Chapter 194

Although Ye Chun'er refined the Soul Cultivation Banner, she always had a faint feeling in her heart that the old man didn't seem to be driven by herself at all.This Ye Lingtian's soul refining is made by himself, and he will never betray himself. Originally, he planned to let him devour the old man's soul refining for his own use, but he didn't expect that this game with Ye Daxian would completely defeat his plan. Messed up.

As soon as Ye Chun'er's time was delayed, Ye Daxian had already sent Ye Xiaohei back to the small world, and he swallowed the elixir again and again, the medicine's power slowly dissipated along the meridians, and the blood on his left arm had also slowly stopped.Looking up again, Ye Daxian's eyes were already full of coldness.A cluster of flames suddenly appeared in the palm, and at the same time as the flames appeared, Ye Daxian's heart trembled, and the dark fire finally appeared.Impossible for Ye Daxian to think too much, his hands suddenly burst into flames, turning into two fiery snakes, one left and one right, and went straight to the old man's soul body.

The old man was also not afraid, and the whisk in his hand extended again, and it turned into thousands of copies halfway, striking from different angles.Ye Daxian suffered a loss once, and knows the power of this whisk.Immediately, he propped up the fire wall with both hands, and placed himself behind the fire wall, so that the whisk couldn't get close.But the old man was not a vegetarian, since he couldn't attack the wall of fire, he looked for another way. The old man shook the whisk, and the whisk immediately divided into two groups, attacking from both sides, avoiding the wall of fire.The speed was much faster than the previous one, attacking from both sides almost in the blink of an eye.Ye Daxian withdrew the fire wall and covered himself with flames to resist the whisk.Fuchen missed a step, so he had to stop outside the flames.

Right now, there is a burning man standing upright, surrounded by swiftly moving feather whiskers, as long as Ye Daxian is exhausted and this layer of fire clothes disappears, the whisk will instantly smash Ye Daxian into a thousand wounds hole.Ye Daxian also knew this, so his face was very ugly.If he had known earlier, he shouldn't have pushed her too hard. Ye Chun'er's cultivation base was much higher than her own, and she was no match at all.

Right now, I can only do nothing, because if I enter the small world now, Ye Chun'er will definitely be suspicious.The immediate priority is to get rid of Ye Chun'er, otherwise, once his identity is exposed, he will be attacked by powerful people from all sides.But currently there is no way to do it.Ye Daxian frowned in thought, then raised his head.Suddenly, I found that there was one more person beside me.

"Aunt Hong?"

"Remove this layer of fire clothes."

Ye Daxian withdrew as he said, and the whisk came in an instant.Seeing no movement from Honggu, the Fuchen shrank back abruptly.The old man looked at Hong Gu with astonishment and a little fear.

Ye Daxian was a little stunned, the sudden appearance of Honggu, isn't that... Looking at Ye Chun'er in a blink of an eye, he found that although Ye Chun'er was a little surprised, it was only a little surprised.Yes, although meson spaces are rare, it is normal to have one or two.

"Honggu, why did you come out suddenly?"

"My catastrophe is coming, let's clean up these people first." After Hong Gu finished speaking, she immediately started.The old man's soul immediately wanted to escape, his face was full of horror.But as soon as he made a move, Hong Gu immediately caught up, and a sharp sword with a cold light pierced straight into the old man's chest.Under Ye Chun'er's disbelieving gaze, the old man gradually turned into a black mist and dissipated.

Ye Daxian was also dumbfounded, he would have just let Honggu come out.But Ye Daxian thought about it again, Honggu was going to leave after all, and they didn't have such a good relationship.At the moment when Ye Daxian was thinking, Honggu grabbed the cold sword, and within a few breaths, she came to Ye Chun'er, and also stabbed with the sword. Ye Chuner maintained a terrified and unbelievable expression on his face, and just fell down like this .

Seeing Ye Chun'er die, Ye Daxian didn't know how he felt.Only the sound of the wind was heard, and Hong Gu quickly flew away from this place carrying her.Only then did Ye Daxian remember what Honggu said when she came out: My calamity has come.

(End of this chapter)

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