chapter)

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