Chapter 226

The bodhi fruit is the fruit that the bodhi tree bears only once in a hundred years. The bodhi tree is the sacred tree of the Buddhist sect. Naturally, this bodhi fruit is unique to the Buddhist sect.It's just that although the Bodhi fruit has a relatively high reputation, its actual effect is only to upgrade to one level.Therefore, bodhi fruit is generally given as a gift.

Ye Daxian's strength is low, and Senior Yao no longer needs the bodhi fruit, so he gave it to Ye Daxian.To help her advance to the first level, the chance of survival is also higher.

Ye Daxian had only read this bodhi fruit in the book, and saw that this was the gift from Senior Yao, so he hesitated for a moment before swallowing it for refining.After all, it was too weak to reach the late stage of Nascent Soul after refining Bingyan.It's just that he didn't know that he was favored by the senior of the Suzaku clan at the beginning, but he was benefited by himself, the younger generation.

Since the bodhi fruit is a thing of Buddhism, it has a peaceful atmosphere.So Ye Daxian swallowed the bodhi fruit very smoothly, almost the moment it entered his throat, it turned into pure power and poured into himself.It's just that as soon as the Bodhi fruit is entered, the relics in the sea of ​​consciousness flash with golden light.Ye Daxian was only stunned for a moment, and when he came back to his senses again, he had been promoted to the early stage of transformation.

"I don't know if it's so easy for human beings to advance." Ye Daxian muttered to himself. "It's still so easy because it's the body of a divine beast."

"There seem to be a lot of people ahead, do you want to stop?" Ye Xiaohei said via voice transmission.

Ye Daxian looked up, and saw that there were indeed many people ahead, but they didn't appear to be advancing, as if they were waiting for something. "We seem to have entered the ruins."

Ye Xiaohei glanced around and saw that many people were also paying attention to them, and they seemed to be more interested. The bird with the blood of Kunpeng carried a red bird on its back. This combination was quite novel.

"Go down." Ye Daxian jumped down, and Ye Xiaohei returned to his bird shape, standing on Ye Daxian's shoulder.

"Everyone here has the mark of Feng Huanshan." Ye Xiaohei said.

Ye Daxian touched the mark planted by Master Qingfeng on his forehead, and looked closely at many female cultivators, and found that most of them had a flame mark between their eyebrows. "Could it be popular?"

"Popular? What do you mean?"

"One thing is spread, and the spread is relatively strong." Ye Daxian said with a smile.

Ye Xiaohei flew over Ye Daxian's head and looked over, "It seems that there is a competition ahead."

"It's really as Hong Gu said." Ye Daxian walked forward quickly, since no one was interested in her identity as Suzaku, she could go in with confidence.

Daxia Ye guessed wrong on this point, not because he was not interested, but because he was quite interested.But if you do something around the ruins, I'm afraid the ruins will collapse, so the gains outweigh the losses.So everyone glanced at it secretly, and then gave up their plan to do it.It's just that if you go into the ruins and see Suzaku, you must catch it.

Ye Daxian traveled smoothly all the way, and soon came to the competition stage.As soon as he arrived, he saw a flash of inspiration, and the two people not far away were teleported into the competition stage.Seeing that both of them looked surprised and astonished, they understood that this competition was random.But according to what Hong Gu said, what if the chosen one happens to belong to one camp or a family?

There are a total of three large round tables in the competition table, all of which happen to be in the competition.The competition stage closest to Ye Daxian was almost coming to an end.The nun in the emerald green shirt was beaten back by a man in a blue robe.There were bloodstains all over his body, and it seemed that he couldn't last long.Just when the man thought he would win, the woman suddenly sacrificed a round bead magic weapon, and when the man relaxed his vigilance, it went straight through the man's head, leaving a hole.Even Nascent Soul didn't escape, and fell straight down.The woman stood up, walked to the man's side, and raised the knife in her hand... The blood immediately stained the altar red.

(End of this chapter)

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