Chapter 237

Ye Daxian felt a burst of darkness enveloping him, and he couldn't move his limbs.He opened his mouth and desperately called for help, but no sound came out.Suddenly, a brutal beast with its mouth wide open emerged from the darkness, with a bit of cold light emitting from its fangs.The brutal beast seemed to be looking for Ye Daxian, galloping all fours and roaring towards him.Tongling's big eyes were full of viciousness.

"Ah!" Ye Daxian felt that the stench was close at hand, so he could not let out a scream.

"Junior Sister, Junior Sister?"

"Second Senior Brother." Ye Daxian called softly.

"How do you feel?" Zhan Feng asked with concern as he lifted Ye Daxian up.

"Much better." Ye Daxian replied softly. "When did the second senior brother come?"

"You fell to the ground when I came." Zhan Feng said, "Why, are you so reluctant to see your second senior brother? What's your expression?"

"A female cultivator wanted to kill me just now. I have never seen that female cultivator before." Ye Daxian said.

Zhan Feng's expression turned cold and he said, "What weapon did you use?"

"It seems to have been avoiding the use of the iconic weapon, but later used a white gauze. And the cultivation level is much higher than mine, it is completely suppressed."

"There are many female cultivators who make Baisha, and they are also very common weapons. It seems that this girl came prepared." Zhan Feng said again: "Have you come to the upper world to meet your enemies?"

"I have only been in the Upper Realm for a year, and I have been in Luoshui Town. There is no way I will have enemies. But the female cultivator's target is obviously me." Recalling the scene at that time again, Ye Daxian seemed to feel the huge pressure again. force.If it wasn't for the relics in the sea of ​​consciousness to spontaneously activate and protect her life, the Suzaku clan might really be wiped out.

"Maybe he covets Suzaku's inner alchemy," Zhan Feng concluded after thinking for a while.

Ye Daxian nodded, "Perhaps so." But with those eyes, Ye Daxian clearly remembered that she wanted to kill herself and had nothing to do with the Suzaku inner alchemy. "Second senior brother, do you recognize this breath?" Ye Daxian patted the storage bag, and a light blue flame appeared in his hand.As soon as the flames came out, the temperature in the hall suddenly dropped.Ye Daxian scattered the ice flames, and a strong breath spread out. "This is the breath released by the woman when she attacked me with the white gauze."

Zhan Feng's expression froze, and he waved his hand to disperse the breath in Ye Daxian's palm. "You can't judge it based on the breath. Don't do this useless work. Next time you meet, you should be able to recognize it."

Bing Yan disappeared from his palm, and Ye Daxian nodded in agreement with Zhan Feng's words.

"Sit down and rest for a while."

Ye Daxian sat up cross-legged as he said.

Zhan Feng looked at Ye Daxian for a long while, his expression kept changing, and finally he let out a faint sigh.

The time for a stick of incense has passed.

Ye Daxian opened his eyes leisurely, the wounds in his body had already healed.I have to say that the elixir given by the second senior brother is extremely effective.The rest can be nourished by Buddha Lotus a little bit.

"All right?"

"Well, why did Second Senior Brother come into the ruins?"

Ye Daxian was a little curious. According to common sense, it is common for the senior and second senior brothers not to come.

"Look for something." Zhan Feng said, and took out the gossip plate. "This gossip straight guides the direction, but I can't find anything."

"When I first came in, I met..." Ye Daxian recounted what he had seen, and also expressed his conjecture by the way.

"I also think there must be other entrances. It is impossible for a sect in ancient times to have such a size. And it is so dilapidated that it is unsightly." Zhan Feng said.

Ye Daxian was amused, and said, "Give me the gossip plate."

(End of this chapter)

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